Remove 30% AP bonus

Mythic zul is also cheesed by the horde FYI. If they removed combat racials every race would be the same and there would no diversity in the game.

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Imo, just camp alliance hks and force them to spend their game time corpse running. Hard to get a bonus when you don’t get to play.

I mean that’s what horde has been doing since the expansion dropped and now they are QQing because alliance gets a small bonus


I think it’s easier for Horde to farm in their warmode than it is for Alliance to farm in warmode. I think it’s pretty fair.

I didn’t complain about anything. Just spent a good chunk of time not letting allies finish their quests. I make them earn that bonus. Idc if others have things I don’t, as long as I get what I need.

you realize you can have other racials that don’t pigeon hole people into specific races that don’t effect combat right…


Yeah alliance has all of those non combat racials. When they remove the horde’s op racials we can talk about the meager 30% AP bonus that the majority of alliance players don’t even take advantage of


every race has 2 combat racials, stats and an active/on use. and again like I said remove all combat racials.

once more having a higher buff for the literal exact activity is the definition of favoritism.


Guild issue, not a Blizzard issue. No one is forcing you to do anything - you are in the Guild, you chose to raid Mythic, and you chose to abide by their demands so it’s on YOU. A little too entitled people are becoming for small things that don’t affect them at all.




Watching Horde players cry about an imbalance is almost enough to make me stop thinking about unsubbing.


That is true, however, mythic 0s were out for a few weeks before the warfront came out and most of us really didn’t need 340s at the time. The only thing it was good for was gearing alts, and not many people had one alt at 120 (let along multiple alts at 120) at that point. It was limited in scope for a few days. Still doesn’t make it right though.



Actually, when you have trouble getting more than 9 people together and don’t want to pug extras, yes. Getting 2 priests can be very difficult.

Hell, sometimes getting one priest can be tough when the population imbalance isn’t grossly in your favor.

suck it up buttercup.

Alliance barely has any high end community left. There are only 5 alliance guilds in top 100.

There are barely any high keys in LFD.

There are less players to choose from for guilds and less guilds to choose from for players.

Im lossing 1 friend or guildie per week to horde becuase they wanna be able to push keys.

so yea suck it up. 30% from WQs boohoo. Anyone serious about neck level is farming islands anyways.


Might as well join them, it’s not going to change unless they super buff alliance racials, which won’t happen. Barring any weird circumstances (zul and KJ) racials are balanced atm.

Racials are pretty balanced right now. Alliance might even be bit better.

Problem is all high end raiders have gone horde and ones left on alliance are slowly going horde to be able to raid and push keys.

They need to open free xfer from horde to alliance for character and guilds.

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Wouldn’t change anything really, how many people would ACTUALLY take advantage of that without any bonus on the other side?

It is real good. So far in three weeks of doing side things my alliance neck went from lv 3 to 29. Not doing a lot. mainly invasion and some wq. love that bonus. Then add leveling and I can and have got two alliance in a week to 110 area.

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