Nah…no worries. I have gotten far worse from way better people. I’m not gonna hide because someone cannot stand a difference of opinion.
Plus I REALLY don’t want to start the whole TL3 grind again on a new toon.
Nah…no worries. I have gotten far worse from way better people. I’m not gonna hide because someone cannot stand a difference of opinion.
Plus I REALLY don’t want to start the whole TL3 grind again on a new toon.
I remember it being really bad, then it getting solved. (most came from free trial accounts). Blizzard had this thing where they would just not stop free accounts, because it was very profitable.
We aren’t going to have those in classic, so might be good. Either way, I rather see occasional gold spam, than have a system that automatically silences people at a whim.
yeah, but we are gonna have stolen accounts to deal with because people are lackadaisical with their account security. A lot of your gold spam/service selling comes from them now.
Yeah gold spam came from stolen accounts. Of which there will be plenty.
It’s why they push 2FA so hard.
I sense some “heat” coming in…
inc wall of text
Wonder what the ratio of condescension to actual arguments will be. I’m guessing at least 5:1.
Mostly because I’m fairly confident you don’t understand what it actually entails…
They aren’t just removed from trade chat.
They are also stopped from talking /say, /yell, and prevented from sending whispers, or replying to whispers for the duration of the squelch. You literally can’t even send a reply tell to a person on your own friends list, who sends you a tell first.
It will also prevent you from speaking in groups/raids that are formed via queu up method like BGs (and possibly LFR and LFD for like a random heroic though that doesn’t impact classic obviously)… Manually queuing up for a groups seems to be an exception (like a M+ or normal/heroic/mythic raid… but again doesn’t apply to classic)
In bfa this is annoying as hell, but not that big of an issue for most content, because no one talks to each other regardless.
In a VANILLA environment, however, this is a death sentence and could almost entirely block a player from doing ANY content beyond random BGs, unless they are able to get a friend to invite them (or send a group invite to a friend), then talk in party chat, and then have the friend lead the party (since it will require communication of some kind)…
This part is speculation, but quite likely, given the info:
For the squelch to be implemented, the player has to be logged out of the game, because the squelch is directly modifying the player’s account permissions. Kind of like how when you log into a a windows computer as ADMINISTRATOR you have different powers than a general user.
The players getting effectively DDOSed out of RBGs for example, is just a side effect of the automated system force changing their permissions, rather than an intended additional “middle finger”/punishment from blizzard.
Also, since people seem inevitably confused by this, the official “silence” penalty and the automated “squelch” penalty are -identical- in function. The “squelch” status is just indefinite duration until “review” (which in itself is not a guarantee of actual competent review… as the staff are not required to comment in any way and can simply rubber stamp whatever the automated system said with no explanation)… The “silence” on the other hand is duration based, with the duration doubling every instance it is applied.
Automated squelch is quite literally pushing a full punishment before the “trial”… and it has no place in a vanilla environment because of the significantly larger impact that the automated squelch system has in that environment. It is a significantly larger penalty in vanilla than it is on retail.
EDIT: One final addendum: The Squelch duration, is nearly invariably longer (and often significantly so) than the silence penalty is or would have been.
I’d also add, that vanilla will be a single realm world. Filling up an entire /ignore list should be substantially more difficult, if not impossible in a single realm environment… to the point where I’d actually argue that anyone who legitimately makes 50 enemies on a single realm is probably more the problem player to begin with.
Notably, “world” chat will likely be considered a “private” channel despite everyone on the server being in it. So a squelch won’t prevent you from chatting in there. Nor will it prevent you from chatting in guild. Whispers should probably be off the list, I agree, since that’s solved with ignore (and potentially an additional report for harassment).
Also thank you from doing far better than my expectations. Much less inflammatory than previous posts.
since the earlier post was axed here is a summary of my thoughts on this whole issue:
1> auto-squelch can be abused, by a small minority for sure but still it will be abused IMHO
2> squelch will have a much more dramatic effect in classic (see Apocalypse’ earlier post) than in retail due to the requirement to chat to do any group activity. if squelch was limited to 10-30 minute squelch I would be okay with that but hours to days before review are potentially going to happen and that is over the top. remember the squelch/silence is account wide so effectively preventing any play by that player account during the full duration of the squelch.
3> RCR should either have auto-squelch removed, resulting in delayed purging of truely inappropriate postings/posters by the GM in order to protect people not doing anything against Tos CoC but somehow irritated some people.
OR at the very least auto-squelch should only apply to /trade and /lfg. to help prevent some folks from squelching non violating (Tos/Coc) but unpopular topics in /general /zone /guild channels. (I want Chuck Norris to rule the barrens again!)
/party and /raid I am on the fence on but leaning to no auto-squelch because the group can just report and kick the offender.
4> Fraudulent (intentionally reported for no good cause) reports should result in a silence penalty with doubling the same way other silences are calculate. if there is a report and on review it’s a close call either way then GM can choose neither party should be silenced just a warning issued to both sides that it was a grey area so they know they might have been too edgy (poster) or maybe a little too sensitive or unclear on the CoC/ToS limits (reporter).
5> on a slightly off-topic but related topic and pet peeve of mine.
on Reporting, RCR or through a ticket, people for multiboxing or other within ToS but disliked ‘unfriendly acts’ i.e. node ‘stealing’, killing the opposing factions quest givers/flight masters, camping PvP victims for a short while < 30 minutes, etc… should result in a outright 24 hour ban, not a silence, a full on ban. Okay maybe give them a warning message the first time before swinging the ban hammer, I am getting soft in my old age.
/rant off
A whole lotta “Think of the children!” going on…
The sweet sweet irony.
Wait. You mean I can make a channel named Edgelords only. Then I can get all the edgelords on the server to join and we won’t have any issues because it’s private?
Oh even better! What if we use bnet communities and make a Thick Skinned community so we all wind up on the same server and we keep the thin skins out? Brilliant!
You and some of the other gnomes here are why I stopped hating gnomes. Now I hate nightelves. Except mom. That nightelve has grown on me. Lol.
Hey Apocalypse, haven’t seen you in these threads in a while. As has been answered multiple times for you when you use your only example of potential abuse… Anecdotally, there have been instances of high profile individuals being reported over and over, (streamers) and blizzard can make an adjustment to that individual’s account so they cant be auto-squelched and all reports against them get manually reviewed. I understand that by starting my answer with ‘anecdotally’, it doesn’t make it reality, but I’d assume this applies to most streamers, because people freaking despise those guys and I have to assume they’d get RCR’d into oblivion if some sort of exceptions didn’t exist.
Obviously, human review by a competent well paid and engaged GM is the better solution.
That seems unlikely. The benefits of this system outweigh the cons. Mostly because the cons are all sky-is-falling nonsense with little substance. IF rcr is abused, THEN let’s fix it.
This is objectively and demonstrably false. If you find blizzards explanation of the system ‘whisper friends’ and ‘reply to whispers from non friends’ are literally the first two things listed under “while silenced you can still:”
And here you are acting like the expert.
Edit to fix typo
Doubt it. I have had salty people reporting me in the past and my case was reviewed by a GM and dropped the same day (never said that it was going to be a quick process).
The same can be said by any situation I had that involved the intervention of a GM or someone in customer support, I always had a response the same day the issue occurred.
RCR currently gets abused in retail. Get your guildies to report with you to get someone kicked so you can win a premade RBG for instance or just to win a spat against someone you don’t like. In classic however there is FAR more incentive and at stake to totally ruin things like:
Your’e getting close to ringing the gong for the Scarab Lord quest and someone else you are competing with hears this and gets their buddies to report you.
You are getting close to High Warlord and the same thing happens.
Your guild is about to get a world first on a boss and a competing guild gets your raid leader kick/squelched.
You like to corpse camp people and now you risk getting your wow life ruined by a long term squelch.
You need groups in classic and need to communicate! There is no dungeon finder in vanilla! Being squelched long term is basically the end of your ability to progress, arrange trades, etc.
China farmers and other savvy players don’t just farm gold, they also control markets… imagine you try to sell nexus crystals for example or end game enchants or any other market they have locked down… they use their army to remove the competition. This currently happens on retail btw.
You multibox and people are going to ruin your ability to get groups and communicate by falsely reporting you for botting.
To sum it all up: On retail it isn’t as huge of a concern. In classic it can ruin your whole experience and cause world firsts, things in high contention, and utter false positives from people who can and will abuse the system. There are numerous cases and videos currently of this system being abused on youtube. Or google it and see the horror stories for yourself. This cannot be in classic!
What alternatives do you have in mind that still lets us mute bigots/spammers?
And do note that Blizz states they’ll take action on people who abuse the system. Your confidence in that may vary, but I’ll note that if Blizz tends to inaction, I’d rather the community be able to mute people than not. If they won’t deal with people who abuse reporting, they won’t deal with bigots, and that requires squelching to deal with.
Haha, I hear you. But it seems like a system that only allows so many posts a minute already satisfies that type of case. Being reported for spamming when looking for group and receiving a silence that increases in duration (from 1 hour, to multiple days) seems excessive.
I understand catching gold sellers, harassment, etc - you can just ignore people if you think they post in trade too often.
I just hope there is a happy medium and the current system isn’t exploited. I feel like it is a crucial part of the vanilla experience - since there is a real focus on community.
If some people really feel they need more im sure someone could write an addon that makes /ignoring quicker or you know… make a hotkey
Ignore works wonders, you are not elected to be the world police.