Remember when we didn't start with flight at all?

We also didn’t ask for dynamic/steady flight.

I like the design choice. The 5s cast is short enough that if you really cant manage to land somewhere specific or if you decide you want a longer flight to be quicker then you can swap without much hassle, and its long enough that it should avoid overly gimmicky gameplay loops that would have you rapidly swapping back and forth.

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your “concern trolling” is keeping this issue exactly where it needs to be.

your bugs will get fixed.
(not even sure if they’re all bugs, i’m not seeing any difference in remix, perhaps you forgot to spec your toons?) :crazy_face:

… but this isn’t about a bug, it’s a request for change.

the current system has clearly had a negative impact on the playerbase, and it’s been the most talked about issue since the patch released.

the forum is here for feedback, and that’s what people are doing.
giving their feedback.

just like we could before… only now it has an additional timer tacked onto it.


So, to note, I do understand the frustration, however there will never be a need to swap between them.

The active decision to swap is going to be made purely out of preference not out of need.

I do think they need to remove the CD between the flight styles, but I would call that a preference to not have to sit for longer, not because I need to swap everytime I randomly decide to land.

Then you can absolutely play with ground mounts only.

I might do that just for the fun of it for my first run through of the new questions. Giving people choices doesn’t take away from others, fortunately.

Here’s my counter-argument to that:

Before this change, I had a designated Dragonriding mount and a designated normal mount. If I wanted to swap from one to the other, I simply had to land and cast the 1.5 sec swap from one mount to another.

Now, I have to land, cast the 5 second toggle, and cast the 1.5 sec mount. That’s absurd.

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You don’t get to make the call on what impacts me and what doesn’t. What I need and what I prefer are two different things, but you do not get to dictate that for others.


was better, once maxed lvl go to vendor buy flying be done with it

The word “entitled” is so over used on these forums that it is damn near meaningless. I just skip by them because of it.

I never said it didn’t impact you. I said it wasn’t a need because it objectively is not. There is no content in the game that would require you to swap between the flying styles constantly.

You can choose to do whatever you want.

that said, I am completely in favor of removing the cooldown or some other solution to this, since there are going to be people that prefer to swap more often.

Not a troll. But hey. If that’s what you have to tell yourself, go for it.

I thought I explained that. Having a class trainer and class quests gave me the feeling of belonging to a class. Without that it’s just yet another category and a tree structure to learn.

That’s just my feeling. In the past I’ve seen players debate this from both sides.

You can dig your heels in the sand all you want, and I’m not in the business of explaining myself to folks on the internet. I swap mount styles constantly because I need to. There are some tasks I simply cannot get done without it. Even if it was nothing but a minor frustration, Blizzard is the one that has created that frustration. This was supposed to be a positive for all and somehow they managed to do it the absolute worst way that has made gameplay more difficult for a lot of folks (by whatever margin they see it as).

And like you said, it really boils down to a simple change. I was once able to dismount and remount to a different ride with a 1.5 sec cast time. Sure, make us dismount if we need to, but reduce the 5 sec to 1.5 sec–but even then, we’d still have to remount, which brings the total time to 3 secs.

ETA: I don’t mean to come across as rude. I’m just frustrated. Been playing this game for so long, and it blows my mind that they can mess up something that was so simple to begin with.


I also remember the TI994A computer, having a set top box for just PONG, 8 tracks, cassettes, no internet, having 4 TV channels and such. Having to use those now would suck. Guess what, things change…stop living in the past.


By this player’s argument:

But most people prefer to only play one spec and if you choose to play more than one spec, you pay the price.

Doesn’t matter if I like tanking mythic plus and dpsing in raid.

Or if I prefer to dps for solo world content then switch to tank for group content.

One of the reasons I have to switch from dynamic flight to normal flight is that moving from mob to mob or quest item to quest item is quite awkward using dynamic flight.

Dynamic flight is so annoying to use for short distances.

Normal flight feels too slow for long distances.

So i switch to normal flight once I reach the location for starting the world quest, then once I finish the world quest, I switch back to dynamic flight.

Before this change, all I had to do was keybind my dragon riding mount and keybind my normal flight mount - no five second cast in between.

Was it annoying to have to switch between mounts? Yes but I lived with it because there was no better option - here, we have a better option: the system we used in dragonflight.

Blizzard literally spent a bunch of time and resources to actually make the game feel worse to play than it did before.

It’s wild lol

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Eh? We’ve always had to earn flying at max level in some way, shape or form. Originally it was a boatload of gold. Per character.

So what was taken away from us?

This I agree with. I wish they could have made it a per mount selection.

I sure wouldn’t. But you have that option. I swapped between ground and dynamic while I leveled in DF.

I would have been perfectly happy for flying to have never changed from the way it was in MoP. I would willingly pay 50k g per toon for flight at max level forever. I had no problem leveling while grounded and did so on all my alts. And gliding is a poor substitute for real flying, I would be perfectly fine without it at all. Daddy Blizz’s spite against flying is the worst thing about WoW. :hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil::see_no_evil:

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“If it ain’t broke, break it” ~ Blizzard

I’m just mystified as to why we had to lose the ability to use both steady flight and skyriding simultaneously in favor of this near-universal toggle for all mounts at once. I guess they considered that too convenient and they want even flight style to be an annoying ‘meaningful’ choice?

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You don’t need to explain yourself, I was clarifying what I said, since you misinterpreted my statement.

Again, you are allowed to play the game in whatever way to see fit
And again, I completely understand the frustration of this system.

The issue is when you called it a “need” it sounds like you are saying it’s being “forced” to constantly swap mounts.
Someone is going read this and post more threads about being “forced” to swap mounts every time they want to do something without actually checking or reading literally anything on it.

Also, you aren’t coming off as rude, it’s all good.

Do you not remember in TBC, Wotlk, cata and mop that we were able to buy normal flying once reaching max level?

Then all of a sudden for “Ion hazzicostas reasons” we were given no option for flight in WoD whatsoever.

If the player base didn’t send so much backlash to that, we never would have gotten pathfinder in the final raid tier with Taman Jungle.

So you asked what was taken away from us? The ability to buy normal flying the second that you reach max level.

It was this way from 2006 to 2014 and changed for zero logical reason