Remove 30% AP bonus

lol wrong.

Where are you getting this info of a “Worldwide Raiding Race” going on
? It’s not under the News

Hmm, that’s strange. I distinctly remember using mercenary mode to queue as Horde because I got faster queues back in WoD.

I’m not even sure if the option has ever been available to Alliance in Legion or BfA, though.

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Warfronts made no difference in the Mythic progression race.

Horde have better players per Top 100 guilds. Horde have significantly larger raiding population. Racial imbalance in the past are still being felt today.

With that said, the difference between racials is irrelevant to the race. BFA is pretty fair overall. Horde simply have better players overall.

Making it a level playing field? That would make too much sense. The alliance have been getting unfair advantages since before legion

It was introduced in WoD and could be used for both factions, trust me, whoever says wrong

This is an old game, I’m surprised people still fighting over HvsA, its like back in the middle school, c’mon, who hasn’t played on both factions at this point?
And this is a PVE driven game always, so people will always join the larger community, it’s not about HvsA, just like bigger server, it’s about population and the higher possibility to find likeminded people to play with.
What they should do is remove any pve related reward from war mode, then they will see how dead world pvp really is.

I think it’s due to just the overall imbalance that has just gotten bigger over the years. The point I was making was the gap was just a little wider with them getting free gear before Alliance.

I wasn’t thinking that there were any Alliance guilds that were gonna win the World First race. I’d love for more strong Alliance guilds in the top 100. Especially seeing how long it took before they opened up Mythic to the Group Finder.

It’s a snowball, agreed.

If the game was more popular, players wouldn’t transfer as often. But, players want to play with friends. Since more players are horde (more active with groups anyways), it’s more attractive to play Horde.

why are you lying? if your alliance alt was already azerite level 34, you’ve been doing a lot more than 2 days a week.


This toon is Az 34 and I’ve been doing approximately jack on it for the last month or so. I didn’t even cash in on that long string of, what, six AP emissaries. My alt pulled ahead for a while just from the main questline + catchup decay.

I think all I’ve done AP-wise lately is raid bosses, some bonus roll AP, and incursion end rewards.

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If Alliance was always “generally more casual” then why did most of the Top Horde guilds start from Alliance?


Yeah horde never received any thing like alliance got. That heroic raid level stuff if not mistake for three week. Let the bonus go. It about even now. If it goes on to next week. Then someone probably going to do some explaining. Four weeks and war mode still unbalanced? No one going to believe that. Sorry, someone cheating the system then.

Better racials, historically.


OK then why they switch to horde when recials still bad in burning? Most my guild left and I quote them “Horde have better players”. I stayed for longest time. That was the reason a lot left. Alliance players really in beginning took a lot of coaxing to get things done. In cataclysm they started doing a whole lot better. Just my experience. I imagine it probably different for most others on this part.

it was pretty balanced overall in TBC iirc. Totally different game back then too.

No, we rolled on PVP servers for a reason. We’re not going to turn it off, we’ve had 14 years to learn how to deal with getting camped on a PVP server.

I turned it off for a day or so when the 370 item quest hit and was doable in a raid, by Alliance, as I was levelng this toon. But I just can’t stand seeing people with orange nameplates. It just screams “coward”. This is not directed at people who come from PVE realms, that’s a fine decision, you roll PVE and so warmode should be off. It’s just not going to work for people who rolled on PVP servers to now just suddenly turn it off. Feels wrong.

So yes, the bonus is permanently for alliance because as much as we’d want to get heroic raiding loot for ganking solo players who are just trying to quest, we can’t bring ourselves to turn WM off long enough for the bonus to flip to our side.

My perception of the effect the 370 item quest for killing 25 horde has had, and which has been confirmed by reading the posts of Alliance players, is that they turn war mode on at the start of the week, find a raid (I guess now it can only be done in a party not a raid? not sure but I think that’s true now), get their 370 item, and then turn war mode back off the rest of the week.

Blizzard doesn’t understand how to do WPVP, or what motivates it. Even people who hate PVP will do that quest for the PVE reward. So that’s like 30 mins to an hr that they have war mode on once a week?

Just like I do the warfronts once a week for the PVE guaranteed quest rewards (385 for darkshore now). I do it once on each of my toons and I’m done. If there was no reward, I would never do those, I hate them.

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Horde complaining about faction imbalance. LMAO

Maybe yall need to just faction change for the sick 30% bonus instead of crying about it.


How, can you please explain? World PVP is the best it’s ever been. Turn WM on during an assault and you’ll have a blast. Both factions go at it, and it is fun. World PVP before BFA was a complete mess, servers being lopsided, outnumbered etc. At least now they’ve put in some incentive for the other (alliance) faction to turn WM on for pvp, and you’re saying it’s a mess? I just don’t get that. Do you complain about literally everything in this game? Name one thing you like, please.

TOTALLY agree. Unfortunately the high elf thing has been shot down so many times by the developers. They create this situation. It is their own doing if you ask me. They have such a negative attitude towards alliance it’s no wonder nobody plays it. How they feel about it carries over onto how player’s feel about it.