Remove force personal loot in guild raids

I heard that you won’t be able to ninja loot in classic, they should’ve brought that back as well, I was hoping for a secondary round of ninja loot youtube vids.
I remember getting so many things ninja looted from me back in the day even after winning the rolls, I didn’t get the halloween mount until like 2017.

It certainly would have been funny.

But, eh. That one at least makes sense.

You can definitely ninja in Classic. The only thing they are changing is they are going to add the 2 hour loot trade window in raids so you don’t have to open a ticket for a misclick.

Surely there’s a way to support guild progress without falling back to master loot and its pitfalls… it just doesn’t seem like it has to be one of those things that can’t have a buttery smooth solution for all involved. The game has advanced dramatically in so many ways since Vanilla, why can’t that be done for loot as well?

It’s not true classic though which all these people that didn’t experience vanilla should’ve gotten the chance to now they won’t, only the good aspects to it although I wouldn’t say they’re that good either.
The only good things about classic was gear meant something, mounts/achievements also. Slower game play, didn’t dumb down the classes although they didn’t have much in that way back then although through the previous expansions they were in a better position than they’re now.

Hmmm…both sides have valid arguments and points xD

Not including items that get titanforged, most guilds still use a system of masterlooter in mythic guilds, it’s just when you either get a good or even bad 425 piece for you, you don’t have the option of trading it, other than that they still go back to the old masterlooter.
Still using rc loot council for items that are able to be traded.

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Probably because I don’t see moving to PL as a way the game is moving forward.

Its why I have only asked for 100% guild runs to be able to use it.

I don’t want loot to be RNG given out to people that may or may not need it, making it possibly useless. If all loot can be traded, regardless of ilvl (as some have suggested), then you might as well bring back ML.

PL, in every way possible, is going backwards for guild development and emphasizes the individual over the guild. I like guild progression. Every form of PL hampers that.

PL pitfalls are worse than ML pitfalls. ML only didn’t have a “buttery smooth solution for all involved” if you had zero personal responsibility, and cared more about your personal ILVL than the guild progressing.


Others and I have already made the suggestion for having PL remove all trading restrictions.

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I do find that idiotic that you get a bis item for some other class but since it’s the highest ilvl you have for that slot you’re stuck with it even if you have an item 5-15 ilvls below it that’s 10x better.


Tell me about it. I have a 425 Grong trinket I can never use along with a 425 crit/vers ring from Jadefire that I also will never use. Would have been nice to give those to the classes they are BiS for, instead of letting them rot away in my bags.

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I mean ideally you shouldn’t have to choose between the two. One could imagine a system where players could transfer their drop chances to other raid members and then receiving some residuum when those people win things. This way prioritized guild members get the gear they need and other participants earn progress toward vendor gear. Everybody wins.

It happened while my guild was progressing in Uldir. Our Warrior went 10 weeks without a M Taloc weapon because we couldn’t trade one to him. Before then our HPal and our tank who decided to bring their warrior 1 night got one. And the people that already had one got another that warforged so they couldn’t trade it. The system is stupid!


The crit/vers may be good as ret by judging from your mog you’re holy or prot lol

That’s another thing. If PL has an issue it’s that it drops too much loot. What I see more often than not is loot that can be traded but no one in the raid can use it.

Occasionally we’ll see the iLvl upgrade that’s a down grade so it can’t be traded, but that’s a much more massive issue with the gear itself.

Really I think what this all comes down to is people see other people get something and think it should belong to them. Everything after that is just the subconscious justifications as to why the system should allow them to take it.

Oh the irony.

You don’t think that’s why ML got removed?

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Ideally, we would have the choice as a guild to choose what we want to do with loot. Imagine having the choice to use Master Loot or Personal Loot with no trade restrictions for 100% guild groups. This would be the best of both worlds. Then they should also bring back raid currency so you always can work towards something even if you don’t get loot in the raid.

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Spoken like a true PUGer.

I’ve got several items wasting space in my bags that I wish I could have given away.

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Bring back dkp raids, Lol I remember this guy would let the guild suffer and wouldn’t bid on any gear and save up his dkp only for mounts out of zg.

GDKP runs were my favorite. It actually made the raids fun when you had to clear a 25 man with 15-17 people lol. I actually liked these more than guild raids sometimes.