Remember when we didn't start with flight at all?

I guess I’m so surprised that we actually can use both forms of flying, I haven’t really been worried about the 5 seconds. People are never thankful for anything anymore.


I think it’s just quality of life stuff. :person_shrugging:

Personally I think it would’ve been better to have a feature on the stable master to choose which flying mounts you want to have ‘Skyriding’ and which ones you want to remain with the original flight mode, so you can pick & choose between them – and yet still have both. :slight_smile:


so you’re excited that blizzard finally decided to give us something back that we’ve had for years and that they removed for no reason other than “ion’s decision”?

the five second cast time is so annoying.

to change from skyriding to normal flight, you have to fly to the ground, dismount, press the skyriding toggle, wait five seconds, then wait 1.5 seconds to mount back up.

like why can’t the sky riding toggle just be instant?

when someone is doing quests and needs to constantly switch between the two flight styles, this is going to add up and just become incredibly frustrating.


Yep, as a druid can totally attest to the frustration since before I could do both. It is going to take time to adjust to tbh.

Although I think an easy fix would be to make static flight 600% speed, then it will be a more competitive option to sky-riding since speed is sky-ridings only advantage.


it’s just so annoying.


Yeah, I’m actually alright with the toggle on any other character, but on my Druid it just feels bad.


Who cares? It’s a couple seconds. How entitled do you have to be to cry over a 5 second qol button?


Honestly. I’d have rather been pushed into ground mounts until some plot related devise was shut down on the islands. Something that could be worked on server side or game wide. Like killing a boss in the raid that controls the weather or something else. Flying from the get go feels weird.

And this is coming from a mplus / raid Andy. Id totally enjoy two weeks on ground mounts.


how is it a quality of life button if it genuinely makes quality of life worse?


So you are saying your personal quality of life is worse because you have to wait 5 seconds in a videogame to change from flying fast to flying faster?


it certainly didn’t improve, i will tell you that much.

isn’t that the purpose of quality of life features to “improve your quality of life”?

i would have much preferred if they never made this change and left it as it was in dragonflight.


It does feel like a backwards choice.

Like if I can think of a better solution like say
Have a switch on each mount that lets you use specific mount in dragonflying or basic flying for you to choose.

Would been much better.

Extra optional button to make em all dragonfly or not wouldn’t hurt either

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yeah this is what baffles me the most.

why did blizzard actually devote time and resources to making this change when this change is genuinely worse than what we previously had?


I wouldn’t say worse but there are def better solutions that would most likely require more work. I’m not s coder I don’t know what this work entails.

I’m going to take a guess and say they will change this eventually. There’s no logical angle were this 5 seconds cast time can’t be made better

you would also think that there is no logical angle where demon hunters have not had one change to their class in over a month despite the demon hunter community providing constant feedback regarding the problems with their class.

but oh well, it is what it is.

Next patch:

  • Hearthing now takes an additional 5 seconds.
  • Summoning now takes an additional 5 seconds.
  • Portals now take an additional 5 seconds.
  • Food buffs now take an additional 5 seconds.
  • M+ dungeons start countdowns now take an additional 5 seconds.

You don’t think those are quality of life changes? This is in the same category. An ability players had now takes longer to perform.


You’re assuming that blizzard reads the class advice and takes it as pure advice from well informed individuals and not like the a cage full of raging chimpanzees that have been kicked down a staircase and want out to murder you(blizzard) that the dh community is.

blizzard has taken feedback from other classes and then worked on it.

no, blizzard does not necessarily read feedback from players and then make the exact changes that the players ask for, but they do hear things like “this playstyle feels awkward, the talent tree pathing doesn’t allow us any chance to make a meaningful choice” and then reworked abilities to flow better or changed talent tree pathing to accomodate better choices.

So, according to you, before introducing the flight swap button, people were freely swapping between flight types with no cooldown?