Remove 30% AP bonus

I can make hyperbolic claims if the horde can

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So does this bonus entice whomever is benefitted by this extra 20% (or whatever the number may be) to quickly turn on WM such that the bonus is zero, or maybe even reversed, the next week?

If not, then apparently it’s not worth all that much in the grand scheme of things and not being taken advantage of copiously. If it is, then apparently it will all work itself out on average over time.

I guess I’m just not seeing this as the issue the OP claims it is. Am I wrong? Do the actual numbers tell a different story?

So on the one hand Horde are claiming that

-the alliance is getting 30% more for warmode on every quest, and it isn’t fair

and on the other hand the Horde are claiming that

-the alliance is only turning on warmode for their 25 kills then turning it back off again.

So which is it fellas?


A-are you joking?


Yo this is 2 ez just Xfer ur toon ally until the raid drops if its that big a deal to you. you are gonna be spending hours and hours grinding AP might as well work 2 extra hours at your job and buy the xfer. I mean that’s 6 whole days of AP farm youre missing out on

Meant from whoever i was talking too when i made that comment.

Color me amused.

This 30% bonus has given me friends to fight with when I’m questing with warmode turned on. See, I was one of those alliance you horde kept camping and saying “if you don’t like it, turn it off” too. Now that we have more alliance via the buff, you want the buff turned off. But let’s do some math. Warmode 10% turned on for…hmm how long was this game out for…14 weeks or so? That’s 10% for horde for at least 10 weeks worth of being camped and farmed as alliance. We’ve had the buff for two weeks now. You still have 10% currently, as I assume you still have war mode on, so really we only have 20% on you. 20% more for two weeks now doesn’t equal 10% for 14 or so weeks overall. So really, if your concerns are about being fair, you needed to be saying this 14 weeks ago. See, the benefits are there if you want to go alliance. So go blue if you don’t want to not have 30%.


Wait, woah logic on the forums!
Thank you for posting this I hope more people read it.

It’s possible it’s happening this way because of course sharding tech is borked, but also alliance are shutting off warmode after they get the quest done, who knows but hopefully it will balance out soon.
But the way it sounds more alliance are getting involved in warmode, which is a good thing, and maybe they are finding out wpvp isn’t so bad after all. I can’t wait to get a computer that gets more than ten fps so I can do some warmode.

That’s the problem right there, both honor, pets and other “rewards” are useless and the fact that you suggest irrelevant alternatives to the AP war mode bonus suggests this is pretty much just a selfish “I want better stuff only for myself” type of thread.

You are not going to fall behind because of this, move on.

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It’s empty of alliance because we still run into horde farming us at WQs. If Horde did like me and the 2 people (TWO, not twenty) I group with do, go to world quest kill a horde or 3 then leave and go do other quests… But Horde doesn’t do that. They gather 30 or more at the more desirable WQ, and FARM it for hours.

its pointless. Wpvp is a mess. Just vote with your wallet. Their company is suffering right now with stock drop.

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From what I’ve seen here on the forums alliance do the same thing, I was alliance on a pvp server up until the beginning of MoP, and we used to hunt horde in my old guild this was back in Ulduar days, and horde did not bother me simply because of my guild name back then. Alliance were not always weak.

How is it strong to gather raid numbers and camp something? It isn’t weak to not form 30+ groups and farm people. It’s weak to do so.

And the anecdotal “alliance does it, too” isn’t working. My experience is people are asking in general for an invite to a raid, and no one invites because there isn’t a raid to be invited to…

Convince your guild to go Alliance. Honor is worthless and pets aren’t interesting to PvP’ers as a reward.

Like Ion said, " The Alliance is waiting for you".

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Maybe both Horde and Alliance should group up in packs of 30 each and farm each other for several minutes until they get their daily objectives and HK’s done for whatever quest is asking for it and then going about whatever after that with WM still on and leaving each other alone, they could all max out their AP gains for the day together, like a team…

Let’s change it to a strictly PvP related bonus (honor or whatever). Now let’s see what happens.

Launch version had a small PvE xp boost. Mostly Alliance tried it and turned it off because the “boost” actually slowed down the leveling time because of repeated corpse running. Horde complained, no one to gank.

Bonus increased for Alliance, encourages more Alliance players to turn it back on. Average Horde player happier, they have people to kill again. But the troll/snowflakes wine. The bonus is removed/changed.

Now with no bonus even more turn it off than originally with the launch version because the only thing they get out of using it is grief. Horde crying resumes in earnest.

Either way I find the wining of the Horde so amusing. After disparaging Alliance for being winey snowflakes, the irony here is delicious.

Mythic raiders already had 370 gear…

Only what M+ and 1 heroic raid gave them. The warfront was an extra free piece.

They walked into that week at 350 at best, it was the max prior to that.

if you swapped to mythic KJ, your guild was garbage.