Remove force personal loot in guild raids

Know what else removes this issue?

Paying attention.


Yeah. In this tier I told the council just to leave the BM Hunters out of it until everyone else gets their tier first. We were the last ones to get gear.

The real comical situation with this issue is if the intended purpose of ML is it’s the fastest way to increase the raids performance, that’s the justification for giving all that power to the raid leader, 99.99999999% of the time the system worked contrary to that goal.

The fastest way to improve the groups performance is to find the gear slot in the entire raid that will get the largest upgrade. That’s it. Mathematically that’s the quickest way to improve the groups performance.

That’s usually the newest and lowest geared players. How many people remember guilds that favored ML’ing gear to them.

Ironically, PL is probably faster at improving a groups performance as a whole by randomly handing out the gear and circumventing a flawed human process that usually favored people that needed the upgrades the least.

Not really. To every point. Plenty of organized guilds are all me me me. Plenty of organized progression guilds don’t care about PL.

In any guild I’ve been in since vanilla I’ve always been prioritized for gear because I put more time/effort and have more skill than most, along with being dependable/loyal etc.
I remember getting into MC at lvl 54 even if I was late for raid they’d boot someone to get me in. Now I like gear but if it benefits the raid I’ll pass it around, obviously this isn’t a solo player game.

As far as transmog goes @Zemus, I don’t give away my stuff anymore unless it’s someone I know. You gain more from deing azerite and collecting mog than giving it to some random nobody.

The removal of ML removes the issue of you not checking to see if the group you joined was using ML or PL?

They listed themselves as Personal Loot. And had it on Master Loot. Then debated whether to distribute loot as they listed.

The removal of ML removes that lack of attention on Raid Leaders who choose to pug.

And you get this information from

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That and on average its more loot overall.

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What, you didn’t give the loot to little Timmy who kept wiping the group on Baron, and gave it to the people who deserved it? How elitist of you.

I guess you missed where they were listed as Personal Loot and tried to alter the loot distribution from the method listed.

The same place you get the information that CE guilds are quitting the game solely because of PL!

Please point out where I stated CE guilds are quitting due to PL

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It’s pretty easy to spot when the loot is shifted to ML, and it can’t be done during the fight.

So, no. That’s kinda on you.

I didn’t miss it. But I definitely saw the part where you said:

So it looks like the entire issue could have been resolved if you had checked, and it would have solved itself.


Every guild that actually wanted to progress gave gear to the people who would help them kill the next progression boss faster. Meaning you wouldn’t give a 420 weapon to a mage that has a 415 over a warlock that has a 400. You’re saying that 99.99% of guilds didn’t do this?

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That was whether or not I was in a higher raid position, as far as lead/gm/officer it didn’t matter. But I would still prioritize players of skill over those without until they actually put in the same amount of time/effort to better the raid/guild.

The ones who might not be up to par for what we need, The ones who are more inclined to dip out the moment we aren’t progressing as fast as they like, the ones who decide mythic raiding isn’t for them after 3 raids? Because that’s been an ongoing problem for my guild this entire expansion. I had to take off for 4 months and when I came back half the roster was new faces.

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take out the dash

Oh god this video is hilarious! XD

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