Remove auto silence and right click report

I wasn’t disagreeing that it’s more the exception than the rule, I was just pointing out a situation where longer squelch durations can, did, and likely would again occur. It’s related to general ticket response times, but (opinion) it seems to be on a slightly lower priority hierarchy for response than other items.


I mean, they are still waiting on the big blow up on retail to happen too. People said the same thing would happen on retail. I mean, why wouldn’t it?

So its either already happened and Blizz doesn’t care.

Or it hasn’t happened and its not worth worrying about.

Thats personally why I don’t stress over it. Seems like a waste of my time to even concern myself with it, when either Blizz wont do anything; or the issue ends up being a nonfactor anyway.


fair enough, have a good rest of the day !

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honestly with how key being able to communicate in classic is going to be, having overzealous people like some of the people supporting the auto squelch part of it is scary.

players should never have the right to turn others voices off for other people other than for themselves just with the straight /ignore function.

rcr isnt the issue. its the auto squelch function that is the problem. i think almost everyone has no problem with the GMs being able to mete out punishment.

it should never be in the players hands though.


re: abuse. I don’t have much to add except to say we shouldn’t be throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Pretty much all the concerns listed seem fixable with a few tweaks to the implementation.

ya . remove the auto squelch function of it and let players right click and report with a manual review and punish false reporting on a mass scale.

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I feel the auto squelch is fine (remember that’s different from silence, which requires multiple offenses, from my understanding).

Also false reporting is doubtfully as endemic as you might think. ToS violations, spam, and general jerkishness on the other hand, are common (albeit by a small fraction of the population).

Lol I’d forgotten how infuriating you are to talk to. So you tell me to provide a source, and then literally cite the actual communication from blizzard about how the system works, that also directly supports my statement, and say that’s not good enough… You’re right in that I don’t have anything more than the official blizzard statement about how it works.

You’re also right, I assume blizzard isn’t outright lying to it’s customers about how the system works. I don’t have an explanation for your experience other than blizzard has said silences aren’t completely automatic, a gm reviews cases when people have been squelched and decides an appropriate course of action. There probably are bugs in the system. There probably are lazy GMs who are just going to rubber stamp whatever the report says. That’s not great. But I don’t feel like that means the system is totally broken and we should just scrap it.

Also per blizzard, silences go up in duration the more times they happen. So no, it doesn’t surprise me that you, with all your amazing decorum and interpersonal skills, have had GM action enough to get a five day silence.

I don’t have personal experience being banned or silenced, probably because I’m not nearly as much of an internet tough guy as you are. So I guess we’ll have to leave our respective evidence at: your charming anecdote vs the blizzard statement.

Look, I’ve agreed a long time ago that a better system would be easy reporting with no automatic actions, with a huge team of well trained competent GMs. And because I know that isn’t going to happen, I don’t have a problem with the current system. It’s probably not perfect, and there will always be one off situations where it may not work or something unique has to be done. Boom and Boomsbot are one of those super unique situations, and I gave a plausible work around within the system that exists.


Friend in my view people who are pro changes (pro right click report squelch system) they like the power to harass and grief people using the system, they want to abuse it. They like to tell others what they can and cannot do, basically a fake policeman, with lots of free authority to silence people and 0 responsibility.

They don’t care how much it can be used to abuse, they don’t care that wow was perfectly fine without the system, and that on pservers there are no issues with how wow runs with no reports. you can give them all the facts and reality, it won’t change them. they don’t care about reality, in their head they see potential power to be a police man and they like the idea that they can ruin someones experience with no consequences for themselves.


Rumor has it the pservers are pretty much a cesspool of racism and bigotry. And since I point blank asked you if you think bigotry is bad and you declined to actually answer the question, maybe your opinions should be taken with a grain of salt here?


They MAY incur a squelch due to players colluding to abuse the RCR to impose their own brand of vigilante justice. That does not mean the squelch was warranted.

They MAY even incur a silence if they actually committed a violation.

The final decision is up to Blizzard.

Hopefully Blizzard lowers the hammer on those contributing to unwarranted squelches when those squelches are overturned.

Ah, here comes the ad hominem attacks.

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people are making a false equivelency when they say oh if its not an epidemic it isnt a problem.

the sheer fact that players have any power they can hold over other players to punish them is idiotic.

the average person can sometimes be a moron.

this isnt saying GMs cant be morons its only that a centralized power structure where people are designated to mete out punishment is perferable to mob rule.

why do people feel the need to censor what everyone else sees? if not they could use /ignore on the person offending their eyes and be done with it for good and not have it be only temporary with the rcr.

stop trying to tell me what i can and can not see. i will decide for myself.


I’m only “infuriating to talk to” because I have absolutely no patience for your exact kind of post/ignorance on a topic as important as this, particularly when combined with your arrogance/inability to do any damn research beyond clicking the very first response from a google search and link the already debunked and entirely outdated article that was for a PROPOSED system, that is different from the one we have on live, despite numerous people who actually do have experience with the system telling you that the article was inaccurate.

Here’s an updated article for you, since you seem to be too incapable of actually finding information for you damn self before running your mouth on topics you don’t even understand.

Gee imagine that, it’s EXACTLY like I’ve been telling you and the other shills for months/since this forum was created.

If you can’t even be bothered to comprehend the difference between “squelch” and “silence” when they are used in the proper context, then you are absolutely useless to this discussion. I was SQUELCHED for over 5 days at the start of BfA, not silenced.

It’s only a rumor. Not an issue where I play. Occasionally some guy/gal says something dumb, no one cares, and somehow world moves on. Crying wolf doesn’t get rewarded, so whining about others opinions doesn’t exist. But in retail everyone thinks they are a police man because blizzard went down the route of catering to that.

Depends on what you consider bigotry, I already told
you that I prefer honesty. Definition of bigotry and fairness varies from person to person, it’s not an agreed upon definition. Besides RCR abuse will probably be more bigotry, don’t like the skin color of the guy/guy - report him/her and he/she is silenced. That sounds like bigotry to me.

Honestly with how key being able to communicate in classic is going to be, having people fill up specialized subject public channels with garbage without blizzards rcr system is scary.

It’s simple: don’t mess with the ability of everyone in a channel to use it for its intended use, and you won’t risk your own ability to communicate being squelched.

It is not a problem though. Unless you cannot control your impulse to crap up public channels. And even then it is only a problem for you personally, while the rest of the channels are in a better shape without your nonsense clogging it up.

Please stop. My eyes cannot roll any more heavenward. :roll_eyes:

The blue post was quite clear that should the community feel it is spam, it may be reported as such and may be punished as such. Had they actually put another sentence in there to the effect of: “that would be abuse of RCR”, you might have a valid point. However they did no such thing, so the definition of may as they used it clearly indicates that they trust the community to police it’s own, “may” equating to condoning.

May we as community members, deeming chuck norris jokes and their subsequent responses to be spam when in /trade chat (my pet peeve), may we right click report such disruptions to the intended use of the channels, such that it may (upon a threshold of reports) squelch the offending party and enable the community at large be free of such disruption?
Blizzard clearly responded: “you may”.

Attempting mythical mental gymnastics to interpret it any other way, while entertaining at first, has become mindbogglingly disingenuous.

If that squelch is subsequently overturned, obviously Blizzard did not feel the victim.ofvthe squelch was “SPAMMING”. Therefore, the reports were false as, in Blizzard’s eyes, no actual violation took place.

Hopefully, Blizzard will lower the hammer against those that submit false reports that contribute to a squelch that is subsequently overturned.

BTW, Blizzard stated that players may use /trade foirvthings other than the buying or selling of goods and/or services–in your own words, “may” equating to condoning.

Well, they claim they do, for repeated abuses.

so we are to go by what youre opinion of “crapping up” public chat channels on all things then right?

if not how many would be a good number to shut someone down for all of the channel for whatever reasons they deem appropriate ?


seems a bit too low of a number have the power to mute anyone they feel like from being able to pretty much communicate at all.

putting the power of punishment in the mobs hands is not a good idea.

removing the auto squelch from rcr is the only acceptable option while still keeping the ability of players to be able to alert the real authority that something might need to be done.