Remember when every content creator said the new UI is AMAZING

Some of us liked that “fossil” and thought it was fine.

Some of us don’t care either way.

And, sure, some of us like the new, though it has obvious bugs and glaring flaws.

I’m somewhere in the middle. There are things that are irrevocably removed and I find it annoying, though I do like the ability to move stuff… I wish I could like mash both the old and the new together with more freedom, personally. /shrug

You can probably do this given enough time for UI mod creators to make it. It’s fine if people don’t like it how it is, but I just think they should be patient. Mods will make it better later down the road. And if Blizzard care, they’ll also add improvements to it and maybe even give those who want the old UI back the option to do so (although the latter is unlikely).

The problem with ‘be patient’ is we are talking about the UI, the thing that you go through to interact with the game as a whole.

If you do not like any given UI, then the entire game is unpleasant to play. This goes for any game, and there are games that had good premise but I wound up not playing much because the UI was annoying or looked stupid, or there was some kind of glaring flaw that detracted from gameplay.

UI is very important. Extremely important.

It is why when I am considering a game purchase, I absolutely must see more of a game’s UI, and why I am never swayed by CGI footage of a game with no gameplay including the UI. If I can’t find it on the Steam Store Page, I’ll go to Youtube and look for lets plays, specifically looking for the UI.

Saying “be patient” about the UI is not gonna cut it. If it is simply too annoying, it will be hard to enjoy the game.

The last thing you want as a game developer, is to be on the cusp of releasing a brand new expansion, something you are desperately hoping breathes new life into a game that has been struggling for the past year, only to have a bad UI filled with bugs making it hard for people to truly enjoy the experience.

It’s just not good, at all, for this to happen mere weeks before the introduction to DF.

EDIT: What’s with the wonky crafting UI? Why is my Herbalist who has 122/175 Zandalari Herbalism showing a full meter even though she’s not actually finished with Zandalari Herbalism? Do the blue meters not even work properly?

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Fair point. The UI is integral to your enjoyment of the game.

But what’s there is more than serviceable. People are acting the new UI is making the game unplayable, which is extremely hyperbolic.

Not unplayable (except for the people experiencing game-breaking bugs, which does happen from what I’ve read), no.

But… if you are getting headaches, or you can’t see UI elements properly, or you’re fumbling over yourself because everything is in a different spot now and you can’t restore it to the way it was, then…

Yeah, it is “unplayable”, or, well, “unenjoyable” kinda.

Or, attempting to play or enjoy a brand new expansion is just an exercise in frustration. A new expansion needs to be fun and exciting, and indeed DF should be. DF is that shining ray of hope… oh wait, the UI is terrible and is filled with bugs and missing features.

It really casts a pall in the air when you really want DF to shine. They need to fix this and pronto.

The new UI is a good concept, but it needs fixes and fast.

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They just need to give folks an option to revert back to the old UI, if they like. But yeah, they are not known to do options when it comes to feature implementations. Fondly remember the gazillion threads made back during Mop asking for an option to opt out of crz :nerd_face:.

And if you mouse over them the description lets you know what it’s for?

My only gripe is that I can’t seem to resize the mini map, and it’s not very “mini” right now.

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Yes, you can mouse over them, but that’s a hassle and it’s slow to mouse over each icon until you find the one you want.

Before the change, said icons had color and were more easily distinguished from one another. It just seems like that stupid choice that you look at and go " … but why?"

Move them, sure. Make them color-less? WTF thought that was a good idea?

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There’s nothing wrong with the new UI.
People wanting the old UI back because they prefer it doesn’t mean that the new UI is “bad”.
I would like for people to have the option to use whatever UI they prefer.


well said…that’s my main issue with it too. idk why they’re so controlling with some of their changes recently…

if there’s no pushback on this style of development, it’ll def affect something you care about eventually. :100:

i used old cheetah and treant form as an example…it’s a little thing on the surface, but we’re starting to see the lack of options/toggles play into much more serious systems (like messing with people’s UI for example)


I would like more options with sizing the mini map
However, that option was not in the old version either.
It’s because I’m used to doing it with addons.
I may play around with sxymap later

Even though I love the new UI and imo it is miles better than the old, I also support a way to go back to exactly how it was. For those who want the old UI there should be a way to switch without a third party addon.

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If it even works.

They broke a lot of addons, some permanently, with these changes.

I like the new UI, but there’s still room for improvement, like being able to scale the minimap or the microscopic bag and menus tab in the bottom right corner.

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Or, heck, make them COLORED for that matter.

They actively downgraded the menu buttons by making them greyscale. Harder to read, harder to distinguish. What was the purpose of that?


How do you play the game windowed ?? That taskbar seriously irritates me :rofl:

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I have to see the taskbar because I am frequently doing things like Discord, and a telnet client.

Sound notifications are easily missed in the heat of the moment, or I hear it and think " I’ll check it in a sec" and then forget about it and end up finding out I missed something important, 3 hours later.

With a flashing taskbar button, or red dot, I’ll see it, know I got a message… and it will stay there until I get a chance to check it. I won’t forget about it.

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The New UI is great as long as I use Bartender4, GTFO, Titan and Handy Notes. The only addon I didn’t need any more was Bagnon.

And…scale that dang mini map down or give us a way to do it our selves!

IMO, releasing this new UI with BUGS and a lack to size or resize things is stupid.

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The new UI is fine. So much whining.

That’s racist!

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