Removal of Brutosaur mount

They’ll find more use in it just being a flexing tool.

That’s… the whole point of the mount I think my guy. I don’t think it was ever intended to be useful to any major degree beyond mild to reasonable convenience and to figuratively and literally tower over people that can’t afford it. Same way people liked having raid gear so that you would get inspected while afking in town, that’s what this mount is for.

It exists to give you the privilege of being cooler than everyone else on their short stumpy mounts, and to get your guildies to stop hearthing mid raid to buy an enchant when they can buy one from your mount instead.

Possible. Honestly if Blizzard wants to focus on giving goldmakers actual end goals or reasons to spend their money, I want extravagant top hats and transmoggable cans. Maybe give me a tophat that also has a monocle attached so it looks different. A business suit perhaps.

IDK, my toon on retail in the few times I do play is a goblin and all I do anymore is play the AH, only thing that keeps me enjoying retail. Ironic it involves playing the game as little as possible.

Uhhhh… wasn’t the tundra mammoth 20k?

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by elitism you mean in game rich players? then yes

Its like the bugatti of wow. not everyone is supposed to be able to afford it.

I will enjoy it…even though i don’t run a large guild and don’t multibox. I don’t even play with other people for the most part or even use TSM. Thanks.

Not sure if i am elite…but if you think i am i guess i am ok with that.

I don’t see what all the fuss is about the mount. It’s expensive and way too big.

Gratz to anyone that has it.

I’m not in a large guild nor did they buy it for me. I worked hard and saved up a lot of gold. I could have wasted it on some BMAH mounts but I didn’t.

The mount was always obviously intended to get gold out of the economy. Always.

Sorry to the people who have never had above 50k gold just now realizing it.

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He’s talking about the 100K expedition mount, which is the one with the transmog vendor (was the reforge vendor at the time), and I think is somewhat larger and possibly was available earlier (I don’t remember for sure.)

I come to the conclusion most of the majority will miss out on this mount. Including myself. 5 million gold is a bit much. Almost too much to be honest. Not worth it to me.

By no means am I a large Guild owner or multi boxer…I did it all on my own with my little fingers punching keys to get my many alts to max level and use the mission boards to make the millions of gold I did with Legion and WoD…add in fact as a Huge Pet Battler I made 2.25 Million gold in one week with Darter Pet in the cave off back of Winterspring zone.

I farmed and farmed charms and brought that little purple Pup from Garrison and sold 2 a week making about 15K each time.

There are some of us that make the gold and get things like the Long Boy and Magic Rooster Egg …which I have too…I brought it back in WoD at a cheap rate…you can’t touch that TCG card now for under 7+ million now on the AH…I paid 240K :slight_smile:

The Tundra Mammoth was never 100K it was 20K with discount to 16K with rep …the Yak is one that was over 100K…please if your going to remark on cost of mounts get the right ones.

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I make that daily as it is now with ores and other things…but I already have the Long Boy…and many other High end mounts like the Magic Rooster Egg and Spectral Tiger. Just have to apply yourself…and the economy on my realm is bottom dead but I still can make that or more easily.

There are plenty of rich people that aren’t multi boxers or leaders of a large guild group.

People that know how to use the AH and altaholics that benefitted from the lucrative mission table missions in WoD and Legion.

Blizzard doesn’t consider these super high gold cost items to be gold sinks:

Just to be clear, I agree that the Mad Merchant isn’t going to serve as a very effective gold sink. But that’s because he isn’t intended to be one in any meaningful sense. Gold sinks, in an MMO economic sense, are primarily things like repair costs, the Auction House tariff, and a range of useful expensive items that still fall within the price range of many guild banks and gold-rich players. In this case, a handful of very wealthy players may dump a large portion of their gold reserves into this one vendor, but that’s ultimately a blip in the grand scheme of the WoW economy.

If we wanted to drain as much gold as possible out of the economy using these items, we’d be pricing them differently. If the Blackfang Widow cost 200k, I’d wager that far more than 10x as many would be sold. Inflation is a concern, but that’s a battle that will be waged on many other fronts. This is just a crazy merchant. The point of the items is to be ludicrously expensive, just as the point of something like the Time-Lost Proto Drake is to be ludicrously rare (if you think about it, a multi-day respawn that shares a spawn point with a more common variant and has a zone-wide patrol is pretty insane…). Some of the vendor’s details may be tweaked, and there’s been very good feedback in the thread on the relative attractiveness of the different items, but the 2mil price tag for the mount is not likely to change.

The mammoth was from WotLK and cost 20k (before rep discount), the Yak was from MoP and cost 120k.

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Waves at Brother Dwarf Hunter…

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I dont understand the hype. I have my own AH in my garrison, along with my own bank, xmog guy, etc. Why do I need to drop 5 million gold on something that I already have but tied to a mount instead of a hearthstone? Usually when games make gold/material sinks, especially on a time limit, it usually means they want you to spend it all becuase you’re really going to need the gold/material later, forcing you to grind all over again.

You can still buy it now and it’ll be available in the BMAH in shadowlands. Buy it down the road. It’s still available in 8.3 and I’m betting we’ll still have 6 months before 9.0 drops.

And if you and others are going to remark, understand the overall POINT.

I made a mistake in prices, because I wasn’t focused on checking if my memory was accurate, BECAUSE THAT WASN’T THE POINT.

I’ll leave it to you and people like you to actually go back and read, and try and understand what the point actually was. Whether is was 20k, 100k, or 100M … the price AT THAT MOMENT wasn’t the point. The error in the price actually reinforces the point I was trying to make, because whether it was 20k, 100k, or 100M you could go back at any time and buy it: in fact, YOU STILL CAN!

Go back and read before you pounce on semantics.

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