Remember when every content creator said the new UI is AMAZING

This is why I am hesitant to allow myself too much hope, because I’m pretty sure a lot of this stuff WAS talked about in Beta.

But just like anything else on the PTR, they ignore feedback, push it live, and maybe in the .2 patch of the expansion they’ll finally cave in on simple crap.

They had how long again? 6? 8? months?

I cannot be the first player to notice this stuff within the first 30 seconds. You’re trying to tell me, that in 8 months of them developing this, that they couldn’t let you resize the minimap or let you shrink the unit frames? Or the talking head box?


This is literally a step backwards, not sure how people don’t see that making the buttons smaller, and reducing the colour saturation to greyscale certainly isn’t “massively better”. If I ever showed this menu in the last 7 years, I would notice right away, but I never use this menu so I’ve always hidden it with Bartender4.


No, I said the opposite:

I liked the menu because I hated having them keybound, because sometimes I accidentally hit the wrong keys.

I’ll keep stuff I always use, like inventory and character screen keybound, but stuff like the Guild UI? Achievements? Mount/Pet Log? Nah. I get rid of those keybinds as I don’t want random crap popping up if my finger slips and hits the wrong key. That’s what the menu buttons are for, and now they are almost useless because I can’t tell what any of them do without mousing over them and trying to memorize which one is where.

/run Minimap:SetScale(0.7)

it’s in the game, just not in the menu’s yet, obviously you can change the numbers. There’s also supposed to be one for moving the xp bar and some other things, so I guess it’s just use an addon if you want that for now and wait til they fully add it, because I’ve heard you can’t save these changes, but that could be wrong.

Part of the issue is that the new UI is how it expects you to know how to do certain things, without really giving a tutorial.

An example of this is changing party frames to raid frames, then hiding party frames. I had no idea how to get raid frames to show in party, and asking around in various groups, people said it couldn’t be done. It wasn’t until a buddy told me you actually have to go and click the party frame in edit mode and set to raid frames, that I was finally able to get the result I wanted.

I was looking everywhere else because the old UI had you going to a completely different menu and it never once occurred me to click on the party frame itself.

I feel like the issue is that the UI set up isn’t completely new-user friendly but that it does have potential. I hope that in the coming weeks, Blizzard continues to add features and maybe better explain how to use them.

My question is this:

why push it to Live servers in a clearly unfinished state, which they should know by now is going to annoy a lot of players, esp. if it’s a feature you can’t opt out of?

Why not take the extra 3 weeks, and have some of their interns finish up the coding that lets you actually USE these hidden, tweakable but not normally accessible settings?

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poor management.

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That, and they knew that the first half of the Prepatch is… rather lackluster and entirely lacking in content, and they are desperately trying to pull people in, even though the Dracthyr and prepatch event aren’t ready yet.

So they had to have something to pull you in, which turned out to be an unfinished somewhat buggy mess that could have been good if they would have baked it completely.


old good new bad

If you had read any of the actual responses in the thread, you would have seen that is entirely not true.

I said many times I like what they are trying to do, but they fell way short because they released it in a broken incomplete state.

Am I wrong about this? Should I be gushing about something that’s only half implemented?

EDIT: And we’re talking about the UI here. Any area you travel to, any sort of content, dungeon, raid, whatever, you can just choose not to do it and do something else instead.

The UI, however, stays with you no matter what you do, so if the UI is half-baked and incomplete, then the entirety of your gameplay, you have to deal with it in that state.

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They aged great! I really don’t understand what is so wrong with the new UI. I love it, have not heard a bad thing in game or from guildies. Only people whining about it are here in the forum.


Maybe if you’d skim over the thread, you’d find some of the issues people have with it, at least some of the more level-headed responses.

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Because I think it’s fine and a lot of people likely do.

Delaying the whole game for such a minor issue…


There’s 3 weeks between the launch of this, and the 2nd half of the prepatch.

Some of this stuff surely should not take 3 weeks to finish implementing and would have went a long way. Basic stuff like letting the slider go left on the unit frames shouldn’t take a coder more than an hour, if even that, to do.

They seem so minute compared to the issues the old UI had. I read the thread, all I saw was whining not a single levelheaded response to what is wrong with it. Yeah, there are some bugs but they will be fixed.

translation: "I think it’s fine, therefore any criticism at all is ‘whining’ "


The new ui and prepatch launch were intrinsically tied together, can’t have one without the other.

delaying for such minor things would have been silly.

Addons already fix these things, we’ve been using them for years if you wanted these things already, don’t see a reason you can’t just make do with addons til they’re fixed.

Translation: “I can’t handle change well so I whine about minor inconvenience”

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I thought the whole point of these UI changes was to let players dump addons and use the in-game options?

Oh, but the in-game options introduce a number of new problems and now you gotta go out and download Addons, even if you were a player who thought the old UI was good enough?

ok, sure whatever.