Remove force personal loot in guild raids

I mean past the World First race I’m sure they still apply the same mentality. During though their focus is in speed running and having the right classes to stack to cheese mechanics. Their progression takes about 1-2 maybe 3 weeks tops when a new raid comes out. Where as many other guilds can take months to clear. Where gear distribution then becomes a much bigger priority because you want to keep all of your team members happy as well as being able to properly progress.

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I’ve never been in a mythic guild so I can’t attest to how that works. The few mythic fights I had the opportunity as a fill in, I never asked for loot I just used my bonus rolls.

In the few heroic (well, now heroic) guilds I’ve been in, loot drama seemed to always come into play. Maybe only for Mythic guilds with 100% guild attendance should be able to use ML. Everyone else forced with personal.

Let’s be real here, not many pugs accepted during mythic progression.

Remove boring and tedious world quests, which is pretty much all of them.

Most guilds use RC Lootcouncil anyway, they should definitely revert it.

I used to raid lead for my guild and did Mythic progression during Legion. We managed to snag 2 CEs during that time and I’m personally proud of it. But yeah this thing was a problem in Heroic guilds because during that time, loot was far more lenient in your ability to clear the raid in question. I know because during our run whenever we’d jump into Heroic we could clear it with our Mythic gear in about 1-2 weeks right off the bat.

The 100% guild thing is what we’re requesting. Either that, or just removing the trading restrictions so we can pass loot around if we don’t need it.


Grats on the CE. I don’t know how you guys do it man.

Funny enough the Emerald Nightmare was actually pretty easy. But Antorus? There were tears…good tears but…tears regardless :joy:

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If it’s actually useless, they can scrap it and they should be happy with that.

If they can usefully trade it away, they’re asking for an advantage for their guilds over other guilds. Yes, that’s selfish; it’s preferring ML because it benefits your guild, and thus you, more.

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Agreed, nothing was more tiresome when I used to raid than “Well sure you were here, didn’t die and did your part but… we like this guy more.” Naw everyone can keep their greedy mits OFF my loot.


…its selfish because the person wants the guild to use guild drops? I don’t think you know what the word “selfish” is. You are blasting the person for being selfish because they won’t keep something, and want to give it away.

Stop being selfish and preferring PL as the only form of loot.

Another individualist that cares more about their personal ilvl than the guild. Too bad its hard to figure out how to leave guilds you disagree with. Super tricky. Gotta make sure all those guilds you’d never join are penalized because you can’t figure out the “leave guild” option.


Oh noes you can’t lord over me being worthy of my own reward! Woe is you! Naw to heck with that old system, I’d thumb you down if the option still existed. There is NOTHING stopping someone from giving their loot to another player. If I win a pair of boots, I can choose to give it to someone else. Sorry YOU’RE so selfish others aren’t allowed to choose if they get a reward or not.

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You don’t understand how PL works. This is something common with people disliking ML. They don’t understand many basic raid loot mechanics. Or guild mechanics. Like how to leave a guild. How you can’t trade all PL gear.

“Others should stop being selfish because its all about me and what I want”


Our guild is not a hard core raiding guild but very casual. We have a ton of fun running the raids and our groups are constantly adjusting because people bring in alts or we have returning members who have been on hiatus.

Recently, we had a couple of folks who just made 120 and we wanted to help them out but a lot of the loot many of us got was personal and we were unable to pass it along because of that. Really sucks eggs that in a guild only raid we still have restrictions on drops like this.

I would love to see Bliz change this for all guild groups. After all, many of us already have the gear and its not an upgrade but we would love to be able to help out our guild mates who are starting to gear up.


How is it an advantage over other guilds when everyone has the same tools at their disposal? Like…what?


Way to not pay attention to anything that we’ve been saying. First off you’re flat out wrong. I cannot give loot to anyone if it’s a direct ilvl increase due to the trading restrictions. If I wanted to give it to a guildie that could benefit from it far better than me that’s not an option. So your point is already moot from the start because you don’t understand how the system works to begin with.

And if this is the toon that you play on and don’t have any alts, you only do LFR. A place where none of this would affect you in any way shape or form like. I sincerely hope you have other toons that actually raid because if not, like…why are you here antagonizing others?

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A while back I did a toldagor 10 on my monk to try a get a guildie the mage fuse which was a huge upgrade for his balance druid. I got the mage fuse titan forged to 425 and could not trade it. So yes there was something stopping me from giving it to him anyway. Some arbitrary loot trading g rules which don’t make sense

For those of you that may not be aware of stat weights an on use haste trinket for a mistweaver monk is not particularly high value. However using a mage fuse on a balance druid would be a significant dps increase.

Week 2 of the tier my druid got the staff from King rastikan on heroic and I could not trade it despite having a 400 main hand and a 410 off hand equipped because neither of them were the same category as the staff i didn’t want. I tried to give it to a warlock who really needed it but was unable to do so.

If they removed the loot trading restrictions in PL it would be crazy easy to tunnel loot to people so we (the vast majority of mythic raiders) are asking for master loot instead. If we were asking for PL with no trading then maybe just maybe you would have a case to say we are being greedy.

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Just to further my point about how completely horrid the loot system is, I got a 425 titanforged ring the other day that I would absolutely never use for either of my main specs and I would’ve willingly traded it to the monk who was drooling over it. But alas, I had to vendor it for 59 Gold since I didn’t have two 425 rings already. If you guys can’t see past the facade that is Blizzard time-gating everything they possibly can then I don’t know what else there is to tell you.


well you vendor it so next time you must keep it again. Way to think about the team for 59 gold btw.

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I’m always amazed that even at this point there are those who are trying to push guild-hopping as the “solution” to PL vs ML differences of opinion, even though ML is gone. And not coming back.

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Not how personal loot works. You get 425 ring. You equip ring in both slots. You sell ring. Can trade all rings. Blizzard only cares if you have looted the item not whether or not you are using it. Rings/trinkets are only different in the sense that you need “two” to trade, but equipping it in both slots bypasses that for some arbitrary reason.