Remove force personal loot in guild raids

Just bring masterlooter bad in it’s original form and use common sense, if you don’t want to risk getting ninja looted or what ever then join a group using personal loot. It’s as simple as that, or better yet make your own group.

There’s several examples of features demanded by masses of players that have made it into the game. Be creative and come up with something, champion it, get players to rally behind it. Don’t be so helpless.

Be my guest, I’m not going to waste my time, if you want to get a petition up and running I couldn’t care less, I’m not getting paid to beg for sigs.

Remember the reddit megathread on class discussion featuring writers from every class discord?

Nothing happened.

I also poured my heart into writing detailed points, counterpoints, reasons, evidence. I don’t think blizzard even took a look

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They rarely if ever listen to their player base, better chances winning the lottery in my opinion.

And that mentality only seems prevalent for selfish raiders that care more about their own ilvl than the guild progressing as a unit.

If you only care about what your guild can do for you, then maybe you should rethink team activities.



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Multiple times in this thread it’s been suggested to remove personal loot trade restrictions for 100% guild groups. This to me would be acceptable also. However, I personally loved the feeling of killing a boss and seeing 5-6 pieces of loot on the body, instead of looking at my chat window to figure out what loot magically appeared in my teammate’s bags.

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I have no complaints with the current system. I am expressing my support for it. And my distaste for what the OP and others wish for the game.

I had complaints about ML when ML was a thing. Thankfully, ML is but a nagging complaint on the forums.

I do wish to commend Blizz when they get it right. Thank you Blizz.

This is a great example of why we can’t have master loot.

It seems reasonable on the surface. A lot of people think this way. And It’s one of the things that lead to the entitled management class mentality that causes problems.

Because we can look at this from another perspective. You needed some temp workers to come and help you on a raid or two. They helped in downing a few bosses but you feel they aren’t deserving of any pay, that’s yours.

I literally pass up gear to get others especially if it’s a higher % upgrade for them, I’ve done this throughout the game even when I was prioritized for gear, although I wouldn’t always do that but I knew I was going to be dependable/loyal until the guild fell apart which has happened many times over these last 15 years.

The one and only time I wish a guildie didn’t get a piece of loot from master looter was the one that quit in wod, he got the warforged axe off tyrant, first and only one to drop. He quit like a couple months after he got it also. Could’ve went to someone else for better use even if it wasn’t me I couldn’t care less, but it was literally wasted.

I’ll respond to this post with the seriousness and consideration it deserves.



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What would you think if guild officers could mark players in the raid for the system to prioritize for drops? This way the guild progresses more quickly but people aren’t entirely shuttered out of a chance to get loot until priority players have achieved their target ilvl.

Your complaints about ML seemed to be focused on " I don’t like personal responsibility, and I care more about myself getting gear than the guild progressing"


This is a great example of the mentality I am referencing.

Guild progression is about the guild progressing.

Its not about your personal ilvl.

I don’t want selfish people in my core team runs.

I’d rather just have ML. PL is random. I’d rather have specific items go to who can use the item the best, rather than people randomly getting loot that may or may not be useful.


Actually I’m done trying to reason here, its 3 40am.

I can live without ML, but my raiders have already lost a large chunk of motivation from it, and I’ve yet to see a shield ever drop (while the fury warrior has one).

ML can come back or not, raiding is losing all traction steadily already especially after removal of tiers, and eventually it’ll be like raiding on alliance US everywhere, lack of players.

Up to Blizz if they want to patch the hole or leave the gaping wound.


I’m pretty sure the issues with ML were like 5% of the player base that were too lazy to find a guild or the one’s trialing for a guild expecting loot instead of fighting for their raid slot.

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Or… they could stay and keep progressing and getting loot, because that’s the inevitable outcome of farm content. And it’s a damn sight better for us than a revolving door of new and unproven faces.

I’m pretty sure it’s people who don’t even raid anymore remembering that one pug leader that ninja’d Deathbringers Will in ICC 11 years ago.


Guild progression > gear or even kills for me. I’ve sat mythic mekk/wall to 5% each and have been sitting mythic jaina although I have like 80 pulls on her to about 30%. There’s no gear off these bosses for me other than a minor upgrade off of mekka which is azerite.
If I wanted I could just tell an officer I want in on jaina now and they’ll boot one of the trials to get me in but me being a melee and a ret pally at that my utility isn’t as beneficial, although I do carry in dps most of the time.

It’s mostly people who have no experience with ML, but heard from a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who probably got robbed by ML, maybe.

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