Why are you telling me your opinion on what is fun and how is it relevant?
Or in Wow’s case never done.
Not really a strong stance when the game series we’re playing essentially started as a Warhammer project.
I’m easily better than you.
None of these are hard they’re just terribly boring
That’s a strange thing to point out, imo.
So many trash AAA titles get put out, meanwhile indie studios make rogue-likes that are incredibly successful.
I don’t mind Torghast…except when you blow through 6 floors and then hit a wall of an endboss. That didn’t feel great…but…I agree on the exploration piece. It’s too bad they didn’t add more interesting things to find. Cosmetic transmogs from things no longer available in game? Pets? Toys? One time use food that gives you great stats but turns you into a slime? Anything really? Give a reason to go check out a crack in a wall.
Hades is fun, they somehow made Medusa’s severed head adorable
Imagine hating Torghast so much that it makes you hate an entire genre of video games
I personally think that Horror, Sports, Racing, etc genre are trash. Thing is, it’s entirely subjective.
Different people like different things.
Entirely disagree. Those games are fun to me, again though you are raising a subjective opinion vs a factual statement.
Yeah diablo is a thriving genre bet you could go to a mall show 1000 people diablo and no one would know who or what game that is
It’s not strange it means no company sees the demand to spend a million dollars on a trash genre only enjoyed by a few people entertained by the most absolute boring type of video game
We get it, you never escaped the caverns in Spelunky.
beating your head against a wall is not fun IMO loool
this is what rogue likes are
Hades has been running for numerous GotY awards. Quit kidding yourself OP.
Say that to Hideo Kojima.
Glances over at all three Dead Space games, most of Resident Evil, Clock Tower, Evil Within and some Silent Hill games.
Shunnnnnn! shun the non believer! Shunnnn-n-n-n-n!
Thank you for sharing your opinion!
its hot garbage when its done incorrectly. torghast, palace of the dead, enter the gungeon, and binding of isaac are prime example of that.