Cr Battlegrounds are part of vanilla - Still don’t like it tho.
LFD - I don’t even know why you have to mention this since this wasn’t part of vanilla.
Right click report - This wasn’t part of vanilla so it shouldn’t be in classic. That said, they will not have the same number of GMs as they had during vanilla and all these “right-click abuse” fearmongering could work if not by the fact that GMs can see who sent the report and false reporting will get the banhammer dropped on you really hard.
I am just waiting for that first major blow-up when a rival PvPer has his guild/streamer followers RCR a Rank 13 into the dirt to stall his GM/HWL grind… It will be a bloodbath.
There either are no GMs, or very little GMs, hence RCR. The system is designed to have as little oversight as possible and to be as automatic as possible, otherwise we may as well just go back to opening tickets. GMs review tickets- single, isolated complaints or request for help. Asking them to pore over a bunch of RCR records, explore the chat logs contemporaneous to the same, and potentially backlash frivolous RCR players seems like more work, not less.
no, and the point is that that wouldn’t be there to negate one of the major consequences of the long auto-squelching that comes from right-click-report
no raid finder either
Idk what are you talking about, they still review the reports, there’'s even a warning in their code of conduct.
While we encourage you to report players that are behaving in a disrespectful manner, falsely reporting another player with the sole intent of restricting their gameplay is also unacceptable, and will result in penalties to your account.
The system is designed as an inmediate response against an ofending player until a GM reviews the case.
The reason auto silence was put into wow was from the huge abundance of spammers during the days of wrath where servers like Illidan used addons that did it for you thus adding a version of auto-silence before blizzard even had it. The reporting feature should be added as blizzard has very little GM interaction on live and will have little to non existent presence. If there is no software grabbing snapshots of people who are abusing game mechanics or botting it will become rampant.
If right click reporting is abusable and can get people either silenced indefinitely or have them kicked from game then how are streamers or top end guilds never affected? It would be that they are being affected but blizzard knowing this could happen introduced some fail-safes to protect people from this.
Isn’t that what they should already be doing when reviewing squelches to determine If the squelch was warranted (and further punishment imposed) or overturned?
I suspect the system is heavily automated. When you RCR, it auto-ignores the person for you, so you as the reporter have your problem solved immediately. If enough people RCR, then it likely triggers some additional tier of punishment, such as auto-squelching. So that theoretically solves more persistent problems. If you have multiple instances of you being RCR, then I imagine it escalates you as an offender to a ban or something along those lines. Similar to how these forums work with their trust levels and what not- you check enough boxes, progressively worse punishments are meted out. It’s not too difficult to imagine a system requiring very little to no oversight, while still being effective for the purpose.
Edit: A review of auto-squelch is only necessary if it’s permanent/durable. I suspect it’s a limited time feature, such as an auto-squelch for 1 hour or something. No GM is going to waste time reviewing that because it would take longer than the natural expiration of the penalty in the first place, so the end result is the same.