If you’re raiding Palace, I’m down to lend a hand. My Zul’jin guild broke up a few months ago, so I’m back on WRA.
Perfect example of someone not reading the loot rules before hand and not being able to meet the requirements for loot afterwards. Along with some drama.
I checked the group before I joined. They were listed as PL and then changed the loot rule to rolls because the Raid Leader had it set on ML.
The roll was fair. And I won it.
The fact that they debated afterward is the mistake in the design of loot that Blizzard corrected.
A Raid Leader who picks up a sloppy pug for their sloppy raid can no longer alter loot distribution rules that they list their group as.
And I thank Blizz for it.
Nope it was usually a DKP based system where you had to bid on items with the DKP you earned. The rules of which where fluid and usually up for debate and discussion and there were usually more opinions on who needed, earned or deserved the loot more than there were people.
So. As you stated. You should have checked to see what loot as set as. But you didn’t.
But hey. This thread is about guild raids. ML should be allowed for guild raids.
PUGing is not a guild raid.
My guild shouldn’t suffer because you aren’t able to check on issues yourself.
Any guild that used DKP based system with “fluid rules” was a garbage guild. And there is no way you are going to convince me that 99.99% of guilds were like that. Because there is no way that is true.
And if you subjected yourself to a guild that used fluid rules, then thats your fault.
“I won the roll and got the item, even though they really didn’t want to give me the item, therefore Master Loot is bad.”
This is nonsense, sorry. One look at the raid frames makes this entire point irrelevant.
DKP? Are we talking about BC now? I haven’t seen a guild use DKP since early Wrath. Can you link me a Mythic guild that used DKP in Legion? Genuinely interested.
Well your guild suffers because other guilds pick up pugs now and then.
Guild Raids were specifically addressed when Ion mentioned Trials being jerked around. So Ion handled that correctly enough himself.
I can not add to the well founded design they implemented. They defended it well.
I still think Masterlooter should be an option no matter what, I read another post saying they swapped from PL to ML mid raid, that could be a simple fix that you have to reset the raid before changing between them or something but I still think it should be an option.
You’re really messing up when you’re having Akston and I in agreement.
Then they should have swapped 80% for master Looter into 100%.
Removing it entirely is fixing one leak with a stopper from a different leak
I don’t care about pugs in this context. If a run is 100% guild based, they should be able to use ML.
Trials aren’t jerked around, they are just entitled often. They feel they deserve loot, instantly, from events other people have spent months learning. They don’t see that guild progression > showing up for one fight and being carried.
Ironically, trials often end up getting a ton of gear. Just not the best of the newest dropping gear.
If you don’t want to be “jerked around”, then find a guild that doesn’t use the trial method. Now guilds get jerked around by trials. I don’t see how thats better.
I don’t know or care about either of you.
People often disagree on one topic, and agree on another.
This. Any guild would be ok with this also. It’s better to pug and use personal loot when the alternative is a cancelled raid. Just make it 100% guild groups only.
If you’re a trial you’re there fighting for your raid spot, how you do that is do your best whether it’s damage/healing/tanking and not standing in fire like an idiot. The gear isn’t going to change whether you’re incompetent or not.
God I love people that take Ions words as truth. This is the same guy who told us players were having a hard time finding PvP vendors.
I look at ions logs sometimes, just to show new rshamans how to not play.
It’s a good reason why bosses gets nerfed as elitist jerks gets stuck on it for weeks
I still refuse to believe anyone besides people completely new to the game ever had this issue for more than ten minutes, tops.
I still think they removed the old talent system and reforging system was because it was too difficult to download an addon or read a guide to spec into a cookie cutter build.
Had to dumb the game down to fit even the most incompetent and drag the rest of the game with them.
Reforging was probably more because you’d end up with too much hit or expertise sometimes, even after reforging out of them and changing gems.