Remember when every content creator said the new UI is AMAZING


They said what would get clicks at the time. That’s why content creators are not reliable.

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Some of them are also paid by Blizz, either directly via sponsorships or advertising or indirectly with stuff like invites to Blizzcons and such. Stuff the rest of us have to pay for, or never get at all.

They have a vested interest in promoting Blizz stuff.

EDIT: Not necessarily saying that is bad per se, but it does create obvious bias, and anything they say should be considered to be loaded with bias.

A former WoW youtuber is also biased in the opposite direction, those who quit WoW will oftentimes exaggerate anything negative about WoW.

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Yeah, the odds of me visiting Blizzcon are on par with winning that 800 million Powerball.

Just too far away.

:white_square_button: :black_large_square: :white_square_button: :black_large_square:

Well, the Powerball ticket is only $2. You are probably not likely to win anything, but the chance is there.

With Blizzcon, you’d have to actually buy a ticket, and then buy a plane ticket, lodging, etc which most people simply don’t have the money or the means to do, so it is 100% impossible without Blizz paying your way, which they probably do with some of the bigger youtubers who go there.

So really we’re comparing 100% impossible with 99.999999% unlikely.

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From what I’ve seen on the news, crazy people buy those.

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Well the third party addons will just have to update them.

I used to do this stuff for fun semi-regularly. It’s actually a regret of mine never going to a blizzcon in it’s prime, before modern blizz. I think the first few years there was trouble just getting tickets and/or a worthwhile hotel room.

Some of those addons relied upon APIs that no longer exist when Blizz overhauled the new UI.

There is no fixing some of them.

The new UI is fine.


It is amazing I love it.

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quick afternoon coffee bump :coffee:

starts skimming thru posts


It’s a weird defense for the new ui to shrug it off with “you can fix it with x addon, y macro, ignore z…”
I don’t know why people can’t admit this ui came out half baked.
I think the kids these days call that “copium”.


And/or that old tired “It works for me so it’s perfect!!” response that is just getting old.

Or what about just use the classic preset I mean come on we all know it isn’t the same.

All the classic preset does, is move the character unit frame up to the top-left. That’s literally all it does.

Exactly and yet so many claim it puts things back where they used to be.

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I got mine pretty close to the old one. 85% or so

Or “I’m making it work, you’re just x, y, or z insult” xD
I also learned that people coming in here to give people a hard time reported many of my comments for “trolling”. I was notified that like 10 of my replies were deleted. What a sad life to come into threads and kick people while they’re down, and false report their comments. Sad sod life.

I mean, I think the UI is honestly pretty good. It’s got some teething problems, most of which are related to addons, which I’ve been disabling as I go because for the most part they’re no longer necessary.