actually it doesnt…it uses the same tools the moders use to redo it… this was stated back in panda… its just like saying designers do more building maps in starcraft than the map moders did…when they use the same tools…
But… I was under the impression that UI mods could move and resize before this update?
My changes on Tuesday were minimal, since I use Bartender / Plater / ShadowedUnitFrames. So everything looked pretty much the same from when I logged in, apart from the castbar and the macro-map (formerly the mini-map) in the upper right.
But I did have to use the new UI in alpha/beta, and it’s better than the old one if for no other reason than it has quick-keybinding instead of having to do them in the keybinds menu.
(The personal resource bar, though… my god, how do people play with that without barfing? It’s awful.)
New Mini map made me toss out my mini map addon. New one is sooo much better
Chef kiss
That’s fact. The new UI does many of the things my UI mod does.
The only reason I’m not using the new UI is that my mod is doing more.
The old UI was played out. It needed to go. The new UI is far superior to the old one.
Nebulous “some things” doesn’t strengthen your argument.
I’d be happy with the new minimap if I could shrink it some.
Oh wait, I can’t. Silly me.
I’d like to shrink my unit frame and get rid of the animated face.
Oh … can’t do that either, I see. Would that have been so hard to do?
that’s cuz many content creators are afraid to say anything negative about blizzard…the company has a reputation for retaliating
I used the old stock UI since November 2004.
Never bothered with bartender or any mods. Kept to what worked best and nothing felt right.
I love the new UI. Been able to move enough to make my screen feel bigger with alot more open realestate.
I love the fact i can make a healer set up for heal specs, dps ui for dps specs, and the same thing for tanks.
Everything people complain about not being able to adjust…well, we havent been able to adjust in the old stock ui.
Cant resize the XP bar? We have never had that option outside of mods. If you want it that badly, do what you did before the patch and get a mod to do it for you.
New UI good!
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The same ones that ‘quit’ but are now walking back because it’s what pads their wallets? Getting a full open door tour of Blizzard HQ and all that?
Talking about how all these other games are so much better in all these different ways and how bad WoW and it’s devs are? But that didn’t last too long now did it.
That’s exactly what I said. You don’t think the new UI is crap because you already used a UI mod. The people who think it is crap are the people who didn’t use a UI mod.
You used a UI mod because you already thought the stock UI was crap, so anything would be an improvement to you. For those who liked the old UI, the new UI is definitely a downgrade. It’s basically the Blizzard developers throwing up their hands and saying “fine, you make your own damn UI we can’t be bothered to any more.”
I’m not Blizzard, so you’re whining to the wrong person. I mean, you’re welcome to show discontent towards the new UI. Just don’t direct it at other players. Like What OP is doing.
You have a weird grasp of opinions and facts, lol.
OK, fine, let me repeat myself for the umpteenth time:
1). I can’t resize unit frames. Or, well, I can… I can make them wider AND taller. I want to make them just wider. Nope, can’t do that.
2). I can’t get rid of the stupid animated portraits which are distracting, and draw your eyes away from stuff you actually want to see because movement kinda does that.
3). Can’t move, or resize the HUGE talking head dialogue boxes that cover up your hotbars.
4). Selecting a consumable item in your bags makes the hotbars on-top so that any bag ontop of a hotbar is inaccessible to put said item in because the game wants you to drop it on your hotbar instead of said bag.
5). Can’t shrink the minimap. It’s just too darn big.
6). Can’t shrink the bag UI. I don’t need phone UI buttons in the bag UI.
7). No backgrounds behind some of the elements, like the XP bar. It’s see-through which might make it hard to see in some environments. The original UI had borders and backgrounds around everything so you could see it fulltime, all the time.
8). For that matter, can’t move or resize the XP bar, at all.
do I have to go on?
any suggestions for a player of 15 years that never used a addon aside from start using addons? I have one “check box opt out”, many others gave me a lot of suggestions. “get gud boomer”,“adapt to change” or “move along”,“unsub”, “play another game”. I’m willing to do all except “get gud”, my window there has pasted, Unless they mean /dancing on mailboxes. I could possibly best the best mailbox dancer in NA, or was I should say.
That happens literally every patch.
You must be new here.
Ironic considering OP is posting from a “troll account” lmao
Not sure why you keep posting here other than to take things personally? You realize this is “General Discussion” or GD for short? Where people are encouraged to give feedback by blizzard? That same feedback you think is directed at you somehow when it’s about UI/UX in a game much bigger than you?
They aged fine. There are some things that need improving, but the new UI is overall an improvement.
The people coming in here with low standards for the game (just like the content creators they follow) can’t admit these issues exist They just get high by kicking people who are down
What could I possibly take personally in this topic, outside of you trying to claim as much. This is a joke topic made as a joke.