Remove 30% AP bonus

Um…the Horde already does that. Which is why Alliance turned it off. Which is why Blizz increased the bonus to get Alliance to turn it back on. So are you saying you actually want the Alliance to not use warmode?

it’ll be removed when/if faction ratio gets back closer to 50/50.

until then:
-just turn it off?! :sunglasses:
man it feels good to give them a taste of their own medicine :sunglasses:


Yes – that’s what they should do. Every week both sides should figure out if they have the 30% buff. If so, keep WM on. If not, turn it off and check next week. It should flip back and forth every other week that way.

My favorite part about this entire thing is the OP actually thinks the best way to grind AP is actually world quests.

People grind AP through Islands, not World Quests. It doesn’t matter if there’s +30% or even +50%. The AP given through Islands is just way faster compared to World Quests, period.

And no, War Mode does not increase the AP given through Islands.

On top of this, the Horde complaining that Alliance get a 30% bonus should turn off War Mode. The less Horde in War Mode means the less likely Alliance will get the bonus next week. It’s not that hard to figure out.


If you’re a mythic raider…then you would know that the best way to grind AP won’t even give you the 30% benefit…

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oh boo bloody hoo.
The Alliance have been at such a disadvantage for so long, and you come and cry like a little girl because they are getting some justifiable love.
Just go away. Seriously.


If you think 30% AP is a huge advantage, you’re delusional. The levels are so sharply exponential that you’re unlikely to pull out more than two extra negligible az levels by doing everything possible throughout the entire expansion. My alt has never turned on warmode at all and the main questline alone put her ahead of my main due to the catch-ups already in place.

If you think the other benefits are substantial enough to be unfair, you’re even more delusional. Nobody cares about war resources, and the XP bonus is just bait to give you more defenseless lowbies to kill.

People are popping back into warmode at the only level anyone cares about for the weekly underdog quest, the incursions, and not a hell of a lot else. I’m glad for it, but the motive is paper-thin.


Removing alliance bonus isn’t going to make you gain AP faster for your neck or will it ? Less alliance, less time fighting alliance more time taking advantage of horde mode bonus.

Pretty sure it is working as intended - so that you actually have to do something to get that bonus. Guess you rolled the wrong faction ;).

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So just to be clear you think one random piece of 370 gear had an impact on the Mythic race? Also Alliance had a chance at two 370 pieces.

How did they have a chance at 2? and it’s not one 370 piece, its 20

If do not do island. I Hate them myself. It actually decent if doing it. You can see a nice jump. No were near islands. Still its worth having if want to get neck up. Why you want to get neck up is beyond me. I also do not raid, do mythic or other silly stuff. I just wonder round on one my rogue having fun. If feeling frisky I hop on my war for some bg.

I’m sorry but I’ve never in my life played a game where they give a distinct advantage to one faction then the other… to get people to play it… it’s stupid and unbalanced… and stupid to agree with blizzard on it aswell.

To get people on Alliance make races interesting, listen to the community, they been asking for High Elves, Wildhammer, Vyrkul for ages, I’m sure creating them would bring more Alliance players I sure would make an alliance. Or create more customisation options…

But what blizzard is doing is unfair… it’s like ohh well Asians are generally smarter in maths so for the year we will on teach them 2 days a week and the rest of the students 5 days, so they can catch up and overtake the Asians students… see how unfair that sounds…

Theirs more horde in warmode, so we will handicap them so Alliance can join and overtake…

That’s what you are agreeing with. See how ridiculous it sounds… How someone can support this is stupid and Blizzard is definetly going the wrong way to bring Alliance players… so what when the bonus goes away they just go back to Horde? cause the incentive is gone?, because it isn’t going to create faction loyalty many people will just switch reap the benefits of extra AP, and resources, gold and rep and then go back.

If the majority of Alliance players prefer to play with warmode off, so why should Horde players suffer when they prefer to play with it on… vice versa if Horde got a bonus and Alliance didn’t it be the same… it be the wrong way to go about it.


I really hope that you are just kidding right ? … . ok i will take 5 seconds . . . ok you are not kidding .

Im gonna say this in the best way possible to not offend you as a person but as a player of world of warcraft . I really hate the type of player like you because you only complain when you see something unfair in the moment but if the other part ( alliance in this case ) every expansion is being mistreated . . . you just will be maybe continue playing without writing here .

The alliance has been in the constant shadow of the horde for a long time, causing many players of the alliance and guilds to go to the horde just because of something known as racials.

You all people are talking about faction pride , population , that is fair or not ; but all this happen because blizzard couldnt manage in a good way the racials .

WAKE UP , racials made this . . . people going to horde just for racials happenned a lot. A lot of pro- player and guilds (method , vodka , midwinter , scrubusters and more of them) went to horde only because of the racials , what happen after that ? a lot of people start chasing them because they want to be better and if pro player go horde , why not you too ?.

So dont blame the warfront buff, blame your racial , blame yourself for not being fair with alliance players , blame yourself for not ask a good equality in the moment when this start to happen .

You wanna know what is gonna happen now ? they are gonna continue nerfing horde racials until alliance are better , and guilds start moving with a lot of people and create a circle of “whos has better racials”. I only play Alliance im still one of those people who still have faction pride , but for real. . . the faction pride dissapeared long time ago


I’m not even going to respond to you, as you obviously didn’t read my whole post…

It just shows what type of a person you are to jump to conclusions. Please read the whole post before responding.

Like you said… faction pride makes you stay, a buff to make People play Alliance isn’t going to make people stay… you literally said it yourself… you answered my thread by saying what I literally just said…


In fact i did it , i read it all but doesnt make sense now and im gonna tell you why . I already explained the impact of the racials in the wow population , so now we need to understand that destroyed the equality of faction , is like when an economy is going down , you need some boost so people start buying or selling ; but we make this point because the situation is already bad. You just need to see the top guilds or pvp players in % of population.

Yeah , i know that is unfair that we have this “buff” but is an unfair buff that is needed to try to get back some equality , dont you see it? theres no other options to try to make a faction better , to get more people ; yeah is equal unfair as the horde racials since wrath of the lich king but it is something .

And you are wrong , i have 2 friends that are just casuals players and they went to Alliance because of the warmode buff , they dont raid but they do some pvp and this help them a lot , so yeah is maybe working at least with casual players .

And btw i fought a lot because of the racials , i stopped playing for a while because my guilds wanted to go horde and i dont like , theres two option when this happen : stop playing or go horde .

The buff like you said will maybe not let make people stay but at least it caused a lot of people to swap so that the buff would disappear and bring some equality. Until that moment , will see what happen ; is unfair ? yes it is . … theres other option to make something better ? remover racials or give better rewards to the faction that is outnumbered . Ez as that

You sound like a little kid who got told no you can’t open your Christmas presents early just chill lol. It’s not the end of the world don’t be mad at the game be mad at your guild for implementing a stupid level requirement for your neck.

But that’s what I’m saying, I’m saying this buff isn’t a solution, it’s a bandaid… I don’t know why you arguing to agree, you must be American, love to argue. Your points are exactly what I’m saying… this buff is wrong…

I agree maybe remove racials to fix the problem, this buff isn’t a solution… you arguing for the sake of it. This buff is causing more problems then fixes.

What do you think is going to happen to Alliance when the warmode buff is removed?, it’s going to go back to how it was… no problems were solved.

I really dont see the problem in fact , i only see more alliance players being motivated to activate warmode . I really dont see this buff is wrong for real , i really dont see it. I think is unfair but not wrong , thats my point.

Remove racials seems to be the only option to try to fix this. im with you in that

The buff is wrong because once incentive is removed everything goes back to normal…

If Alliance players don’t wanna do warmode they won’t do it…

This buff isn’t a fix that’s what I’m saying Blizzard needs to either admit that Alliance prefer not to play warmode or then change it…

Like I’ve said in all my life I’ve never seen a game developer create a buff for one side and put the other at a disadvantage especially when it comes to collecting Azerite.

Also, they need to give Alliance good races, the reason I don’t play Alliance is their races are horrible, I always wanted to play Shaman as Alliance… so instead of giving them something new and unique they getting obese humans… Yay I wanna play a fantasy game a fat human… literally Fat Humans is the best they can come up with… why not make that a customisation for regular humans and introduce something unique.

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So it’s okay that all the best guilds go horde because they have the best racials and the better recruiting because of such but the moment alliance gets an advantage it’s nerf.