Remove dishonorable kills from the game

I was real immersed fighting back horde riding our boat in P1 and taking the fight to ratchet and some dingus killed a civvy and got us all a DHK

my grief was immersive

Cities raiding are not grieffing, thats pvp. This is a wargame, But DHKs make classic a Game like hello Kitty island.

No. Stop camping civilian npcs and you won’t have to worry about it.

The duskwood information was left over from alpha with the old Survival profession. It never made it into beta. The Rank 15 title never made it into beta either.

Most of the information, right down to the night elf holding the Darnassus Sentinel 3 bladed weapon, was left over information that was left in from alpha and beta due to lazy marketing. Blizzard really just did not care when WoW was first announced as they themselves never thought WoW would even be big enough to warrant TBC’s creation, let alone become the biggest game ever.

you know i could go into a whole big post disagreeing with you and pointing out where your line of logic is faulty but i wont.

im tired of it.

dhks are horrible design and can be safely gotten rid of with pretty much no ill side effects.

You can disagree all you want, but that’s literally how you get DHKs, you don’t get them from any other source and they offer nothing to you.
If its that big of a “problem” for you, the only thing you could possibly be doing, is camping people you have no business camping, and decimating quest areas you have no business being at, much less continually clearing the entire camp/town.

Lorewise, it makes sense not to kill innocents.
Gamewise, it stops people, like you presumably, from constantly camping people who have no hope of offering a challenge or defending themselves, and from rendering entire questing areas unplayable without any repercussions.

These repercussions also didnt even matter if you didn’t care about ranking up or equipping new gear, if you were fine having rank 8 gear for example, you could literally DHK yourself back to one, and never lose an ounce of player power because the gear you equipped still gave you complete benefits until you unequipped it, and would act as if you had the rank until you unequipped it, even if you de-ranked yourself completely through toxic griefing.

It was removed in later expansions, because all facets of the honor system were removed except honor itself, hks didn’t even serve a purpose anymore, and not because people like you complained about not understanding why they were in the game to begin with.

pulls out crystal ball

hmm there might be a person who accidently attacks an npc in this group and gets me a dhk, using my psychic powers, i will now kick that person from the group

of course they matter, when was the last time u saw a city raid? oh no one ever does them because they don’t want dhks? hmm yeah that checks

there are no rules against ganking lowbies lol.


Then leave the group. Or kick the person if you’re lead. It’s not that difficult. You are literally finding any reason to complain besides just fixing it yourself.

uhh i think you don’t understand how dhks work and read what you think that they do in this thread which never made it to live, camping lowbies does not give any DHK, you can camp a low level player permanently if you want to, many people have.

Which leads the low level person to go into a town, discouraging you from just killing everything in sight. They also straight up dont give honor, and there are rules against it. The purpose is fulfilled in multiple ways.

this is not how ranked pvp gear has ever worked, once you earn the item and buy it, you can wear it regardless of rank…

You have arrived at my point. The repercussions don’t even matter

You can literally go anywhere you want. Just don’t grief civilian zones by killing npcs that are far under your level and literally give you nothing.

You want to kill a civilian in the vanilla honor system, you lose honor and standing. That’s how it works, both lorewise and gamewise.

You want it to not mattter? Play literally any other version of the game beyond 2005 where the pvp system has shifted to arena.


what you said may hold true if not for the fact that the only way to get dmf in elwynn is to be very close to easily killed civilians .

meaning you have to get in close and kills any actual wpvp in the zone which is also a must with people camping the npc to get it from.

its stupid.

it shouldnt be in the game and in every other version of the game they are removed .

what you said may hold true if not for the fact that the only way to get dmf in elwynn is to be very close to easily killed civilians .

Practice Self control. You have no one to blame but yourself. DMF is ENTIRELY extra, ENTIRELY un-needed, and ENTIRELY cosmetic.

dmf is cosmetic? have you been drinking today?

raids are cosmetic too i guess? ashenvale? cosmetic…

except for the fact that its key to a gameplay style that many many people take part in and is a valid way to play.

self control is fine.

invalidating an entire way to play the game is not.

DMF does not offer player power other than a buff that takes less than 10 minutes to get.

If you care about DMF buff THAT much, leave the group you are in for the 5 minutes it takes to get and boon the buff. It’s literally not that difficult.


yes . just jump through these hoops doing a backflip and landing on both feet or be penalized for 4 hours of HAVING TO BE IN THE GAME FOR THE WHOLE TIME or LOGGING OUT IN A RESTED ZONE FOR 8 HOURS. to try again.

or risk getting a dishonorable kill setting yourself back a week or 2 worth of rank progress!


only if horde filth get automatic down rank for getting the DMF buff in elwyn

while faction conflict and being for a faction is funny sometimes i dont agree unless alliance get the same treatment.

Agreed, the system was originally going to be a means to prevent higher levels from attacking lower leveled players. Along with griefing Essential NPCs (originally Quest Givers) and Flight Masters.

((You can read this in the manual about DHKs, it specifically states “such as killing new players vastly inferior to you in level, or killing essential non-combat NPCs such as flight masters quest givers”.))

But. Wouldn’t ya know it. The system was abused. Specifically low level characters would suicide into World PVP and force the opposing side to accumulated obscene amounts of DKHs.

So. They removed most of the system; low-leveled players no longer gave DKHs, Flight Masters no longer gave DHKs, most Essential NPCs were ‘unflagged’ as Essential - thus no longer giving DHKs.

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its directly used as a griefing tool now on both elwynn and mulgore (with horde making alliance alts and pulling civilians into alliance raids) dmf.

its entirely stupid and needs removed now.

I find it really weird that you like SoD changes, you also said can’t understand why a person would want just a regular fresh unless it relates to a player power race for them (even with other reasons being explained to you) but THIS is what you think should be “preserved like 2005”.

Dks have never had anything to do with lowbie camping. People can and do camp lowbies all day without ever running into a civilian, even in towns. Even the quest givers are rarely civilians so people can just keep killing those and rarely get their hands slapped as there is a “pvp solution on a pvp server”.

I’m one of those few people who doesn’t like too many changes, well especially if they could go to Era, but the only “unintended consequence” I can see here is people losing their ability to derank if they want to, which an uncommon thing to want to do anyway. Otherwise removing DKs it would help encourage more city raids that are fun for some people, and yes it would help with horde and the DMF buff. The allies already don’t have something similar to deal with in Mulgore. Edit - I guess civilians are being pulled into the Mulgore DMF too according to the above, the rest applies.