Reminder: Tier 5 Raid Tuning Coming Next Week

Im sorry who are you again?

Are there patch notes we can look at Blizzard?

No I’m not.

Please, that would require them to have employees

Then why post on the forums lol?

Just let it go…Move on.

Just one of the many people tired of seeing you regurgitate your opinion all over the forum like anyone cares what you have to say.

From the looks of it no one important.

You mean to tell me people post their opinions on a public game forum?

Your logic is as good as your parses!

I can’t actually believe some of the Classic playerbase actually thinks there’s anything meaningful to gauge from Classic Parses when our rotations are basically nothing more than a flavor choice between spamming lightning bolt, shadowbolt, arcane blast, steady shot, etc.

In fact your #1 damaging ability is autoshot. The lion’s share of your damage happens because you right click the boss at the start of the encounter.

No different than Retail rotations…

Its funny you legit went after rotations instead of people failing at mechanics.

I will. We all will. No one’s going to play this game forever. And each of us decides for ourselves if we leave gradually, suddenly, without a word or speaking our minds. How someone decides to leave the game shouldn’t matter to you.

Far be it from me to defend retail as a good game, but if you think Classic rotations are anywhere near the same level as Retail rotations you must have quit retail back in…I’d say TBC?

Because that’s what parses measure.

Oh man you left the game?

I will tell me guild so we can all also quit lmfao.

Yall really believe anything you all say matters to anyone else.

People play WOW because they want to, when they no longer want to they quit, nothing we say or do will change that.

I die at the start of the fight, how did i parse?

Rotations are the easiest part, even tho hunter prolly is the hardest class to play in raids.

What I say seems to matter very much to you.

Matters so much i quit the game infact!

So what you’re saying is Classic is so simple as long as you can stay alive you can parse.

Thats literally how all parsing works.

Yes you could stay alive all fight and parse a 4.

In Classic? Naw.

Idk you cant break a 55 parse so idk?

I was waiting to see when you’d argue against the validity of parses with my own parses.

Unfortunately you don’t even know how to look me up properly.