Incorrect. I gave never used anything but standard UI. Even raiding mythic. There was no need to. Especially in the last few years.
The new UI though is even better
Incorrect. I gave never used anything but standard UI. Even raiding mythic. There was no need to. Especially in the last few years.
The new UI though is even better
I did some raiding back in the day with the default UI, and I performed just fine.
Not on Heroic or Mythic, no, but I did do a mix of Normal and LFR, along with Heroics.
That’s cool, then keep petitioning to have an option for an 18 old UI. Not everyone want to be stuck in 2004.
I’m not really petitioning for the 18 year old UI.
I simply want the OPTION to make my UI look the way I want it to, and I provided a list in this thread of things I want to do with the new UI that I can’t do with the UI at present while simultaneously speaking out about the fact that forcing change on people is not a good thing to do.
Its not everyones cup of tea.
I quite frankly got used to it over the span of a month playinf on beta and live.
I dont even notice its new anymore.
Takes longer than 3 mins to fix what they did to the UI.
FYI talking about mod action is a no no. Just saying.
I like the new UI. I deleted Bartender and Bagnon because of it.
internet anons be like
I don’t believe you. Mythic raiding guilds have reqs like WA, DBM/BigWigs, not to mention if you’re healing, etc. Just saying, seeing a low level char with “The Patient” as their title saying things that aren’t believable sounds like anon feedback noise.
It’s a 1:1 functionality check to remove bagnon, nobody has refuted that. If you were using bartender before, you’re still using it today, as it is fixing many of the new problems. I don’t believe you used Bartender, and if you did, it wasn’t to fix old ui elements either.
What’s the age group of these content creators though?
You can run this command to change the size of the minimap:
/run Minimap:SetScale(1)
if you change the (1) to (.7) that’s 70% sizing, so maybe about the size of the old map?
I’m not sure if you have to do this on each game restart or not, like the old zoom options before it was “too much of an advantage” over people who didn’t use the zoom commands
Running our own command/console/script kinda harkens back to:
No, because not every content creator said that.
No man, the new UI is awesome. They literally copied more than half of the most popular addons… Ones you probably had.
What’s funny is, streamers and 1%er types aren’t even an accurate representation of the average/casual playerbase
Of course those guys are going to “demand” a fancy/complicated UI to fit their gajillion macros, emotes, buttons, etc. And of course, Blizzard obliged them
For the average/casual playerbase, a few basic bars to keybind their buttons to, maybe room for a macro or two, is more than enough. The “stock” UI met the needs of the casual with a simple/trouble-free layout, you didn’t need to “configure” or “troubleshoot” anything - the UI just worked and “was just there”
There was no logging in and having to redo action bars or move stuff around, you just logged in and played
I used Bartender to remove the artwork, shrink the bars to about 80%, and then re-arrange them into a more compact form. The new base UI allows me to achieve this.
Unfortunately, I’m not gonna read the 100+ posts before mine to get your expanded opinion. Sorry!
I agree that there’s a lot of stuff missing, but to make it sound like that renders the entire system worthless is disingenuous in my opinion. There’s room for improvement and expansion.
I think the biggest problem Blizzard has is that they have a LONG track record of never further iterating on things they add. Like how most of the pre-Dracthyr races are missing customizations. Or how half of the non-Allied Races don’t have Heritage armors. So yeah, it makes sense that people don’t have faith in the Blizzard follow-through.
I have said a number of times in the thread, I like the idea behind the new UI, sure. I think the UI elements should be customizable, I thought that years ago.
But, thing is… they dumped a lot of changes on you and did not give you the ability to re-create the old UI in case you really liked it, or you were an older player who finds it hard to adjust to sudden change.
So, I’ll (yet again…) touch on the things I felt they missed with the new update:
1). Can’t resize the minimap (it’s 30% bigger than the old one was, which might hurt if you’re playing it on 1080p), I imagine that is going to steal a lot of room from the quest list on 1080p or God Forbid, 720p.
2). Can’t move the XP bar, nor resize it, like, at all. They stuck it at the bottom where the hotbars used to be. I imagine that is going to be annoying for anybody who wants to re-create the old UI. You also can’t make it wide enough to stretch across the width of two hotbars, since you can’t resize it, so there’s no re-creating the old UI, at all.
3). They removed 99% of the art around the various UI elements, and that seems to be gone with no option to bring it back. They left the side gargoyles (which I can’t understand why), but removed all the background art that these UI elements used to rest on. The XP bar in particular is troublesome because it’s a clear tube with no background behind it. This will make it difficult to read anywhere there’s matching terrain, such as a rep meter against bright green grass.
4). The menu buttons are now greyscale and slightly smaller, makes it very difficult to tell them apart, whereas before they had color and were easy to tell apart on first glance. Now, a lot of those menus have default keybinds, but there are players like me who unbound those keys because we usually clicked those buttons as they were used infrequently enough.
5). Depending on resolution, sometimes the bag interface overlaps the hotbars. This is a problem, because if you grab any useable item, it snaps the hotbars to the foreground and if you want to put said item in a bag that is overlapped by the hotbars, you simply can’t.
6). They changed the look of the unit frames… I rather liked the look of the old ones. There’s no option to change them back.
7). I would like to make unit frames wider, but not taller. Some unit frames I might want to shrink (you can make it bigger, but not smaller).
8). They broke the AddOn that removes the Talking Head window (so you just hear the voice and see a message in the chat window), and it doesn’t look like that’s coming back. But they also made it impossible to shrink the Talking Head window. You can move it to the top left where nothing else is, thankfully, but that’s still a bit of a kludge.
I realize that UI Scale would fix the minimap thing, but that would make all the font smaller so that’s a no-go.
It is though, its a MASSIVE improvement over what was there before. It needs some work but this is an insane post
No, it’s not.
The idea behind it is an improvement, but some things they did… break it for a lot of people.
UI is a very sensitive thing. Everybody has their own preferences, and if someone finds a UI annoying enough, it really detracts from gameplay.
If you don’t enjoy the UI… you’re going to find the entire game uncomfortable to play. Regardless if you agree with some of the gripes people raise here, some people liked the way the old UI was, and want to return to something close.
You might not agree… but I think it’s a valid complaint. A customizable UI should allow you to do that. But… it simply doesn’t. And that’s where the problem comes in.