Remove force personal loot in guild raids

It’s funny, because they’ve been wrestling secondary stat balance for awhile now, and Reforging would solve that problem pretty much overnight.

It’d certainly make getting a bad titanforge less painful.

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I am not sure why players don’t actually use their brains when he speaks.

PvP vendors do not exist because PvE only players lose their minds if they feel forced to PvP. But they want players to do both.

Instead of telling PvE carebears to get good, he comes up with an excuse that they have heard before, and hopes its believable.

Never had this problem, although I had plenty of options.

I disagree.

In my day as a Pretend Raider, I have joined Mythic Guilds less progressed than me. I felt fine missing out on loot because of ML and helping a group beat a boss I have downed. But I had little option if I wanted to Mythic raid.

Almost every Mythic Guild was ML. Good luck finding one on your server that fits your sched - I never found one. Until ML was removed.

Not only that, but anyone present in the kill should have an equal shot at a loot drop in their bag.

Please do not comment. If you are unable to give a constructive answer, save yourself the words if you dont want to look like a moron. the guilds who cared about proper progression path instead of the path being fixed being rng casino-style used ML the most for that purpose. They had the choice and it was removed, aka terrible design. If you didn’t like that, you only had to ask and check the loot distribution then drop ifyou disagreed. Its infuriating how people like you speak this ignorant comments, if you know nothing then dont say anything. Especially because many guilds did use PL if they weren’t too serious about progression. I find people like you hypocrital honestly, Titanforge is great afor you and you call people who complains about it as haters or jealous of it or whatever. So why in the hell in serious guilds ( that you will prob never raid on) you are suddenly jealous/angry about wanting a proper progression path and ensure people who give their best can get better and contribute more to the group?

Just let those kinds of people look like a moron, I already forgot about him.

There’s a reason for that, and guess what - if you do good on your trial, you’ll probably get a drop or two.

Well I mean if you can’t afford a transfer to find one that meets your needs I would think you need to rethink your priorities even if you just make that in gold ingame and purchase it with wow tokens which is a joke even in bfa.

Sometimes ended up with around 9% when all you need was 7.5%. Doesn’t feel great

Maybe they could keep reforging and just remove hit/expertise, but I suppose that’ll make gearing easier for people and their policy is to make people suffer rng and grind


remove the dash in https

You can just put “``” on both sides of the link, for future reference.

Trials got a ton of loot in our guild. We had people trial on farm bosses so most people needed very little if anything when the bosses died. Trials would sometimes get 5-6 pieces when we would run Heroic or reclear Mythic bosses on farm.


holy crap i’m pro now

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Well not every situation is a scrub trial apping to an elite guild.

Over the years, I have been in guilds that were less progressed just for a steady group at a steady time.

The fact that people like you assume “the raid” should lord over an individual is ludicrous.

And you pretend as if Guilds have never just run trials to funnel loot and kick them to the curb. If it happened once - it was too much. And it can happen no longer.

Extremely rare cases. Majority of guilds showered trials with more loot than Christmas due to no1 needing it anymore.

And good trials would stand out immediately, I’ve had a few recently which I immediately dumped into Jaina prog and killed it with them.


I’m sure that if you can come up with a Master Loot replacement that somehow removes interpersonal distribution biases and various forms of system hijacking (blowing all your DKP to guarantee access to an item for example), Blizzard would implement that instead, but I haven’t seen anybody even try to do that. It’s always just, “bring back master loot”.

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For most masterlooter was and has been the best option presented to us, it’s not our job as the consumer/player base to improve their game they clearly don’t listen to us.


You’re trialing for the raid, of course they are going to judge you.

What do you think it’s about? That’s the point.

I’m seeing a lot of non-complaints from you, frankly.

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It’s been given so many times.

Guild group 100% for ML possibility.

If any other issues with loot, it’s a social problem at that point. Guilds abusing it would be infamous and whiny kids that didn’t get what they wanted would also be ostracised