Remove auto silence and right click report

If basic humanity doesn’t appeal to you, then I’ll note bigotry is against the terms of service.

And beside that even, remember that the solution to toxicity isn’t removing oneself, it’s removing the toxic players.


You sound like a bigot more than anyone else here, because you label everyone who disagrees with you instantly. That’s trolling and bigotry.

So look in the mirror.

I haven’t labeled anyone here anything.

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You insulted trans people earlier, you called others bigots… that is trolling because you are carefully trying to get reaction out of people.

And you try harder and slip up when you don’t get it fast enough.


Hold on sparky.

You make some very big leaps here.

Just because it does not break the rules,as you are so fond of telling us, does not mean they “approve” of it.

Carry on.


I’mma stop responding to you until you take a page from Åpocalypse, who started out posting in a rather inflammatory way but ultimately made a nice post with some convincing points once they dropped the aggression.


I didn’t see any insults to trans players.

This is what they said about Trans players. If you are seeing an insult, perhaps you might tone down the sensitivity levels.


It was just the group most likely to be closeted due to really aggressive bigotry. A type of person very plausible to be harassed by terrible people, such as via misuse of the report system.

Going further into this would be quite off topic and likely lead to a thread closure.


When Blizzard stated that something, in and of itself, is not a violation, that says to me that they approve of it, even if they do not actively encourage it.

That is, of course, just my opinion.

“If you’re not against us, you’re with us”?

I mean, that’s the logical contrapositive of the usual phrase, but I rarely hear people promote that version.

It is your opinion. And its cool. Just wanted to point out that permitting does not condone the action. I.E. Blizzard is not saying YES go ahead and spam an_l jokes all day. . We love that stuff!

“SPAMMING” is a violation and that specific type of joke, at the very least, borders on language violations, IMO. Those are very different than having a nice, civilized conversation.

Blizzard is, however, saying that using /trade for things other than the buying or selling of goods or services is, in and of itself, not a violation, regardless of whether or not is someone’s pet peeve.

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I agree… well up to your obvious dig with the pet peeve statement :wink:

Edit, up to the NEEDING to use the pet peeve shade that is

squleches do not last days., though I’m sure random exceptions may occur, don’t really want to go digging through old blue posts that address squelch length,lol.

This is going to be fun. I’m going to let you, the overconfident person talking out of his rectum, to attempt to dig up your imaginary source and post it here, before I put you in place.

Let me guess, it was the 3 year old post about a FORTHCOMING silence penalty from the Legion era?

Well news flash, that’s NOT how the system was actually implemented, and they specifically don’t have any modern customer service articles describing the system, because they apparently prefer people like you to shill for them out of ignorance/stupidity and to cause confusion on these very topics.

I’ve actually been silenced (which admittedly probably doesn’t surprise anyone here, considering the exceptionally low tolerance I’ve already demonstrated for the exact kind of stupidity/ignorance/inability to comprehend reality already demonstrated in this thread)… Most recently, I was squelched for OVER 5 days because a premade of Azralons decided to exploit the system and mass report me during an AB match, ~a day before BfA’s launch. So I’ve even gotten to see the system in action when it was being exploited.

So MY source on this subject, is direct personal experience from the launch of BfA. I don’t give a single damn what the old article says about a system they hadn’t even implemented yet at the time, I’m telling you how it actually works. You do not get to send tells to your friends in game, even if they send you a tell first, and as an added bonus you can’t even log out of the game and send a tell to a friend to someone in wow via the bnet launcher for the duration.

Squelches more or less last the duration of ticket response times, but are apparently also considered lower priority issues to deal with. As said above, I’ve personally been squelched for 5 days, on account of the squelch happening right before BfA’s launch, caused by a premade of exploiting Azralons intentionally trolling during bgs.

and I’ve responded to that absurdity multiple times by pointing out that letting a player get squelched so many times that the GMs just give up enforcing him and making him immune to reports is a TERRIBLE idea for multiple reasons…

First because it forces a player to become a victim repeatedly for no damn reason… and second because it then creates a system where a streamer might be able to start legitimately cause problems in game, with a blanket of report immunity protecting them.

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I think we found the actual troll.
You have been voted most likely to be squelched in classic.


They also went on to say the part that you continually ignore:
That other players may report it as spam and it may incur the squelch penalty.

I am content with my desire for undisrupted non general public channels to be described as a “pet peeve”. As many have pointed out in here, communication is very important in vanilla/classic. Do not make a nightmare out of public non general channels and you’ll not risk having your own communication hampered.

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and you are sure it was a squelch and not a silence?, or a squelch that turned into a silence?
In any case, they have addressed cases like that to do be outliers if they do happen. In either case the duration may also be tied to previous actions as well.
Like I said, exceptions may happen I imagine ,but are hardly the rule.

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As stated it was right before (and into ) the expansion launch… Even normal tickets where taking multiple days at that point.

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Ok? so then you are saying yes? regardless, the rest of what I posted hold true.