Remember when we didn't start with flight at all?

It wasn’t “it” that replied to me it was you that replied to me.
So I explained the situation.

Saying “That’s absurd” isn’t an argument.

As I said settle down Francis

What part of "I don’t know why it replied to you: do you not understand? I hit reply to thread, not reply to a poster. Sometimes software glitches…

I don’t know what “it” is and why “it” would be replying to my note.

By any chance did you mean “apply” rather than “reply”?

Perhaps you and a few others could just voice your opinion on the matter of flight without insulting other people.

There’s no reason why the topic of flying has to be this toxic.

It = this forum
reply = reply button on bottom of the page


Yes, you replied to my note. I replied back.
Now what are you on about?

https:// imgur. com/a/oeNb3b5 Remove the spaces between // img
and . com

Are you being ignorant on purpose?

Being ignorant is not a bad thing as long as you attempt to game knowledge and understanding of something.
Ignorant: Lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified

Yeah I’m not thankful for going from 0 time to 5 seconds before even casting mount. I’m also not thankful for my druid form going from 0 sec to choose and 0 to cast up to 5 sec. Hard to find something to be thankful for in that.

We pretty much had dragonriding at the beginning of Dragonflight also so it’s not a trade off. It’s a net negative.

Dam you are the excitable type. There is a known problem with our forum system. If you enter a new note in reply to either OP or the note right above you that was the last note there is no way of telling to whom you are replying unless you quote something from that note. Even then if you quote the entire note it blocks it for “reasons”.

And the way I found your note was that I got a notification that someone replied to me so are you really sure you pushed the right button?

We pay a subscription. We don’t owe thanks. THEY owe us a product. That’s called capitalism, and it’s how transactions work.

Well I mean, having it accessible via an NPC Stable Master would save the trouble of them having to put into a UI function & clogging up the spell-book etc

  • Additionally as we’re all well-aware — There’s been a handful many who enjoyed being able to have two seperate flight-style mounts for various activities or purposes at their leisure without having to: Land. Cast. Remount. Go. Then later land, cast remount again :joy:

Personally on my druid I’d like having all mounts be Skyriding and then my flightform to simply be steady flight, but eh :face_exhaling:

I remember when we couldnt get a mount until level 20 and you had to pay to train the skill and then buy a mount. Even then it was a ground mount and was at 60% speed.

But absoluteky agree with your point. Im just glad we get both and can switch between them, moreso that we have more Skyriding mounts in our arsenal. (I love my Skyriding Grove Warden so much)

I know. I am thrilled. Maybe I’m easily amused, but I really enjoy just flying around aimlessly sometimes, soaking in the vibes.

does this. have a point? this isnt wow classic.

They used to have a 1 hour CD

They never were.

People are the worst.

I’d rather pathfinder than dragon flying. I have never found the minigame engaging and the additional speed is not worth the fact that I can’t slam into mobs, press my primary ability and be dismounted.

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You can put whatever you like on the flight bar.

“Thanks” for screwing up the option we had a few days ago. Is that how this should go?

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