Remove dishonorable kills from the game


there is absolutely no need for them to be in the game and if you want the npcs not to be killed make them unkillable. give them the same tag as non combat pets or kid npcs and make them immune to everything.

do us a solid and remove dhks.




i disagree .

we should indeed do it.


DHKs suck, big agree

They exist to stop griefers from wiping out your city 24/7. You will be the first one to run back here saying that AH npcs are dead in all cities everytime you log in.


make them immune. problem solved.

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If they make them immune, then you will have all key npcs immune too. There will be no point in attacking your city, since you are not flagged as pvp there.

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naw they can pick and choose on what to make immune and what not.

its a false choice that they would make all or none immune.

what if they just immuned civs?

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aye they could do that.

city pvp would be more for guards and bosses and their minions anyways .

civilians arent really a factor in that and should be immune and not able to attack / be attacked.

they want them to be killed - but that action to have consequences.


the need and intent of that has long since passed and become something opposite of what it was.

its a tool to grief instead of being an anti grief mechanism.

grief is immersive. it feels like a real consequence for actions. you get to experience genuine emotions.

even if your black soul is only capable of negative ones…

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obviously we arent going to agree on this or the solution to it or even if there needs to be one.

let us agree to disagree and leave it at that and let others speak their peace if so inclined.

DHKs should go to the people who inflict actual damage(and not to the people affiliated with such criminals)

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Yes remove DHks, I’m trying to grief everyone including NPCs

No important NPCs are civis, its just random 4 hp mobs that don’t do anything but grief you when someone with living bomb on them runs over and stands on top of them.

Nah its fun

I got WoW in the box form when it first came out back in 04. And the booklet that came with it said that dishonourable kills were going to be only for killing players who were 4 or more levels beneath you and also for killing the same player back to back in non instanced PvP too many times, that there was going to be a DR on the honour you could get from them and that if the DR ran to 0 and you kept killing them, then you would start to get DHs and that if you got too many DH then you would lose rep with your own faction and not be allowed into your own faction cities.

That same booklet also said that we would be getting the R15 PvP title called City Protector for one person per server that could have. And also said that you would not be able to quest in Duskwood until you talked to an NPC to get a quest to get a torch and flint and tinder to see and also that if you played the game too much, you would get a debuff and your toon would be weakened or something along those lines.

But then they turned DHks ito killing civilians and removed the Duskwood stuff and removed the debuff from playing too much and seem to have removed the R15 PvP title as well as I have never seen anyone with it.

Would have been cool to keep in the Duskwood stuff and the R15 title I don’t know if those two made it into the original version. But yea the debuff for playing too much did come into game and caused a lot of people to unsub because you basically got punished for playing the game you chose to play. Still a DR on HKs though, but I don’t think it has ever been possible to get DHks from players. May have discouraged low level spawn camping though had they kept it in and not turned it into vs certain NPCs only.

I dislike the DHK system they went with. You could be grinding super hard for your PvP stuff and then group up with someone who likes to kill NPCs… Just them being in your group puts a DHK on your permanent record forever.

And if you are not paying attention and accidently run into a small group of the opposite faction, good chance there is a civilian NPC there.

You can kill any NPC of your choice in retail, and it doesn’t really affect gameplay that much.

They dont exist in any of the expacs. Blizzard found out what the players wanted.

You’re wrong. They serve blizzard’s purposes of griefing their community with intentionally bad designs meant to malign us, because we aren’t appreciated. Because they will never fail, or get caught, or held accountable for anything. Because this is big business in the modern day, where even their paying customers don’t matter. Because money isn’t ours.

looks for tinfoil hat emoji ;alas.