Remove 30% AP bonus

I am a mythic raider and my guild set a minimum lv for the Heart Of Azeroth for all characters who wants to raid. I have 3 chars on which I have to grind ap like an idiot to rich the set level on the neck.

On Alliance with 30% bonus to ap they have a huge advantage over Horde, for 7 days of questing as Alliance you get 2 extra days of ap if you compare it to Horde questing. So for this 3 weeks Alliance got 6 days heads up. Why is this going on ? We all pay same money to play this game, why other faction has it easy. For this extra 6 days I could of played other games, went out or just do the things I like, but no, I have to grind my neck lv in boring islands.

The AP is the main resource in this game right now and there should be same way to get it for both factions, none should be getting extra bonuses.

The current situation with warmode is stupid, none likes it and you guys keep forcing it on all of us. And before you tell me what warmode is pvp … its not even close. Right now you have Alliance death squads at every horde fly path in Kultiras. I land and get killed by a raid of monkeys with 80k hp, I try to make a raid to fight them and than we get so much lag what the zone become unplayble and people leave.

None likes it and its not fair to keep extra currency bonus for other faction.

Remove all AP bonuses from the game and add something else, more honor, pets, etc.

PS: I have an alt on alliance, on which I play 1-2 days per week. This week I was able to play all of it, and I went from lv 34 neck to lv 37.4%. From just doing quests and war campaign. The bonus is insane, you don’t have to do any islands on alliance side and you will be able to get all defensive traits from 415 ilv gear.


Where was the complaining about horde getting free loot with warfronts and geared faster until they added a min ilvl for queue?

The bonus wont be removed, its a fair bonus.


So 30% AP is just too much of a bonus when compared to how many alliance guilds swapped to horde for mythic kJ?


None cares about 340 gear, wake up.


Why are you still playing this game?


Why you all bring things from the past and now call it fair ? It doesn’t make sense!

We were the guild who went to Horde after killing mythic KJ and we went it cos recruitment was way way easyer on the Horde.


So horde has completely dominated the past few expansions but not alliance gets one good thing and it’s just far too much?


Its pointless to talk to you.


And on the Horde you have the advantage that when you’re out questing with warmode on you have less risk overall because of the numbers. Supposedly if the numbers even out the bonus will be reduced or even flip over to the Horde.

The Horde has had the advantage of numbers in PVP for some time now on many servers, this is an attempt to provide incentive to even it out. For a long time many Alliance have had to quest with warmode off because they would get swarmed and camped, getting no questing done at all or they could turn warmode off and get no bonus from it at all.


It’s pointless talking to you because you don’t understand that blizz is trying to coax players back to alliance and you don’t want that to happen.


Sounds more like your guild is being silly with their minimum neck levels than anything.


So you were okay with Horde getting free loot when the warfront came out when the race is going on? Or how many Horde guilds have cleared M Uldir compared to Alliance? You can’t honestly say that it’s not fair.


Horde complaining about imbalance in PVP?.. Did I wake up in the correct universe?


This was my first thought after reading too. Don’t blame blizz because the guild you play with has set demands on the neck before they allow you to raid. That is a guild issue, not a blizz issue.


If you want 30% more resources, the alliance is right there waiting for you.


its pointless to talk with someone who just see what he wants , do you remember when horde had best racials for pve and people went to horde just for that ? oh wait . . . i didnt see a post of you crying about people going horde for that.

Is the same right here , horde got a lot of help wih their racials and now alliance is getting help with this , so get over it or just go blue . I remember about hordies saying that when we complained about that " you dont like your racials go red".

You dont like that we have 30% free … .well . GO BLUE , i love life ironies


Yea, it’s just asking for raider burnout. The highest a 415 piece requires for dps is traits is 36, but you really shouldn’t need anything over 33 because that’ll get you the first 2 rings, if you even get any 415 gear Mythic week, most won’t (and on top of that, AK starts again)

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Actually, since the Horde one you are equating with was removed. This would say that fair means it should be removed.

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So horde guilds being able to cheese mythic zul with blood elf racial is meaningless?


Its hard to bring 2 priests to the fight right ?