Remove force personal loot in guild raids

No it just shows your admitting that you’re wrong and have to resort to personal attacks and trolling because logic is too complicated for you. Which is funny that you aren’t willing to give out names because you think you’ll be banned but then run around claiming that people have brain damage.

Great logic…


I’m literally embarrassed for my species right now.


Actually I haven’t advocated for that. I have asked for valid reasons for why heroic lockout shouldn’t be used and why mythic lockout is the way it is, but thus far nobody has provided any. However, I’m trying to keep an open mind since it may just be that anyone who actually understands progression raiding has long since gotten their 9/9M and left the forums until the next raid comes out.

Then there are threads like this, where half the people on both sides of the question have no current mythic kills visible at all.

Well for one it makes you put in effort to find a raiding guild which obviously most of you have an issue with but that’s fine if it’s another gate you refuse to open then better for those that do put in the time/effort to learn their class/mechanics and find a guild.
As far as the lockout being the way it is even if it was on the heroic lockout I don’t see it being an issue because you can still only receive loot once a week anyway with the exception of coins, that’d be the only thing I’d think would be extorted from the system the way it is.
Like uunat, people kill uunat over and over for the trinkets and what ever else is available on them that’s good, for plate wearers the pants are bis. Although you lack the ability of receiving loot after the first kill you can still rekill it and coin it every time at another chance at loot, that would be the only reason I could see mythic being on the same lockouts as the rest being an issue.
Not so much in bod but in previous raids you could teleport to the boss you wished to skip to and start mid raid or even further, so if you could skip to mythic mekka in m bod and down it 5x or what ever and get the trinket I would see that as being an issue.

The people I addressed as brain damaged are the ML people who have disgusting twisted logic to attempt to excuse their petty greed. They are in this thread discussing things. They are displaying their thought processes for scrutiny here.

You, however, ask for names of people who did not post in this thread.

I will not speak for others who have not shown to be a part of the conversation. I can speak for my experiences.

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So you’re saying you have no proof/logic/common sense great thanks for informing us.

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Blizzard had all the accurate information and ruled ML as garbage to be removed.

You have nothing but your selfish tears.

I believe Blizzard before some selfish forum trolls.

I doubt you will prove that no guild has ever abused ML. However, I have seen it happen, Blizzard recognizes that it happened, and ML has been removed.

You selfish greedy ML forum trolls have yet to prove any case, and thus, your petty desires were tossed aside.

If you want to imagine nonsense, have it. I will continue to enjoy the game and its improvements. And tell Blizzard how grateful I am.

Yeah BFA is a great expansion for casual nobodies, participation rewards, able to skip lfr/norm/heroic content from half asleep afking world quests/warfronts, titanforging so you have a chance at a mythic ilvl item for little to no effort let alone skill/experience to do the content that it should be locked to.



I’m not crying, if you’re an lfr player I probably won’t see you ingame let alone play with you and you’ll always be an lfr player.

Its amazing how the PL side is dominated by people outright trolling.


By not opening that link, you’ve conceded that my point is fact that it’s not like this for players that like ML.

So now you’re protecting these so called evil players that you claimed to have brain damage? Your argument is all over the place

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Psure he’s just arguing just to argue. Probably boring doing wq/warfronts all day solo.

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That is some kind of insanity.

You feel if people do not click your link that they concede your point is fact.

You feel a rejection equates to full acceptance?

That explains much of the perverse deviance the ML crowd espouses.

This just shows how completely out of touch you are.

I’ve been in guilds where I didn’t like the way loot was being done.

I left.

We all have choices we can make in a system where the OPTIONS are available. No one is stuck in a situation they can’t choose to make better for themselves.

Unlike with forced personal loot only where there is no choice you can make to make things better, you are just stuck with it.

My very first guild team back in classic blew up over loot. We raided MC, BWL, and started into AQ40. They set themselves up in a such a way where the players that “needed” loot most would always get it first. It was kind of a socialist redistribution method where the players with the lowest ilvl (or the rough equivalent of that in classic that we were able to visibly see) items were always the first up for an upgrade when it dropped. It set up a dynamic where the players who least frequently showed up to help the team were most frequently the ones getting showered with loot, in a revolving door scenario. The core players that showed up every night and drove progress, got fed up with the system, me included, and we left.

I ended up in a guild then that used DKP and we pushed up through Naxx40. Earning something when you showed up to put in effort for the guild felt good. DKP wasn’t perfect, and it’s next iteration, EPGP was a lot better down the line, but it incentivized the team members coming to raid nights and not slacking off, instead of rewarding casual behavior that was detrimental to progression.

I stopped raiding at the end of Black Temple before Sunwell in BC. Real life came up and I had to focus. I went casual through Wrath, Cata, Mists, and the first part of WoD.

When HFC came out, I joined another team, but they were only focused on doing Normal and trying to push through Heroic for AotC before the end of a tier. It worked for me to start, because I didn’t figure I’d ever raid seriously again. We raided through ToS in Legion. I left at that point because I wanted to get into higher level raiding again, and try mythic. I wound up with that itch because apparently I just like to push performance and progress and try my hand against difficult things. But also in part it was a little bit of frustration over loot. The guild tried using a Loot Council for part. Eventually they couldn’t settle on the best way to make that work so they went to Personal Loot.

I wasn’t a fan of personal loot and its pure RNG nature, and was also a bit frustrated we weren’t gearing for progression as much as just handing stuff out for people to feel good when it was loot council. I just wasn’t in the space that I wanted to be that casual any more, and so I was no longer a good fit for what their goals were, much as I had a lot of good friends who I really liked and did not want to leave. It was a hard choice, but I left.

And deliberately found a team which was running Mythic and using EPGP toward the end of ToS. I elected to join this team and consented to use the Master Loot system they were using. I consented along side all of the other raiders on the team. I wasn’t forced to join them, I sought them out. I was in fact very happy to get back to a team using EPGP who tracked attendance, and honored people’s efforts through a loot system where you earned currency for showing up to work with the team.

And yes, as a trial for that group, I knew I wasn’t getting the best stuff that were dropping for them when I started. I got 3 pieces of Mythic loot my first night with them. It was cast off gear no one else in the raid needed because they were farm bosses. But that didn’t matter. And I knew in time as I earned into the system I would be a full member along side all the others and up to speed and be eligible for loot just like everyone else when good things dropped.

It was a great system. It felt good. It’s how I prefer to be a part of a team. It’s a loot system I elected to use a loot system I consented to. It was my choice.

Then BfA came out and stripped that choice away from me and all of the other people who liked using something like EPGP best. We got shafted with forced personal loot only. Gear started dropping that were upgrades for some raiders that would help us push progression if they could be used, but they were stuck on people who would never use the pieces because they were actual downgrades for them. Gear players on our team needed got sharded and sold to vendors because of how asinine this system is, which feels absolutely terrible to everyone on the team.

Gear has been dropping in mass amounts for the leather wearers because we have a mass ton of them in the raid to the point its just constant WF/TF drops for them, Cloth does ok, while mail and plate has been sparse. And where an EPGP system would be able to counter act some of that miserable RNG by making sure that the players who got gear most frequently were essentially last in line for a bit while the players who got little increasingly were moved forward in line, that no longer happens with the pure ridiculousness of RNG forced personal loot only.

There is no more “bad luck protection” we can put in place through EPGP with our guild to help the players getting shafted by RNG. At least the mail wearers who there are the fewest armor type drops under this new system if we had EPGP would likely be up first for something like cloaks, or rings, or trinkets… but in forced personal loot only they’re just stuck until everyone else is geared and can cast off low or equal ilvl items to them. We have been left powerless and without agency to help our own members, and that feels like crap to pretty much everyone.

The whole forced personal loot only system is a complete nightmare, a total disaster, and an abject failure of an experiment. It just sucks all around.

So you can pop off about “abuse” about some third and fourth hand information about someone you heard once got shafted by their GM, but it’s very clear and transparent in these threads that the people who support ML were the ones where they were doing content where it mattered. It’s really only the people who have zero clue or experience where it was actually used who come out against it. Because close to 95% of the people gloating that master loot got removed were either LFR-only, people pugging normal or sometimes heroic, or people who literally never raid and you can see that quite clearly when you go to people’s profiles and look up their achievements.

That’s what makes these threads so utterly disgusting. You keep getting the trolls saying that players who support master loot and want it back are “thieves” or "abusers’ or various other nefarious things based on nothing. It’s all utter crap and conspiracy theory. They have no experience where it was getting used and basically what it comes down to is a whole bunch of casual players crapping all over the players who used master loot successfully simply because they are happy to engage in schadenfreude against those they consider “elitists”.

It’s garbage, 100%.


At this point it’s past time to report all the recent stuff from Cursewords for trolling for all his multiple forum code of conduct violations and move on and let the Blizzard moderators clean up his posts.


I understand the Forum Trolls spam flag posts and threads that they disagree with.

The new forums are in an easily manipulated state by Trolls such as yourself who have time for it.

Forum Trolls such as yourself that seek to spam flag disagreeing views and have them removed show how ludicrous the ML side can be, and how their drivel is driven by pure selfishness and spite.


I’m not trolling. You violated multiple forum rules on defamation and trolling.

" Harassing or Defamatory

This category includes both clear and masked language and/or links to websites containing such language or images which:

  • Insultingly refer to other characters, players, Blizzard employees, or groups of people"

"Spamming or Trolling

This category includes:

  • Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters

So let’s review your posts in this thread:

You have been consistently insulting and defaming ML supporters, and trolling with flame bait across many varied and multiple posts. It’s not even borderline, your posts straight up violate the forum code of conduct. If you get a temp ban from the moderators, it won’t be people abusing the forum systems to report, it’ll just be your own fault.

There are plenty of posters in this thread who disagree with ML supporters, and while those players and posters may be engaged in disagreement and ML supporters may think them wrong and try to counter their arguments, they have not stooped to slinging insults and violating the forum code of conduct and for the most part managed to do so respectfully. A few posts here and there on both sides have tread on forum violations from various posters, but you have consistently shown a pattern across almost every single post you have made here that violates the CoC.

This isn’t about trying to shut you up for your opinion. It’s about the fact you can’t seem to abide the forum rules period.


No just you in this situation. Because it contradicts everything you’ve been saying.

I don’t understand why this is a problem. You prefer one person distributing the loot? I don’t.

If I raid and get a piece I don’t need, if someone asks for it, I will give it to them. Why do I need to leave my chances and everyone else’s on getting an item, resorted to the raid leaders biased decisions?