Remove force personal loot in guild raids

…players that never used ML or that -rarely- if ever did -any- content where ML may have been used…trying to act like they have a clue and telling made up horror stories.

“The GM took my trinket and, laughing in my face, gave it to his gf’s cousin’s dog…and it was then I noticed that the raid leader had a hook for a hand!”


Looking at the post I can see that if ML were in the game still the customer service tickets would indeed be through the roof. Self policing is not this communities strength AT ALL. For the vocal saying their guild is a ok for ML there are most likely many of the quiet ones that just stop raiding rather then make waves.

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Actually the restriction against trading away upgrades is part of what prevents guilds from taking advantage of trials. Maybe you didn’t understand that part of the loot system?

No, I definitely understand it. The person in question stated

Which is false. My point is that someone that clearly is wrong in their understanding how PL works probably shouldn’t be the most vocal on why it should or shouldn’t be changed.


So why aren’t people who want more loot tradeability asking for all loot to be BOE? That’s the ultimate in tradeability.

Because I don’t want the AH flooded with raid gear. I am more than content to allow the option of people to choose to use PL or ML.

I am not arguing for PL to go away. If PL is what you want, feel free to enjoy it. I am asking for the chance of guilds that accept/want ML to be given the option to enjoy that as well.

I just don’t see what the big deal is. If I want to be a part of a ML guild instead of PL, I would have the option of doing so. If I want to be a part of a PL guild instead of ML, I would have the option of doing so.

I just don’t see why one would be so interested in the looting rules of guilds they aren’t in.


“Taking advantage of trials” lmfao

None of you complaining about this stuff were in raiding guilds during ML nor are you in them after they removed ML. Stop pretending to know how it was used

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If you don’t think people should be worried about other peoples’ loot, why do you care if people can buy the loot off the auction house? After all, you wouldn’t have to buy it if you didn’t want to.

Because I feel raid loot should be centered around raiding.

But lets stay on point. :slight_smile:


That’s not how it works, the system tracks the highest ilvl you have received, not what is in your bags.

It is on point. It just goes to show how you, too, are “interested in the looting rules” governing other people.

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If you are going to be that silly. Whatever.

There is a huge difference in wanting the option for ML so that a guild can progress as a unity and wanting every item in the game being BoE. There is no direction connection between the two.

That is such a hilarious extreme exaggeration that it borders on trolling.

Changing everything to BoE is not a loot distribution rule. Its changing it to BoE. The loot would still have to be distributed either via ML or PL. So nothing changes there. You are attempting to derail the topic with something that has no impact on loot distribution.


It is actually a form of dictatorship they are supporting.

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When you’re reading do the letters just rearrange themselves at all? Because it seems in a couple of threads now you seem to misunderstand a good bit of what people are saying.

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No. Its not. But hey. Nice try.

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Sure it is, you want 1 person to dictate what everyone does and what everyone gets in the game.

Now it’s clear you are trolling. Asking for everyone to be able to elect and consent to their choice of loot distribution rules as part of a team, where both Master Loot and Personal loot are options is freedom of choice. It is the forced personal loot only and only the forced personal loot supporters which are asking for dictatorship thrusting their own preference on everyone else regardless of what those individuals would personally like or consent to.

I am not asking for 1 person to dictate what everyone does and what everyone gets in the game.

I am asking for the option for guilds to have ML returned as an option for people that want it.

If you don’t want it, you have the option of not using it.

Ironically, you are here trying to support a system that removes my choice and tells everyone what they can do and get in a game.


Feel free to continue your crusade but it is not returning. I HIGHLY doubt it.

…Soooo… I’m just lost on the logic of it all.

Just my opinions!

Of course you are lost on the logic of it all. You barely seem to understand the issue to begin with.