Reminder the roguelike genre is hot garbage

Have you actually played Hades? The game is top notch.

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mutters under his breath
You’re garbage

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then why are you speaking about it?

/breaks out in cold sweat
Not the Scissorman!

Doubling the amount of soul ash that drops per wing and make it so only one wing gives ash, that would be a great fix.


“It’s good because the masses like it” - you

Torghast is nothing like hades :joy: or whay you mean “like” as in, “it exists?”

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trying so hard to defend it… but every genre has a AAA title but roguelike cause its simply not good at all.

If I have to point out the obvious similarities I don’t know what to tell you man

You do realizes Hades is considered one of the best games of the year???

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The majority of AAA games are absolutely terrible, though. They’re soulless corporate drivel, designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator. It is not, in any way, shape, or form, a metric of quality. They’re not designed to be “good,” they’re designed to move units. Kind of like Marvel movies! Borderline unwatchable crap, yet they still smash the box office because the masses pour out in droves to passively suck them down.

given the fact ive never heard of it till just now and im on the internet 24/ twitch 27/7 and still never heard of it i highly doubt its one of the best games of the year

like wtf is even hades.

get this stupid BS rogue like bs out of wow. no one even likes rogues we dont need a whole game mode of rogue like

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Yea I think they’re super lame. But I get why someone likes them just as much as why someone doesn’t like them. Whatever floats your boat. Don’t need to hate on peoples choices, especially video game choices.

But you could poll 1000 very experienced gamers and every single one would know of Diablo. Ya know, one of the all time greatest hack and slash games (of course referring to 2, LoD). But of course you know this…

Sorry the ‘mall’ crowd might not know of it. Bet they all know Call of Duty of course. And Fortnite. And Angry Birds… Have an orange julius next time you are there.

You silly, silly Troll Paladin.

Think about it:

Blizzard had so many examples of roguelike and rogue lite games to borrow from.

And they still could not get Torghast done right. It amazes me how terrible of a “roguelike” minigame Torghast is.

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Wow’s version takes something terrible and somehow makes it even worse.


Didn’t TLOU2 win goty… makes the whole goty talk sound bs.

I’d play rougelike games if I was getting paid $ other than that I truly don’t understand the appeal.

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Next time I’m playing fortnite, I’ll ask all the random kids on there and none of them will know what diablo is because the IP is dead.

I’ve never played a Rogue like before. If this is what they are…No thanks.