Remove dishonorable kills from the game

heh. you must like intentionally griefing horde with dhks too much to let you see that the dhk problem is actually a problem.

must be hard to let go of what little enjoyment you get out of griefing others.

oh well dont worry . im sure youll find another way to annoy other people if you try hard and believe in yourself enough.

Dishonorable Kills are a vestigial organ of the classic wow beast. They only serve as a deterrent to WPvP and should be removed.

dhks are unneeded and are actually achieving the opposite of the original design intention and promote griefing .

they should be done away with completely.

No, it isn’t, it’s to add a flag like they already did with BloodMoon, to tell whether you are in a BG or not. Or, alternatively, change the way vanilla HKs work to how BC HKS work, if they haven’t already, so when you turn off DHKS, it doesnt also turn off HKs.

You kick them when it happens and you move on. Period. The no life community that existed in original vanilla that rigged the heck out of ranks simply doesn’t exist anymore, in part due to MANY of those players likely quitting in the 20 years since the original ranking system was put into place (along with the people that they griefed) and because rank decay doesnt exist anymore, which that combined with how the ranking system worked before 1.12 is exactly -why- it was so detrimental to begin with, because several DHKs COULD wipe out weeks of progress BECAUSE everyone else is doing the honor too, but that behavior simply isnt the case anymore.

If you dont trust who youre grouping with and you care about something that really doesnt affect you as much anymore, dont group with them

It was sarcasm you actual idiot. But it’s also just straight up objectively not as bad as you try to make it out to be. It will NEVER be as bad as it was in 1.4-1.12 anymore.

To be fair, it was never used for its original intent because of how rigged the ranking community was in vanilla, you had people who, because someone didnt follow the “list” of who gets to be rank 13/14, they would literally befriend you, and if you werent smart enough to not group with them near civilians, they would just kill civilians near you.

Thankfully, these days, that behavior would not be as effective, for many reasons.
But also, like I said before, removing DHKs functionality from group content would not just affect DHKs, personally, I dont care whether they stay or go, just dont be lazy about their removal.

1 iq as always, its almost impressive at this point

“no no don’t remove dhks, keep them and just don’t group with anyone”

Don’t murder our civilians and you won’t have a problem. It really isn’t too hard to avoid grouping with e-war criminals.

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I said don’t remove DHKs from group content by itself without changing HK flags or the system itself.

I’ve said this multiple times. If you aren’t going to bother to read it, or just outright ignore it and just frame my words however you want up to and including putting words in my mouth despite the post being right there, then I’m just not going to reply to you because a conversation with you just isn’t worth having

making those individual npcs that are “civilians” immune to everything would have nothing to do with the getting hk system.

if you cant possibly kill something to get a dhk , you cant get dhks.


yes it really isnt hard to kill wpvp with thinking like that.


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Simply make all civilians in the game unattackable.

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If you can’t wpvp without slaughtering the innocent, you shouldn’t wpvp at all.

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sure thing there buddy.

i wont even respond to your crap anymore honestly. youre just trying to say random things to start a fight and cant possibly be that dense.

good day.

This is an okay solution. Though it would be better to remove the civilian tag alltogether. Easier, instant, and it really takes the teeth out of the griefers.

You want a mechanic gone because the punishments can be heaped upon you if you’re not careful about it… that’s a very silly reason.

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it impedes a whole avenue of gameplay for no good reason and actually is used for the opposite reason it was made for (to stop griefing).

its a vestige of a design decision that was already mostly scrapped and just needs to finish being done with.

Remove DHKs, hyper spawn civilians instead

Impediments are not bad just because you dislike them.

I wish they’d improve upon it more. Make all low level kills dishonorable, add a lawful/chaotic meter, give rep rewards for being dastardly or noble for extended periods of time, let us murder like-faction if we’re evil enough (or hunt horrible people if we’re noble enough), etc.

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The only way to stop WOODDEPARTMENT from continuing to grief us with civilians is to remove dishonorable kills entirely. Otherwise nowhere will be safe. It’s only going to get worse until then.

this is still an issue .

please blizzard remove dhks from the game. there have been quite a few purposed solutions to this in this thread and others.

please do something.

It’s uncool to lose progress in the pvp system by participating in PVP events. I hope they decide to remove dishonorable kills from the game. Make sure to voice your opinions here in the phase 4 development forum too.