Remove 30% AP bonus


Love how its now come down to types of players that matter and dont matter… my god everyone is such an entitled brat to the other.

It gets them to play because it makes the time spent dying and running back equal out to being worth it along with repairs.

Just because x doesnt raid as hard or play as hard as you doesnt mean they dont need it if alliance, it gets warmode more players thats all that matters. my god


Which is why every time someone asks, I always tell them “efficiency.” Before the buff, it wasn’t efficient for me to farm AP. This balances things out more. Not everyone plays this game 23 hours per day and can corpse run over and over without sacrificing what time they have.

EDIT: Have to clarify the people who play 23 hours per day but lie and say they only play a couple and magically accomplish a half a day or more worth of work just to try getting a rise out of people by trying to make them feel inept.


horde will always outnumber alliiance.

the alliance cloaks itself in righteousness and piety , but its all rubbish.
they spurn and revile anyone who does not fit into their narrow world-view.
along with their history of enslaving races and destroying the land around them, and now all this dabbling with the void, its no wonder the elements sided with horde.

Horde is all about a band of brothers. alliance just has their own greed and selfishness .

would there even be a horde if there was no alliance ?

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No, there is literally no incentive to play alliance otherwise as without it people don’t play and horde just dominates the 10%

It’s bribery which ironically debunked the theory of Alliance being outnumbered. They were just too lazy or a thousand other reasons to turn WM on.


Alliance and Blizzard are a joke!!! How can you guys give Alliance a 30% buff in Warmode. they run all Horde daily quest liines and Horde assaults in our regions. We cannot even use Warmode to level because they camp our quests to kill to get their 30% reward. You give us 10%. Whats the point in playing horde anymore or even attempting to use Warmode as a Horde?? This is unbalanced for players like me. Why ever try anything new in this game if you guys are always one sided with rewards and factions??? It’s not fun anymore. I have gotten ganked 11 times by the same group of alliance camping the horde quest lines. Im doing normal Horde region quest lines and Alliance are camping with 6 to more players to get their 30% bonuses for PVP. It’s funny that an allaince player gets all these buffs and get to play Warmode but Horde get crapped on as usual. Thanks Blizzard for that great retarded executive decision.


Your math is incorrect, as are your assumptions about the mechanics.

Horde get a 10% bonus. Alliance get a 30% bonus. This does not mean the Alliance gets 20% more than the horde. It means the Alliance gets 1.3/1.1 what the Horde gets. Over the course of a week, the Alliance really gets 8.3 days’ worth…

Furthermore, the bonus only applies to things done out in the world. You have to be in war mode for it to count, and island expeditions don’t happen in warmode.


The fact the buff is still at 30% after 3 weeks proves otherwise. Sure there are more doing it now, but you still hear Horde complaining about shards empty of Alliance.


That complaining was literally everywhere


Either way the Alliance are using this as an easy out by camping Horde players in the horde region during an assault. Now all Alliance instead of just doing dailies like us in Warmode they are forming camping groups for easy PVP kills. Its so sad that they suck that bad at PVP they have to do a 6-10 toon on one. Remove the 30% and make it 10% like the Horde


I went on my Alliance and used Warmode. It was easy to get everything i wanted as far as gear and leveling super fast. I couldn’t believe it. I barely had to grind for anything. Alliance factions are pampered.

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I don’t have a feel for what role the AP plays in overall gearing ilvl – my impression is that the extra 20% isn’t enough to get Alliance to turn on WM en masse, or the whole 20% relative benefit would largely disappear (because it disappears the moment the WM gap in a zone narrows, as I understand it) pretty much overnight.

As it is, it seems things like warfronts rain down high ilvl gear from the skies with little or no effort, so this AP grind seems a tad… secondary. What am I missing?

kinda like how the horde were doing i dont know… THE SAME THING?


Cry Horde, BabyRage :sob: :sob:


Lots of trolling alliance in here. They should have to pay 20 percent more a month then we will see them complain about unfair.


Haha, if it was possible for people to pay $18/month instead of $15/month in exchange for a 20% exp/AP/dps/gold-per-hour benefit, you would be all about “No P2W!” right?


My anecdotal evidence says the opposite. Warmode on, go to do the invasion, 30+ raid of Horde there farming 1-3 alliance at a time.

Difference is, my anecdotal evidence is backed by blizzard’s data. Hence the 30% buff still being on alliance, and not sliding to the horde.


The bonus is calculated at the end of each game week and applies in its entirety for the duration of the next game week.

Blizzard’s data doesn’t say you’re getting camped by large groups. It simply says that more Horde participated in Warmode over the course of the previous week.