Remember when every content creator said the new UI is AMAZING

I suppose you have a right to your wrong opinion.

The new UI is buggy as hell. What you talking about? half of the time it doesnt work and resets even when you save the UI.


Yes, you’re right it’s both ways, but I also understand why some would be exhausted about the complaints you know. It can get excessive.

It is amazing when you view it in the context of what it’s stated purpose was.

It was never supposed to replace Elvui.
It was never supposed to replace things like Plater, Vuhdo, Grid etc.
It was never intended to be the be all and end all of UI for Wow.

It’s design purpose was to largely improve the abysmally bad old base UI, and in almost every way it achieved that goal. The new base UI put’s new players at a point where they can play the game at a much more functional level than the old UI, and that’s all it was meant to do.

If you unironically prefer the old base UI, I don’t know what to tell you but its time to get out of the past.

I’ve heard of some people saying it resets if they log on another character or change specs, lol

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Just like it gets exhausting and frustrating when you got people pretending it is 100% perfect and that there is zero reason to have criticisms, even constructive ones, against it.

I mean if you like it, hey fine. Just ignore the whine threads. /shrug

I don’t insert myself into a “The new UI is awesome!” threads to dump rain clouds all over it, do I? no.

I do go into threads that voice criticism against it, because I have criticisms myself.


I can’t stand it, opinions vary. With that said I adapted like I always do and made it work.

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There is the setting for ‘classic’ UI in the control panel there. Its not the exact same but its close enough to play the game just as easily as before.

No I don’t, because I don’t watch content creators because the opinions of unemployed nerds with overpriced cameras and microphones and a video editing suite mean very little to me.

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Only if it met all their needs, it allowed me to dump bartender, suf, etc, but I still have to use Plater and a few others.

It was just an update to a very dated UI, that was their goal


I think the new UI is great.

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:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:

I dont remember reading a single word about “This will replace your addons”
I just read about a UI update and the stuff it might have.

Most are self-employed

Most average phone cameras are good enough now’a’days

These get slightly pricier but not by much

Most of the absolute best ones are free

I just wanted to reply to you because … you are aware that most news are produced using things like phone cameras and good external microphones now’a’days?
A tripod is also required sure but… by and large, these “unemployed nerds” are more akin to “video game journalists” than anything else
Just a case of that they also tend to play and showcase them playing the games they talk about as well, which makes folks think of them as different than journalists

Just wanted to let you know, even though I suspect you’ll simply just say “Don’t care”

At least you’re admitting this is a whine thread.

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Nobody is pretending its perfect, It’s just better than the old ui in many ways. Everything the old ui did is still right in front of you just with a few more options that you have to figure out. It’s not rocket science.

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The new UI is good and is a huge improvement from the standard, immovable, static old UI

Yes there are bugs and some things still need some tweaks, not everything is super intuitive yet (like only bar 1 having the gryphons, or class-colored raid frames being in options and not in party/raid frame edit mode, or the chat resizer that’s on a very dim color), but looking at the new addons people have been pumping since patch day it clearly had way more background work done on it and it appears, to me at least, that a huge number of features will yet be implemented/unlocked, its certainly giving me the impression that at least this UI is more easy to work with as even new addon creators are able to mod it

In the few days between patch and now people already found out console commands to resize the micromenu, to resize the minimap, to move the one-bag inventory, to move the dungeon queue button (dragon eye), so at least this groundwork is done it just need to be implemented on a more approachable way for the larger crowd

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Long time no see

:city_sunset: :cityscape: :city_sunset: :cityscape:

And no cheese. Wtf??

Hello. How have you been?

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Work, school, clinicals, children’s sports events. I barely have time to log in and check my auction house.

I might have finally saved up enough money to buy dragonflight though.

:city_sunset: :cityscape: :city_sunset: :cityscape:

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I hear ya with work. I’ve had the gold to buy DF for a while now.

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