Remove force personal loot in guild raids

Not 100% sure what you mean. I am not pushing for guild hopping. But if ML is such an issue for a person, then they shouldn’t be in a ML guild. They have the option of still being in a PL guild. If you like PL, that is fine. Be in a PL guild. I just don’t see why I can’t be in a ML guild.

And considering the argument is that all guilds that use ML are degenerate low lifes that want to do nothing but screw you over, why would you continue to want to be around those people when ML was removed?


What? If you are getting constantly “scammed” by the master looter, you leave the guild. The guild implodes after people get tired of bad master looting. It’s an “issue” that literally fixes itself.

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Here’s the deal. People can’t trade an upgrade now. Previously a huge upgrade that would have been a big help to them could and often was given instead to someone for whom it was only a small upgrade.

It happened. And when it happened and was for your benefit, you didn’t even notice.

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Yes…I know that. You can’t trade a portion of PL now. And I feel thats wrong and holds back the guild as a whole.

I guess I am not sure what you are trying to argue.

Since you’re outright saying that you think your guild should be able to remove any and all personal loot and redistribute it as those in charge see fit, I guess there isn’t really anything to discuss.

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I have no clue what we are even discussing to be honest. You haven’t really said anything about ML, or what its wrong. Or why a 100% guild run shouldn’t be able to use it.

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I’m so sorry you’ve forgotten what you were saying in your previous copy-paste nit-picky posts. Maybe you should go back and reread what you posted?

Or just re-iterate you point thats been all over the place so I know I am on the same page?

I mean…you started talking to me about guild hopping from the get go, acting like I was promoting it as a solution. Which I wasn’t.

You said that a person who wants to keep their personal loot upgrades is greedy and should hand them over to you to dispose of as you see fit.

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No. I did not say that.

I said a person that cares more about their personal ilvl over the progression of the guild is greedy.

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You told that player they were greedy for wanting to keep their upgrades. You did.

You sound like the ultimate ninja looter.

I have no doubt you removed upgrades from less-favored players and had them disenchanted to provide mats for enchants to those who were favored.


I get it now. You want to make up things about me rather than actually have a discussion.

If I am nothing but an ultimate ninja looter, then any guild I created would fall apart pretty fast.

Anyways, i am not an officer in my guild and wouldn’t be in charge of loot. :slight_smile:

Got it. You are just here trolling.


Keep digging. Everybody knows what you are. Telling a player they don’t deserve their personal loot is totally the lowest blow.

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I don’t know. I feel like its at least one step above “making up things about a person so you can personally attack them”. Maybe 2 steps.

Funny enough, I am not telling a player they don’t deserve their personal loot. I am suggesting they find a PL guild. Then you get to keep all of your PL!

I am merely asking for the option of like minded people to create a ML guild.


Not only do I not think personal loot should be removed, I laugh at those who use the term “forced” with “personal loot” in an attempt to make themselves yet again appear to be victims of the unwashed masses.

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Hey guess what. I don’t think it should be removed either. I never once claimed it should be removed.

I only stated that guilds should have the option to the loot system they use.

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No thank you

As long as whole raid is with u sure i agree but if 1 person in raid is not in your guild then no it changes to pl. Too many been scammed of items with guild raids

Blizzard wants to control every bit of the pace at which people gear up. Master Loot was a way to circumvent that process.

The day that Acti-Blizz stops reporting “engagement” as a metric to get people to buy their shares is the day we see these kinds of decisions being reversed.

nothing wrong with the word “butthurt”

but don’t mind me i’ve been forum banned more times than i care to remember