Remove force personal loot in guild raids

Why do people keep saying this? Loot funneling is way more efficient with personal loot. If I want to gear up a Druid, I can make a raid with 30 leather wearers and guarantee that every drop will be leather. You could never do this with master loot. Forced personal loot didn’t stop or even slow down loot funneling or split raids.


People need to nut up and say no. If they don’t want to give up their loot, they don’t have to.

That thing WF guilds do? Are you competing for World First?

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A guild disbanding over ML? That is the most comedy I’ve ever heard.

Let me guess, guild was hardstuck on op or mech? And coincidentally it was that one tf trinket that sweet Amy couldn’t give to little Ronnie that brought the whole guild down! Cause if she did, they wouldn’t have pulled op 400 times in 4 months with no kill…

Guilds and people that Abused ML gained extremely bad reps on the realm within hours.
All the problems about ML are exaggerated to the max, losing it only stole freedom from players and demotivated the serious raiders.


A level 90 priest with absolutely no raiding experience doesn’t have to worry about any ‘elites’, don’t worry.

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What up Wuzeh!

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Lets be honest the only people loot funneling mattered to was the top 1% that put in 10x more time/effort to level multiple toons to cap ilvl and gear them to be the first ones to down the content that matters. But who cares? I couldn’t tell you the name of one raider in method or any other guild shooting for world first, their gearing doesn’t affect me by taking advantage of split runs either, I’m not a casual player that won’t be able to clear mythic raids and need them to sell it to me.

Not much, same garbage, different day.

I’ll summarize the thread ahead of time.

Skilled player: “Hey, can we have this thing back? It was helpful for prog.”

Unskilled player with no raiding experience: “I DON’T LIKE IT!!”

Skilled player: "You only do LFR-

Unskilled player: “SHUT UP, YOU ELITIST.”

Repeat until everyone gets bored.


Yes, guilds disbanded over ML. When you change the entire structure of a raid team thats a big change, regardless of how minute or sarcastic you want to make the idea of it seem.

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This is news to me tbh, must be in the bottom 1%.

The entire structure of the guild is ML? I am sarcastic because I don’t want to actually believe it. The stupidity of that statement is mind-boggling.

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  1. If you’re compelled to resist that, you’re in the wrong guild. Keep your item, leave the raid/guild, you’re completely untouchable.

  2. Progression raiding mandates a certain degree of communism. Giving a 430 weapon to the guy with a 400 instead of the guy with a 425 warforge is more beneficial to the group as a whole. And it cuts both ways. Guilds who screw their new guys don’t keep them. Nor can they sustain the revolving door once word gets around.


It’s not the direct cause. Losing ML have raiders much less incentive to come to raid (losing tier was probably way worse), and even time to time you’ll see alts with better gear than mains because they got lucky and couldn’t trade.

So far a whole bunch of CE guilds on my realm has died to lack of interest already

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This and forced personal loot also created guild hoppers. One joined my guild in Uldir when we had almost killed Zek’voz. He was in for the kill, the abandoned us for a guild with 50 pulls on Vecits, then abandoned them for a guild with 80 pulls on Fetid. He did this all the way to Cutting Edge, all while getting loot from these guild runs.


Perhaps its your own ignorance standing in the way.

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The irony.

If that is the excuse you want to make, go ahead. I understand. Its human nature to always look for something external to blame.

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Something to add to this is do you really want another layer to go through to figure out whether or not these players are jerks or not? Pitting this decision and pressuring you to comply should be a big red flag that the guild isn’t for the player in question.

Well… Im surprised those guilds even let him in. I’d never ever let a guild hopper in my guild,given that I research the history of every applicant on top of their performance / preferences

Just gonna chalk it up to trolling, never heard of a single guild quit raiding let alone the game because blizzard decided to make a single change to how loot was distributed.