Remove 30% AP bonus

Warmode was DOA and the incentive is/was stupid.


Weā€™re you crying when horde was getting free 10% from launch until December 11th? If not your a hypocrite.


Faction balance has been slanted towards horde forever now. Especially at the top end. Between the combination of 11 horde to 9 alliance and the better players being horde on average war mode was a festival of being camped for alliance.


What are you talking about? Even now alliance are outnumbered in war mode or the buff would shift to horde.


Because the Warfronts were quickly hotfixed to have the ilvl requirementā€¦?

And yet the horde still got the advantage of it for a few days didnā€™t they?

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As far as I remember it was fixed within a day or two.
I just remember barely having the ilvl at the time but the hotfix blocked my guildie from queueing with me when we went to try one.

For me itā€™s no big deal, no matter what side got the advantage.

It was heavily slanted in Wrath too with wintergrasp. Then of course they made it worse by allowing you to have horde and alliance alts on the same server and transfer across. (Prior to this, you could only have alts of the same faction as your main on the same server).

Wintergrasp proved that you can give as many bonuses to the opposing team, it just creates resentment and doesnā€™t solve the problem.

OK let see. Let do a hypothesis based on math. Sorry husband asleep and I am so wide awake. Love interesting things.

OK let say for argument sakes that : 14*7 days is 91 at 10% a day. Let say for argument sakes that you earn 300 ap a day thatā€™s 3 *91 for 327 extra ap. Now let say 21 days at 30%. 300 ap a day *30% or 9 a day at 21 is 218, plus three 370 gear to boot. So for a loss of 109 ap you get 3 pieces of gear at minimal of 370. I say it time to turn off next weeks. looks about even. Based on simple math.

I am sure someone will say I am wrong or math wrong. I read forum enough to know there always that Personality trait is among this thing. This is a hypotheses not a hard science. Just a rough ball park figure.

The only way that taking away the 30% bonus would let you get AP faster is if turning it off reduced the number of enemies trying to kill you while allowing you to keep the 10% bonus.

But why should you get the 10% bonus in the first place when there are few enemies slowing you down? Would taking away the bonus entirely help you earn AP faster? If you think the 30% bonus is unfair, then so is the 10% bonus when no one is opposing you.

Just turn of WM if you end up earning less per hour with it on. If enough Horde do that, and Alliance keep turning it on to get the 30%, then next week the bonus will swap to the Horde.

A fair bonus? lol Iā€™ve seen your posts around, donā€™t know if you are trolling or being serious.

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Alliance is trash. Only achievement many of the blue posters in this thread have are camping flight paths and high forum post count.

Go figure

Funny because when I was in war mode before the buff it was alliance being camped.

Idc if they do. Idc if any Horde does. Everyone is allowed a choice. Thing is, choices have consequences and that 30% wonā€™t be free. Iā€™ve been in Horde mode since I felt I had the gear to hold my own.

If alliance arenā€™t around, my chores go super quick, if they are, I avoid the raid groups and trash anyone 1v1. The bonus is for a time waste. Iā€™m there to make good on wasting time.

You want alliance to play in war mode so horde have something to kill? This is the price. Seems to be working to. Lots of good pvp action these days!


I donā€™t care about the bonus buff honestly, half the time I just turn warmode off to do invasions just so I can get them done for the end reward. Itā€™s like take 2 hours to complete an invasion with warmode on or turn it off and be done in 30 minutes. Was actually kind of funny I was doing them and my friend was complaining about the gank squads out killing him. I got 3 toons finished in the same time it took him to finish 1 toon in warmode. Do it on 5 toons, soon to be a 6th for me the bonus just isnā€™t worth keeping on for some things. I usually always keep it on but when I hit a roadblock where I canā€™t complete something cause of dying excessively I just turn it off.

You want alliance to be your door mat to wipe your feet on? Come on this is war alliance isnā€™t your rug. Time and time again the horde been treating the alliance like complete garbage now it is our turn for some fair payback.


Playing both sides I say give horde a 20 percent refund on subscription fee then fair.

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The only way to truly make it fair would be to fix sharding, but then they would have to admit they were wrong and theyā€™ll never do that.

Hereā€™s a thought make AP account bound. But the devs be convinced that grinding AP on my main = higher time played than playing a dozen alts and on another faction too.

That be having fun incorrectly, per Jay.

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