Remove 30% AP bonus

14 x 7 x 300 x 10% = 2940 extra ap
3 x 7 x 300 x 30% = 1890 extra ap

And both of those numbers are out of a total non-buffed value of 14 x 7 x 300 = 29400 base ap.

Horde is still ahead after 3 weeks of this buff that supposedly favors Alliance, according to the math you’re trying to show, at least for those who were enticed by the extra 20% buff to turn WM on, which is apparently not that many people because if it was enough the 20% extra buff would go away or flip to Horde next week.

Even if you ignore the 2940 AP the Horde got because it wasn’t their fault that Alliance didn’t turn WM on, I don’t see the 1890 AP gained in 3 weeks by the Alliance as game-breaking by any stretch of the imagination. Three pieces of 370 gear exploited from that first couple of weeks of warfronts far outweighs the ilvl power gains on a neck piece from 1890 extra AP.

How many levels does 1890 pump up your neck, and what’s the ilvl gain for that many levels?


Oh it’s not my rogue that gets camped. It’s my everything but my Druid and my rogue. Then again, I’m sure rogues get camped trying to kill named world elites, since it’s either stop questing or try to fight through it.

Considering you have to gain 15 ilvls per slot to raise your ilvl one level, can’t be much.

Self inflicted wound by people who want to stack 1 faction because they are lemmings.

The incentive is fine, you will live. Enjoy the help you have on your Alliance toon and stop looking at the glass half empty for the Horde, but half full for the Alliance so Warmode doesn’t completely die.


Watching this morning 27 alliance player camping Seekers’ Vista while no Horde want counter them by grouping up. That main problem I have been seeing lately.

Twice you said “no one likes it” , but all I am hearing is " I am horde, and horde don’t the fact that they can’t breeze through on WM with a 10% bonus without any fear of having to actually fight".

Funny, this is like the third or fourth complaint on this page about how unfair it is that Alliance has this bonus, and yet it was crickets from the horde about it being unfair before they put in the 30% bonus. Only complaints from horde before this were that not enough Alliance had it turned on.


It is hilarious to hear this from a hordie, when for several expansions the reverse was true and the horde had a huge advantage over the alliance causing most of our top guilds like method to go horde causing a snowball effect.

Hell, before this 30% bonus, the horde was dominating war mode which means they were mostly the ones getting the bonus giving them an advantage over the alliance

Also disagree with the OP. The fact that almost no Alliance had WM turned on basically gave all Horde a free 10% on WQ’s for the beginning of the expansion.

Heck, even with the 30% bonus it still feels like Horde have it on more than Alliance (hence why Alliance keep getting the bonus).

Sorry that your guild is requiring you to get certain neck levels, but it’s pretty commonplace that the way to maximize AP/hour is from islands. And that doesn’t benefit from WM turned on.

If the OP is really salty - switch to Alliance to maximize the 30% and then switch back to Horde before next raid tier starts.

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I admit it would be weird if this turned out how stronger racials got brought into balance by rewarding the faction with weaker racials and hence less players with a permanent resource buff.

The problem is that there isn’t that much of a disparity of population, it’s just that the alliance gets massive bribes to turn on warmode. Alliance had the solution RIGHT there the last few months to combat the imbalance. They chose not to until bribed heavily.

That being said, there’s one bugbear I have right now with warmode - sharding. If there is a raid group of alliance farming, then the solution is to form an opposing raid group - however the opposing raid group gets punted to an empty shard 80% of the time, making world pvp almost impossible to organise.

THAT is frustrating. Mass battles can be fun -IF you can manage to be on the same bloody shard.


Agreed to that. That’s also the one thing I hate about sharding. The two big raid groups are rarely on the same shard.

Harder to admit the Encounter design team messed up seemingly. Or that the racial shouldn’t have been changed in the first place. Can’t really blame the players for ‘connecting the dots’ in a connect the dots sort of system.

If that’s truly the case, then it’ll swap to a 30% horde advantage next week due to the larger amount of alliance participants. Since that didn’t happen this week, and it didn’t even budge in the reward %… I don’t think that it’s a negligible disparity in faction participation. In any case, I don’t really have a big dog in this fight… I won’t use WM even if it was a 100% reward bonus.

Completely agree concerning the way sharding works with organized groups though. Destroys any chance of actual large scale PvP taking place unless they luckily get put on the same shard. Lmao… RNG reward acquisition, RNG rewards, and… RNG world PvP experiences! Yay!

Yeah there’s a 40 man raid + a few more camping the world boss right now on our server cluster. We can’t form a counter raid as we get punted elsewhere… so trying to counter as a disorganised group = not a chance because the healers can’t really see who needs healing and when.

That is the main issue… plus the raid group at seekers as well ./sigh counter group once again gets punted elsewhere.

I don’t wanna be one of those rose tinted guys… But this was one of things I really liked about pre-CRZ WoW (or w/e variant of that tech you want to call it)… A server just being a server. I know I know there are advantages to CRZ/Sharding… but it really breaks the world community when you can’t actually coordinate interactions with those around you.


Oh I agree on that… the whole sharding thing was a mistake… frankly removing PvP servers was also a mistake. People who rolled on pvp servers did so knowing that pvp could happen anytime… there was no need for bribes to participate.

But no… whiners (on both sides) who didn’t want to pvp complained that they were on PvP servers… so here is the mess we have now.

The whole point of this was to get more horde to swap to alliance. It sounds like it’s working as intended.

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All the people complaining about a single week of loot from a Warfront early in the expansion, and completely ignoring the fact the alliance has gotten free 370+ gear for three weeks in a row. Pretty sure 370+ Gear > 340 gear.

I’m okay with them removing all bonuses for warmode. It should be an opt in thing you -want- to do, not something you do for the extra bonuses.

They had the boss first which could drop 2 370 pieces. Also you are assuming those 370 pieces were upgrades. Lastly ask Limit how much the extra gear helps. They had a full lockout advantage for a day and still lost to Method.

No the point is the get alliance to turn on warmode and it is working…for a couple hours until they get their free piece of gear and then turn it back off.

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