Remember when we didn't start with flight at all?

exactly - you would dismount your dragon riding mount and then mount up on your traditional flying mount (no 5 second toggle cast in between).

now you understand :slight_smile:


Dhs are the yasuo players of world of warcraft. I have no sympathy for them lol.

Jokes aside tho I do feel for em.
I didn’t mean any disrespect and I’m only playing around.

It’s coffee time and I have half an hour to browse the forums

Yeah, I’ve seen a thread or two complaining about it taking 5 seconds to switch flights. It doesn’t bother me one bit.

:cat: :cat2: :cat:

Yes by using different mounts.

I’m mostly with the OP. The 5 seconds is an annoyance. I think I will stay in steady flight mostly and it just adds 10 seconds if I want to go a distance.

I do. I remember when you spent the first 40 levels walking and would run into people on the roads and give people escorts. But they changed the terrain to account for flying now. There are places that could not be easily accessed without it.

It’s a non issue tho. Why are forum warriors focusing on 5 seconds? There are soo many worse calls made in this patch, but those 5 seconds… oh boy. Watch out.


the purpose of the beta forums is for players to tell blizzard their feedback.


It does affect a good swat of people. And will most likely get updated later when people forgets and blizzard patches up as a win.

Hundreds of people on the forums that are not game devs but actually play the game somehow came up with how to make all of this a non issue but some how these people are entitled?

sorry but when so many people see how incompetent these game devs are, on purpose or not, designing things as stupid as this then its more than justified that people complain.

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Extremely. I mean, it’s spoiled levels of entitlement.

Well, if we went from a 5 second cast to no cast that’d be a quality of life improvement, so it stands to reason the opposite is the opposite.


Here’s a better question:
Why change so often? Just use one of the modes and if you need anything in particular, you use the other mode. If you keep changing between them, you are just going to have to pay the price of admission to do so.

That’s the point of putting the 5 second cast time on it.
Most folks are gonna stick to one mode and if you, for whatever rare reason, need to change to the other mode you just do it.

There’s no need to switch constantly between the two styles. If you prefer one mode over the other, make use of that one. Problem solved. Not that there was a problem to begin with but you get what I’m saying.

Your feedback wasn’t ignored, it was that you missed the point.

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Although I love flying, regular or skyriding, I never hated running on the ground for a month or two when an expansion came out. I liked using a lot of my ground mounts again more often, but I never really complained. I’m not complaining now either, I love flying, and love how so many of my cool mounts can skyride so aside from the occasional overuse of vigor or not landing on a tiny little spot, I’ll be fine.
I never hated ground riding though, although I do wish they’d increase the speed of it a bit. :smiley:
As for the 5 second cast, it’s technically a little longer because you land, dismount, click the button then have to do the mount which is another second or two. I’m not going to lose my mind over it, but I can see how it can be annoying and I would simply like the option to pick and choose which mount does what, but not the end of the world.


jumping? 3 second gcd
running? believe it or not 5 yard cap before 5 second cd

Respectfully, you’re the one going hard for Blizzard’s choice in doing this when clearly it is an annoyance for a ton of people. This was a nonsensical change. It was a “fix” that did nothing but cause a problem. Of literally all the ways they could’ve improved this aspect of flying, this is the route they chose and it’s a pretty awful one.

This isn’t whining. This isn’t entitlement. I know people like to throw those terms around very loosely these days. It’s players giving feedback and sharing their frustrations with a system that is beyond stupid.

The 5-second cast is a silly length of time. It also requires you to be dismounted and on the ground. The simplest solution would’ve been to give every mount an instant-cast toggle that does not require you to dismount (that you could activate upon mounting up). It could require you to not be in combat if folks are worried about how this might impact PVP or something.

But it’s the year 2024. This is a video game. It should be chock full of conveniences and subtle little QoL changes that go forward, not backward.


I’m more focused on soloable content now not soloable so they can count it as new 80content, remix characters being weaker as a whole, and classes underperforming because they didn’t listen to feedback. But hey. Good luck in the crusade for a 5 second reduction.

The V-22 Osprey takes 12 seconds to convert from helicopter mode to airplane mode. We can do it in half the time.


That’s gotta be the silliest argument I’ve ever heard. I have my reasons for wanting to constantly choose between two different flying styles. Just because you have no reason doesn’t mean someone else doesn’t. It also doesn’t make one player more superior than the other.

Many moons ago, we were required to not only pay an increasing amount of gold to change our spec but to be at our trainer. Now? We can do so on-the-fly, anywhere in the world as long as we are out of combat. That’s a huge QoL change. But by your logic, we should go back to that because we should be expected to “pay a price” lol. How goofy.


And a bad one at that. When I went back to play Vanilla I remembered why we even have class trainers at all.

Picking talents from the trainer and doing special quests really gave you a feeling of belonging to a class and having a profession. Now it’s just a broad category.

How is that a bad thing though? The game is ever evolving. If it wasn’t, we’d still be playing Vanilla. Hell, let’s put the 1hr cooldown back on hearthstones. Let’s get rid of flying altogether. I mean, I get what you’re saying, but at the same time, Blizzard is clearly trying to bring back class fantasy via Hero Talents. I don’t feel any more or less like a hunter if I have to slog to my class trainer and learn spells and change specs vs. just doing so in the wild.