ok, that’s a neat red herring argument. Were those your final thoughts? lol
What about the problems people mentioned in this thread, or the other hundreds of threads like this one?
You didn’t read them huh. Weird!
Anyways, remember when every content creator said the new UI is AMAZING. For months?
That didn’t age well, eh.
can’t wait to log in and re-arrange my chat, party and extra action frames again!
great job testing this UI before it went live blizz!
I’m taking back what I said earlier. You were mostly right:
Upon further inspection of the thread, many of the troll account/troll comments/ personal insults were removed and thusly my respectful responses quoting them seem to be removed as a byproduct of their removal. Actually a very good job on blizz mod’s end
I’ve read the whole thread and most here seem to agree with me and think the new UI is fine. It’s a decent start at modernizing the UI. The main gripe is the inability to resize and move things like the Micro Menu, XP Bar, etc and I already commented on that.
The complaints are things like the change in the dragon art or that they need to actually use the editor to move things around instead of just hitting a button to make the Ui look like it did last week. Thise are super cringe and feel like things my MOM would say if she played WOW.
And again…I thought you were done with this thread.
I see you, and I agree, it is a decent start.
Are there graphical problems? Yes. Do they affect everyone? No.
Can we resize everything, or anything? No.
Did they take steps backwards with grescale and world markers? Yes.
Is there extra bloat that might be removed with even more oddons? Maybe.
Is the UI AMAZING, worthy of a focal point xpac feature as sold to us by Blizz and shill content creators? Absolutely NO.
Is it AAA standard in 2022 when UI/UX is finally acknowledged as a huge marketing proponent? No.
Worth memeing on for the missed opportunities with it? Yes.
I was done with arguing with you, but it’s my thread, I’m not done with it yet xD
Your opinion.
What about the minimap being too big and you can’t shrink it?
How about the unit frames?
I found out today when I decided to try a dungeon, that the Target-of-Target is placed below Target, and there’s no way to move it, you can’t even select it to make it bigger or anything.
That’s cute. Yet another element we can’t touch.
Yup, another step backwards in addition to what you mentioned.
I understand how there are players that will never need this, nor understand it’s importance. I could understand devs who don’t play their game implementing all these steps backwards.
What I don’t understand is those same people coming in here to flame people with legitimate concerns
Players who don’t understand why we have Target of Target are players who never played healers and probably never casted a heal on anybody else, lol.
They are the people who let healers die in PvP and people who don’t bother taunting adds off of other people or something.
I don’t do raiding in WoW, but over in XIV, ToT is also nice for knowing which tank a boss is currently attacking for stuff like line and cone attacks.
Are you playing on a 1600x900 or a 800x600 resolution monitor? Because I’m playing on a 1920x1080 and while the map is certainly bigger, it is only incrementally so. It’s not so big that it’s distracting or in the way of any meaningful information that I may need to pay attention to. Like honestly how big is your monitor that the UI is so unbelievably cluttered?
I’m looking at my unit frames and I’m not seeing any animated portrait so I have no idea what it is that you’re talking about. Unless you’re referring to the “Zzz” effect that occurs when you’re in a rested city?
I later checked and it’s not animated, maybe I saw the animated Zs or the flashing of the thing and assumed it was animated, I dunno.
But anyhow I’ll give you a comparison here in a sec.
Same resolution on both.
Using Paint to measure the minimap…
the Classic one is ~220px tall.
the New one is ~320px tall, or 30% bigger.
Yeah, I didn’t say it wasn’t bigger. All I said was is that it’s not that much bigger and certainly isn’t in the way of anything important.
I don’t know, man. If you’re complaining about the minimap size then I think you’re just finding reasons to complain. It’s really negligible and your screencap pretty much proves that. I can find common ground with you and admit that we should be able to adjust the size, though. Not because it’s too big, but because I think we should just have that option.
ui isnt finish
pre patch come on
game release soon
It’s a bit distracting, and it gives you less room to use for other stuff, like the quest menu is shrunk enough, that you are losing a the ability to list a quest or two depending on situation.
It’s just bigger than it needs to be, and I’d like to shrink it, but I can’t.
Don’t think I really need to justify that with anything else.
I knew it! As soon as I saw the new UI I called my wife over, asking her if it reminded her of the UI FF has. She agreed it did. I feel even more vindicated.
I don’t know the mechanics of what it would require, but Blizzard should certainly be working on a way to have both old and new UI as an option. As I said, I don’t know the technical aspects, but if it is impossible then they shouldn’t have rolled out the new stuff yet.
You want to compare the new UI with the old UI? Because the new UI is loads better even if it needs some serious improvements. There’s some lacking features, but it’s not like they can’t be replaced by addons?
People really be acting like they’re being forced at gun point to use the default UI.
Not everybody wants to go through the hassle of downloading addons and trying to get them to work properly, etc.
There were quite a few people as it turns out who used the default old UI and thought it was fine, and are now stuck with this new one with stuff they can’t change to make it look like the old UI.
The ability to move stuff around? Awesome.
The ability to resize stuff? Awesome.
Forcing everything to look different? Not so awesome.
Releasing the new UI in a clearly broken, half-implemented state? Not cool.
More options are always cool, but don’t force changes on players. There still isn’t a way to restore the old UI look, not even partially as some of the stuff the new UI does, you can’t change it back to the way it was and some addons (like getting rid of the talking head) don’t work anymore and probably will never work because of changes to the core codebase that mods had to interact with.
Some mods are irreversibly broken by this update, mods people enjoyed and used. That’s change that was forced upon them.
For anybody who used the old UI without mods, now they are forced to download mods to move some of the stuff this new UI doesn’t let them. Some of these people were actively avoiding using AddOns because of the various hassles that come with AddOns.
I, myself, kept the list very small for exactly those reasons. Titan Panel, HandyNotes, and GoGoMount (or LiteMount if GoGo wasn’t being updated enough).
Oh, and Archaeology Helper… though if there’s no Arch in DF, I might not even bother.
That’s really all I need, want, or care to install. It’s a PITA to have to reinstall all your addons every time Blizz does a minor hotfix just to get rid of the annoying popups every time you go to log in.
Virtually anything is better than the 18 year old default UI.
Your opinion.
Some of us were quite used to that “18 year old default UI” and were content with it, and grew to like it and enjoy it, even.
It was simplistic yes, but sometimes Less is More. It stayed to the edges of your screen, tucked away from gameplay unless you opened a window. Some of us liked that simplicity.
Yes they did because the new UI is great
Those people didn’t do content that required more than a cat clicking keys to play the game.