Remember when we didn't start with flight at all?

I could say that anyone arguing with folks on this issue has issues. It’s all subjective, friend. You’re the one bringing up real life. This is a video game. People are giving feedback. As someone else has already stated, why stop there? Why not add 5 secs to the hearthstone? To the M+ start timer? To the BG start timer? To the logout timer? To literally everything that takes time. Cooking food, casting spells, casting teleports, literally everything.

They didn’t have to do it this way. And yet they did. It’s not a major issue but it’s big enough to matter. Everything I mentioned above would be big enough to matter too. Maybe not to everyone, but to many. And that’s what this is. It’s an issue for enough of us. Can we tolerate it? Of course! But it’s blatantly stupid. It’s a change in the wrong direction when they had the chance to make it in the right direction. It feels so disconnected.

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I’ll give you that but I’ll take complaining over the idiocy of people complaining about something that for the most part is a nothing burger. Which is exactly what these 5 second complaints are

I’m not gaslighting anything…I LITERALLY said I am in favor of reducing the cooldown. Multiple times. Learn to read before you reply.

If 5 seconds is nothing, 1.5 shouldn’t be either. :person_shrugging:

By your logic, we should be able to fully automate the game using AI instead of playing at all.

I was comparing a convenience to another convenience. I dunno where you decided it was a good idea to bring class-swapping into it. :sob: Some of y’all make my head hurt lol.

Hearthstones already have a 5 second cast time.

3 seconds (and usually someone does a pull timer also).

Already has one that’s way longer than that.

20 seconds.

Only because you feel entitled to a type of behaviour that is utterly degenerative.

I explained my logic, even if you cannot read.

Why do ya’ll even have forum accounts when you purposefully don’t read things…?

Unless I am misunderstanding you, you and I quote said “ there is never a NEED to swap between the styles constantly” ? Am I wrong in thinking this?

theoretically, the devs didnt want people to have easy farm mode (static flight) to begin with so allowing people to skyflight to farm nodes and insta switch to static would mean zero farm resources would be available to non bots

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Light have mercy, the point flew right over your head. That’s fine. Good day to you!

Why not complain about them adding a cast time where there wasn’t one before?

Name a single thing in the ENTIRE game that requires you to swap between the flying styles right now.

I mean actually requires.

the only thing I specifically stated is I would not call it a need.
You can play the entire game with TBC flying right now. You can also play the entire game with just dragonriding right now

Nothing is forcing you to swap between them. Is it easier to do certain things with a certain style? subjectively, yes.

And again, at the same time I am still in favor of removing the CD, for those people that want to swap more often.

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1.5 or 5 who honestly cares .

To be honest I would have rather they gave us an option to decide which mounts we wanted to use for sky riding or for static flying .

Most of us have our regular mounts we use and would have that for our prefered flying .For me it is sky riding but I would like to make one mount just for static .

Don’t make me choose one form or the other for all my flying mounts .

See being able to choose what mounts we can use for skyriding or for static flying is a better argument imo then arguing over a 5 second cast time for switching flight forms.

And… now we see your gaslighting. It is a need, a choice I made and I enjoyed. It is a NEED of enjoyment. I could do it for MONTHS before this change in the prepatch. So again, do not tell us what we NEED. Let people choose what they want do with their time. I used skyriding and steady to switch between forms to help me traverse long distances and farm for my nodes and herbs daily. Thank you. :cloud_with_rain: 🪽

Either is a very logical step forward rather than backward. Either reduce the cast time (and sure, still require us to dismount, cast, and remount) or let me assign a Skyriding mount and a static mount (which is what I had been doing all along anyway). Blizzard’s ability to mess up something they are claiming to improve just baffles me.

Was it normal or skyriding when it flew over…LOL


Not sure! It still has to land, toggle a switch, and remount lol!

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That is not what gaslighting means. You don’t seem to grasp that, so I’m going to drop that part of the subject for now.

Also, you just said it’s a choice you made. Which is 100% fine. I’m not against you making that choice, but you also failed to respond to what I said.

You can’t name a single piece of content that Requires one type of flying over the other. You have a preference and that’s it.

I herb and do mining with dragonriding because I prefer to do so, not because I need to do so.
The same way that you prefer to swap between the two.

you can’t learn steady flying at level 10.
…and dragon races wouldn’t be much fun.

the purpose of these forums are for people to provide feedback to blizzard, which is what we are doing.

Which is fair, but it’s not a limiting factor.
But the point being is you can do it.