Reminder: Tier 5 Raid Tuning Coming Next Week

You were arguing it was easy to parse.

Sure if you show up you will parse, which is what youre doing.

I said parsing doesn’t exhibit anything meaningful to gauge. There’s a reason why my details nickname is Sboltgoesbrr

Lol. Classic Naxx. It’ll be fun to watch for sure.

If i had your parses that would also be my stance.

damm they nerfed everything to the ground hahaha did you raid today ?

Ad hominem attacks just admits that the person isn’t capable of rebutting the point being presented to them.

Anyways, this really isn’t the place for this discussion. Enjoy your autoshot parsing.

to be fair hunter is harder to master then warlock o.o

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He out here blue parsing, apparently shadowbolt is actually hard to press.

Servers are dying from COD apparently.

Where is that posted at?

Its what my guild said.

That’s like saying it’s harder to master peanut butter and jelly sandwiches over a regular peanut butter sandwich. Like, ok but also who cares?

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Considering you cant press shadowbolt id imagine you would never understand the hunter rotation.

It was so nice to raid today, everything was nice and quick and chill.


to be fair the playerbase has demanded virtually the same changes that they did at the same time interval’s from original TBC and will likely have the same requests at the same time for classic Wrath as well.

It’s like a weird twilight Zone where the players are acting like a carbon copy and Blizzard is also acting like a carbon copy of themselves back in 2006-2007 yet think they are somehow different.


chill out Im just saying hunter inst that simple(everything is kinda simple on tbc)

T5 is so dumb easy now. Vashj is just a target dummy in P3. Can we have the next phase, now? There’s nothing but boredom left here.

Just waiting for people who still can’t kill her and will never be able to raid T6.

yep this is a reply

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