It is possible, in 2022, to just scroll on past topics that don’t concern you… all these folks getting paid to be abrasive towards people with technical and graphical issues with the patch? Y’all QA up in here being unsavoury? Y’all getting paid to hate?
Not only that. Even simple reload of UI mess things up.
xpac feature hallmark fails to impress many… “hey, it was just a minor update to a UI that was working well, here, handle these bugs and errors:” lololol
You grossly exaggerated how bad the old UI was and what the new UI is doing.
At most, at best, it’s a different skin(not customizable) and you can move most things almost anywhere. And it comes with a lot of bugs as listed here and other threads.
Hardly worth the trouble. Get honest with yourself.
I didn’t have any trouble over the last few days putting my UI back the way it was before they changed it.
the UI min maxers will use addons anyway, hilarious to see Asmongold sweat to do exactly the same thing with a new addon.
That’s kind of what I’m also suggesting with this topic.
Just like games journalists, content creators make money off sensationalism and euphemisms for their brand. “omg bro this xpac is going to be so lit” “omg, this new UI is AMAZING!”. Even though that’s obviously not the case, they’ve already got your clicks and views and trying to keep you interested in their game to come back for more. Make you feel like you’re a part of something amazing, which you’re not. It’s modern WoW, lol.
Yea, just talking for the sake of it is very important for most people in these forums, it’s the only place most of y’all can fit in somewhere (for the low low price of a sub), so you’re welcome here too
I have been a die-hard user of Elvui pretty much since I started playing in 2011. While the new UI isn’t perfect, it works for me. I am happy to not to have to install an add-on for the ui anymore. It is minimalist and doesn’t get in the way. That is all I need. If you need more, go download an add-on and stop wasting your time here.
what are the many ways it’s better?
What are you constituting many? Couple = 2, several = ?. How many ways is “many” ways?
Because so far this UI is a literal reskin at best, where you can move some things almost anywhere, but not anywhere.
So for all the trouble, and all the reasons for maintenance literally every day since it rolled out, there are maybe a “couple” ways it’s subjectively better? But certainly not “many” ways, right?
It is a perfectly fine improvement upon the old one and allowed people to replace some mods for simple UI changes. It was never going go be a built in version of “elvui”.
I know right? What losers?!
Before I watch any video I make sure the creator has a prestigious job and isn’t a nerd. Imagine caring about what nerds have to say about a video game.
It’s not minor and it works just fine honestly.
You could never move as much as you can move/resize now in the base game.
Different people have different tastes. Weird, I know.
Right now the only problem I have with the new UI is the debuff. I can’t quite line it up properly to the place I want.
Actually, I still have one major complaint. I still need to use a macro to change the character portraits to classes.
One thing I wish Blizzard would do is let us have an option to place a class icon on nameplates. I am partially colorblind and struggle to distinguish classes based on the nameplate color. I’d much rather have a simple class icon on the nameplate. Anyone know if there is a macro that lets us do this?
Well pick a position and stick with it; you’re quoting me in a section of the thread where I’m replying to you and others downplaying it’s importance Is it major or minor? Why are you here? To tell people having problems with it that no matter what the changes and technical problems are, people are wrong?
It’s a major change compared to what it was.
The bugs and what not with it though are minor, not something to delay a game over.
For the fact that everything that was in the old UI is still there only with more options. Every expansion has changes, and problems this is nothing new. Quit crying.
Ended up disabling almost all my addons, it’s been great for my loading screen times even on an SSD.
You keep flip-flopping.
It’s a major change now? Because you have a new texture on your character frame and able to move some things some places. I thought that was minor? It’s barely a change from old… we established that earlier, in this thread.
Oh no, those are AMAZING, “major” changes you’re saying now?
Only people are having technical, graphical problems, with more bloat and smaller icons that are desaturated, that makes the system bar harder to see, cannot be customized… Many people will need more addons to fix this stuff that wasn’t beta tested.
But that is minor? according to you this time… ? Could change in your reply.
This has gotten all the other trolls to report posts of mine here and there then leave. But you’re not leaving- you’re doubling down on making no sense. I appreciate your dedication.
Yes, those issues are minor. Nothing to delay the game over.
And I said it’s a major change FROM WHAT IT WAS
Servers have had maintenance every day at 11am EST for 1 hr minimum. So not only does everyone here disagree with you, blizzard disagrees with you.
A texture change and moving some things some places but not all places is not majorly improving your gaming experience. Take a screenshot of your game in combat, to show us all the improvements aren’t major at all. Merely a headache for many, hence these threads, and doesn’t effect people who don’t use addons.
You can change the width and height of the new raid frames individually though…