Remove force personal loot in guild raids

give them gold out of the gbank.

Efficiency isn’t a metric when it comes to loot drops. Personal loot is completely impartial and that is the point. Loot drops were never a guarantee no matter what but it sure is less bothersome when RNG is your only issue, not some idiot GM.

so what. Consider it no different than it never dropped for you in the first place…

Really? Because that NEVER happened to me in any of the guilds I’ve raided with. In fact, I only joined ones that used transparent and equitable systems such as EPGP. :woman_shrugging: And trials were given clear rules about how long trialing was and what gear was available (which they usually got most of the drops since we typically only brought them to farm content).

But I’m sure all the people that had great experiences with master loot are just filthy lying elitists and all the people with horror stories about it are oppressed saints that would never stretch the truth to prove their narrative. :woman_facepalming:

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What’s worse? Possibly wasting a loot drop because nobody in the raid can use it? Or wasting a big titanforge drop because you can’t trade it? I have 3 425’s in my bags that I can’t use and they are all bis for someone on my raid team.


Even if your heroic raid was capped at 30 people at most you could have had 6 pugs and kept ML on…

How can you have an exodus? If guild had 24 ppl and some of the pugs leave who cares just keep slammin bosses.

What probably happened is you were in a situation where the guild was farming heroic for titanforge and really didn’t need the pugs at all.

A lot of guilds did this, if heroic is easy mode for your guild u just list it up and invite 4-5 randoms to fill the raid so you are ensured that extra drop. As the raidleader you give 2 craps if this person contributes on the fight, or dies, or leaves the raid, who cares, they are just there so the boss drops 1 more item.

This was a weird symbiotic relationship where the pug benefited from full clearing the raid, getting their AoTC, and opportunity to coin whatever bosses they wanted, as well as cleaning up on any “scraps” of loot the guild did not need.

The guild benefited from having bosses drop more loot, and would thus carry the pug.

I agree this can be a very weird situation to be in if you don’t know what you are signing up for. If you think this is that big of an issue, just make ML 100% guild, you would never have to experience ML ever if you were pugging anything.

Question to all the players who avoid guilds due to the supposed corruption: have you started raiding with a guild again after this change? Or are you still mostly running with pugs?

Because with the former i can agree to disagree, but I’m so so sick of people who don’t even raid with a guild telling guilds how they should do things. It’s just shadenfreude. You hate guilds so you’re happy that a change they dislike was forced on them as their just desserts.

If you actully like running in a Personal Loot guild environment, and were unable to find a PL guild before BfA and are now happily running in a PL guild since this change…well again I still don’t like the change personally but at least you have a logical point.

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So you’re back to arguing you want master loot because of greed for more gear? So much for your arguments that you’d actually get less gear on master loot. At least we know your real motivations now.


When did greed become a part of Turnberrys post?


When she started talking about “wasting” gear that could be used. Asking to make useless gear useful is asking for more loot.

Okay. Let me explain both parts.

Means gear drops that cannot be used by anyone due to the gear itself either not being useful like a bad trinket or bad stats, or due to the gear distribution already giving out this drop to teammates and nobody else needs by that point.

Means exactly what they said. Gear that can be useful to others but cannot be traded due to the trading restrictions.

All in all. Neither have anything to do with greed.


These darn selfish people. They want to give their useless loot away! Its just insane! They should be called out for being greedy when all they want to do is give stuff to other people!


Quiting and joining a guild is just a few clicks. I think ML for guild raids is a “no go”.

If you want ML for guild raids, you have to provide solutions for that. If its not possible to avoid. I would rather ML stay removed.

ML is used in evil ways;
"WTS Mythic End Game Raid run, 200k deposit, ML and gear bidding. "
There can be MANY ways players get cheated in such ML runs.

Those players who are scared of ML - and from the way people talk when speaking agaisnt ML, there should be thousands of them - are free to start their own groups with their own rules rather than wanting to piggyback off of the work of others who absolutely should have the option of using Masterloot.

It sounds like there are many people creating stories and feeling like it’s okay that they force their conclusions on everyone else because of their negative experiences. Why do people who aren’t going to be in the guild groups using ML get to decide what those guild groups have to use just because they’ve scared themselves away from it?

You join a guild, you follow their rules. You start your own guild, you make your own rules. If you don’t like a guilds loot rules, don’t join that guild. You don’t join a book club whose rules you don’t like and then complain about them until they change their policy - you just join a different club. The same should be true for loot rules.

Not being able to distribute loot optimally is nothing but an annoyance.


When each player carrying Mythic raid run earn profit of up to 100k+ with ML and mischievous “manipulation”. The profit is attractive. Then more and more people attempt it and yes, it should be removed.

This is a total non-issue and nothing but an attempt at fear mongering by you. If people want to sell runs, they are well within the rules to do so. No one is forced to buy in. But if someone wants to buy in, why do you think you get to regulate that?

What’s funny is these people who claim that ML scared them out of guilds and that all this manipulation is why personal loot should be forced still are not raiding in guilds. They aren’t doing the group content that they feel the need to riot over and entice Blizzard to change the loot methods to suit what they would want if they did raid. But to this day, those same people are still not participating in raiding guilds. They just want to get involved in other peoples’ business.

It sounds like you are upset you don’t get things for free, which is perfectly in line with the ideology of people wanting to force PL on groups - so you can make off with items with complete disregard for the betterment of the group.

Y’all just want the game to rain titanforges down on you with complete disregard for anyone else, whereas people who want ML back want to be able to distribute those titanforges to whoever it will benefit the most in their team because the progression of the people they play with are equally as important. We don’t want to be locked into the highest iLvl piece with bad stats just because we can’t trade it.


Okay. Do you wish to clear the raid? Yes? Then distribute loot properly. Problem solved


That’s the problem. There’s no standard for what proper loot distribution is. Guilds do things differently and have their own methods for distributing it.

Yes there is. BiS lists exist and that’s what a lot of guilds go off of. And when the item in question drops, you observe the BiS list and see which classes and specs benefit from them the best.

Sure, in theory. In reality, it goes to whoever they want it to.

Okay, and if guilds have that mentality, then they don’t finish the raid on Mythic.


I’m sure guilds like Method do what’s best for the group but they’re a business more or less and they’ve been around forever and have an established reputation.