Remember when we didn't start with flight at all?

I would rather just not have flying at the start of an expansion, personally. It completely destroys any sense of wonder experienced when exploring a new zone.

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I wish they would have left it the way it was. These mounts do dragon riding, these don’t.

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yeah that was a perfect system.

we could use all of our mounts that way, which is what people wanted.

It would be a quality of life thing if they actually gave us both to pick and choose from without having to do hoops. Last I heard, we still had a pathfinder-esque achievement to complete to be able to static fly in the new upcoming expansion in those zones. It’s really weird to me that they have these two modes, they try to present skyriding as the superior form, and then they lock the supposed inferior form behind an achievement but give us skyriding from the get go.

It really feels like that should either be reversed or that both should be locked behind the achievement.

Yeah somewhere I read the suggestion of being able to toggle a mount specific setting related to which mode of flight it has. So you can just switch mounts how did in DF to switch flight modes. That to me made a lot more sense than this 5 second thing we have now.


You want us to be thankful towards a multi billion dollar company? We had a perfectly fine system 2 days ago.


If there were no flying at all at the beginning of the expansion, and then we learned both regular flying and skyriding at the same time through pathfinder (and also learned both of them at the same time while leveling up instead of learning skyriding 10 levels earlier) I would have no complaints and would probably be defending Blizzard right now instead of hating them.

Idk. A good vertical map gives me just as much wonder if not more. Being grounded essentially just makes it take longer between activities.

If they made it you have to lvl to cap then you could get flying right away id be happy, but not the way they had it having to complete the zone’s and achievments patches later. That sucked bad.

The leveraging for buffs begins. TS Eric was right.

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I remember when leveling to 60 could take six months. A basic mount was avalible at level 40 but few could afford one before level 60. Epic mounts was extremly expensive so most could not afford one.

On the other hand most people where polite and speedruns was almost unheard of.

Yeah I know you can just choose to do stuff. But rather be forced to do it so everyone suffers enjoys it with ne

I have no idea who that is.

P.S. Love the character name

Odd how you think that when we pay real money for something we should be thankful that we get anything at all.


That is how most games are at the begining. There is an escalation to the first time to max level. Because you need world building and character development but like in any other game. Once you’re max level and you get a dlc you’re not asked to level from 0 again.

I remember when it was 5 Seconds to even mount a 60% Speed mount.


Me, neither. I’d guess a streamer. People who religiously watch streamers seem to be unaware that most people never do. They are a minority.

Point is that while it’s nice to have all those skyriding mount, we are losing flexibility we had in Dragonflight from being able to have both types of mount type keybound.

The 5 second cast is a step backward, that is the issue.


a multi billion company that couldnt think of putting a) no cd on swap and b) actually let people swap riding style per mount individually + flight form.

Somehow people still defend this “choice”

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Right? We’re paying them and somehow we should be thankful? Lol I swear.

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the worst is that hundreds of people immediatly thought of these 2 ideas that would improve the entire system and no one would complain. But somehow they “couldn’t”.

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Huh, uhh ok. Lol.