Thankfully, all this garbage you spewed is but a figment of nonsense no one need suffer again.
Another hilariously greedy ML nut job speaking of things they do not know.
You can say I never experienced this without knowing me. That I never raided Mythic or saw trials abused willfully.
Imagine ML tools such as yourself filled with so much selfish bile that they love inventing nonsense…no, you do not have to imagine it! Its right here in the thread.
Luckily for us all, your opinion matters as much as mine. Which is very very little if at all.
Ion did the right thing. Luckily Ion decided to make loot acquisition based off of making people earn items through boss kills. Instead of “special friend list give aways” being the way of the game.
No it was dumb. All you had to do was talk to a guard and they’d point you in the right direction. Hell people know where the weekly PvP building is which is where the chest is located, but they can’t find a vendor?
When you have knowledge of how a system works you understand the change was dumb. The Forced PL change is no different to me.
The people complaining that Master Loot was a bad thing just screams of people who need to find a new guild, lmao.
If the officers are being greedy and favoring other people, unless given a GOOD reason like, you’re new so we don’t know if we can trust you yet, or you don’t show up to raids that often, LEAVE.
There are tons of guilds raiding, find one that you really mesh with.
As I said, the ML crowd thinks only those who fit their exact criteria have a valid opinion.
Meanwhile - Blizzard listened to people who pay subs and play their game. Blizzard has all the accurate info - and ruled your selfish garbage ML as awful and in need of removal.
Yikes, someone let Irisse out of the dungeons forum. She also advocates inexplicably for the mythic raid lockout to be changed to heroic format and generally people who don’t like the things she does are deemed some degree of selfish. I wouldn’t spend a lot more time engaging with it, it always goes like this.
The tier for BM was really bad until you hit higher ilvls. So what I did was told our loot council to forget me for tier and make me and the other BM the last ones to get it. So out of that list there, would you like to tell me where I am ilvl wise compared to everyone else?
I will never be convinced that you and your cabal, or some other petty folks, should lord over loot for others, when all persons present worked for the kill.
Listen this weekend I decided to try and help a guild that pugging on heroic stormwall progression, a different one on herioc jaina progression, and I tried joining what should have been a very easy rasta kill.
What these all have in common is what many of you think of when you say “I contributed” is literally just showing up. Not knowledge of the fight, not even living through the fight, not even knowing your spec properly. But somehow that “contribution” is equal to other people who put time and effort into it and ended up carrying you to a kill.
Most of the time if these raids get kills it comes down to how many people can carry however many other people. If you’re coming to a raid and utilizing the floor strat for most of the kills, nah you really don’t deserve loot.