Alternatively, add a category of “selling illegal services” to the RCR drop down menu to report things like gold selling, or selling leveling services. Tie only this option to an auto squelch that triggers on a lower number of reports, such as 10 reports.
For all other options. require a minimum of 100 reports, each from different account, to trigger the auto squelch.
This would eliminate much of the potential for abuse.
It would be almost a no brainer to determine whether a player squelched for selling illegal services was actually doing so. If they were, punish them appropriately. If not, punish the ones submitting the false reports.
It would also make it much more difficult for Johnny and his cronies to collude to squelch a player that simpy irritated them.
Do you or do you not have multiple paid cosmetic items on your account? Calling everyone who disagrees with you a shill, while you sit there and throw money at the company you despise so much is absolutely, fantastically hilarious.
I haven’t paid for a single blizzard product since tokens where added, out of my own pocket… So yeah, I have a cosmetic helm that was free (or at least some gold buyer paid for via purchasing a token)… But you go on defending a system you wouldn’t even understand without me beating reality into your skull. A pathetic and obvious attempt at a deflection on your part.
As for the bit about despising Blizzard…that might be the single most moronic thing in this thread full of powerfully dumb statements from you and your ilk. I wouldn’t be spending my time playing a game I absolutely hated, I’m just capable of actually approaching a subject rationally and acknowledging flaws when and where they exist. RCR and auto squelch is a massive flaw, and needs to be purged from existence because it’s flawed and lazy, and Blizzard should be held accountable for those flaws and that laziness. It’s a hell of a lot more productive than blindly shilling when you don’t even know how the damn system works, and refuse to be educated.
This thread has been useless since it’s inception. The people supporting RCR and automated squelch are wrong, have always been wrong, and will continue being wrong.
This isn’t the first thread they’ve been wrong in, and probably won’t be the last. By and large the overwhelming majority didn’t even understand how the damn system even works, and still felt obligated to vommit fourth their opinions on the topic over and over regardless…
Hey now, some good discussion was had. Some legitimate abuse scenarios were pointed out, and there was relatively few people dismissing or supporting bigoted nonsense.
In the 12 years since the implementation of the right-click report and automated squelch, I’ve been punished a total of 0 times. Maybe the problem is you?
Keep fighting that crusade though, your futile efforts to convince Blizzard to remove core components of their CS operations are amusing.
Oh look another sad, obvious and pathetic attempt to deflect. I’d call you a “1 trick pony” but really it hasn’t yet worked out for you yet even once.
You might have had a point there, except you still don’t… Never once have I said I’m against punishments being handed out -BY GMS-. If a player earns a suspension, then they earn a suspension. The difference is a gm is an impartial party who is dispensing justice AFTER weighing the facts and making a determination.
Players are not guaranteed to be impartial, may not have access to all of the facts, and can exploit the system to dispense punishment before anything resembling a “trial” by an impartial party.
It’s an objectively terrible way for any self respecting “justice system” to conduct itself. There’s a reason the US Court system uses the manta “innocent until proven guilty”… The irony is that your complete inability to see, or comprehend this fairly simplistic concept is EXACTLY why a player like you cannot and should not ever be given any kind of power to punish other players…
Report and let the report automatically either ignore (or at least temporarily ignore) the player in question. It’s a gm problem from there.
Also, I haven’t said it in this specific thread yet, but further disproving your assertion… I’m also in favor of a “Compromise” where the punishments are AUTOMATICALLY DOUBLED for the vanilla environment, so long as they are only handed out by GMs, and not players. Nothing about that position is being soft on legitimate rule breakers, or some position out of self interest… It is, however, about ensuring a fair system that doesn’t punish innocent players, or lead to potential exploitation. Something you seemingly are all in favor of doing for some reason.
If people would put as much effort of thought into self regulating what they type in public channels with intended topics as they do trying to justify crapping up said channels, there would not be a need for auto squelches.
I found it entertaining for you to come up with a number and then say the number is a bit too low, despite the fact that I stated no number or suggested a number, much less care what threshold blizzard sets. Bottom line: if you cannot stop yourself from belching repeatedly in the middle of a symphony, I have absolutely zero sympathy if your belching gets actioned.
If you are willing to disrupt the entire group trying to reasonably communicate in a specific topic public channel, then I could not care less what your fate is as a result. If it is too much of a hassle for you to abstain from such idiocy, Reap what you sow. You won’t be missed.
Need I be any more clear about my stance?
edit: Fesz’s suggested number of 100 pissed off channel users before a squelch happens is deliciously absurd.
Hahahaha, no it isn’t. You have zero interest in establishing a reasonable threshold for RCR to function properly, on top of knowing full well that nobody posting here has the player metrics available from which to derive such a number, also on top of the threshold number possibly being variable, and not absolute, based on the number of available players who could report within a certain time frame, anyway.