Remove dishonorable kills from the game

Oh dang. I thought it was in. I was playing the PvP from when it first came out in WoW version 1. So would have known if the R15 had been added in or not. It should be added in now. That would be cool.

Just report them for trolling and move on.

At least make it so you have to actually damage the civ instead of someone joining raid and griefing.
It provides nothing of value for the game making a DHK raid/party wide.

Just make most questgivers immune/noncombat like they do the NPC children and remove DHKs.

Leaving a group for 5 minutes so you can get a buff because you continue to group with people that are so trigger happy they kill anything thats red/you dont bother to tell anyone “Hey i care about the 10 honor im going to lose if you kill a civilian npc please dont” isnt multiple hoops to jump though. Its just you being lazy.

Neither of these scenarios are true.

Removing DHKs from being party/raid wide credited also requires removing HK raid/dungeon credits because they are on the same system, meaning unless you add a flag to the group to check whether they are in a battleground, you just caused BGs to stop functioning because you couldnt, or more likely wouldnt, kick your friend/random who is killing everything that moves.

A more simple solution is to just not group with people who do that, which unless youre grouping with actual MonkAS people, that doesnt happen on the imaginary level this person describes.

If it starts to, i repeat, just kick them or leave the group

You do not have to be in a group to get? For example, the only non cosmetic thing from DMF. You also dont even need to go there period, its not an absolute requirement and if youre getting killed so much you need to be in a group just to talk to an npc…then get better at the game. Youre likely not living long enough with the buff for it to matter anyways.

No it doesn’t.

Yes it does. They are literally on the same system.

No It doesn’t. A coding problem has coding solutions.

We’re already using a different ranking system than the original…
They turned off the Honor Decay
They can turn off the Honor loss for DHK. (If they cannot remove DHKs outright.)

I wish a lot of the cool stuff was added from back then. I think city protector gave you a race teleport for the time you had it too, like if you were an undead, for as long as you had that rank, you had an undercity teleport regardless of class.

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Which if you’d bother to read my reply instead of just itching to argue for the sake of arguing:

I literally said this. Read the entire comment, or dont bother replying at all. Knowing how youve been so far, youll likely still just knee jerk reply to me, but if youre going to continue doing that while ignoring the bulk of what I said, then I just wont reply to you anymore and you can get your hollow fight elsewhere.

Why would I bother fully reading a useless reply.
You said

It doesn’t. I don’t care what else you have to say. You are just muddying the waters at that point and you aren’t worth the time.

It’s the same system, regardless of what you want to believe.

Im not going back and forth with you like children if youre not going to read what I said, just to repeat back what I said and then wonder why I’m asking you to read my entire comment instead of just pretending I didnt say something.

You can’t read. Its not “required”.

your simple solution is to become psychic and know ahead of time if every single person you ever invite to a party or raid is either maliciously going to troll you and get you dhks or know ahead of time that every single person you invite isn’t going to accidently click on a random civilian in the middle of a zone?

yeah that sounds very simple…


anyone who wanted to could get you a dhk if they were determined enough, unless you literally do not group with anyone

spoiler: not being able to group with random people in an mmo because you are scared you will get punished for their actions is PRETTY BAD GAME DESIGN

The contrarians on this forum are just the weirdest people

another example of you not knowing anything about classic wow, these are really piling up right now, i have severe doubts you play this game, if you kick someone after you get a dhk, the damage is done, i think you have absolutely no clue how much honor a dhk represents

So, you’re asking for training wheels on your PVP.

Got it.

In order to prevent griefing we need a system where one troll can grief an entire raid.


they are indeed true.

4 hours is the cooldown of dmf buff being able to be gotten again if you die with it.

getting a dhk can set you back a weeks worth of progress . even more at later levels of ranks.

you really dont know what you are talking about . please shut up.

no im asking for a system (origonally designed to be anti grief) that is used for griefing to be removed.

its quite simple.
