Remember my Teldrassil theory?

Arrrgh I’m repeating this again but -

Thrall already cleaned up blight in Battle for The Undercity with the Spirit of water!
You don’t need a mage to freeze it when you can just wash it away into what I’m guessing is lordamere lake.

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Bringing back Teldrassil would be dumb, very dumb. It completely removes the weight of any actions taken prior and takes away any reason Kaldorei have to be more ruthless and actually have teeth.

Free the souls from torment, move them back into Ashenvale and Hyjal, get Horde out of Kaldorei lands, but don’t bring the tree back…


I don’t see why. Even if the Tree and the Night Elven souls are ressurected, it doesn’t magically absolve the Horde from the fact that they still killed a World Tree, and burned an untold number of civilians alive, condemning their souls to the Maw in the first place.


What kind of druid are you? :slight_smile:

We both know that wouldn’t be how it would be framed at all. It would be a narrative tool used to erase context and responsibility, not actually advance the plot or interactions in any constructive way.

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I mean, between Tyrande’s “vengeance”, the Horde’s “honor”, and Anduin’s perpetual “correctness”, their framing is objectively worthless, anyway. And I still don’t believe they intend to advance the plot in any meaningful way. They already tried to wiggle out of doing so once, after Tides of Vengeance, until people called them out on it.


Yes, the Sunwell was restored, but all the Elves that died due to its desecration were not.


When the Alliance inevitably gets Villain-batted and destroys a civilian population you can expect the event will be permanent since Shadowlands by then will have already happened with the Afterlives that we will have visited in Shadowlands being the only Afterlives we will likely visit and most likely have nothing to do with the inhabitants of the City/Zone the Alliance will destroy!

The Night Elves will spend time in a Torture Chamber(with the first stage of torture being burned all over followed by unique tortures for each of them followed by being turned into a Shade Amalgamation) before returning Home safe and sound yet the next Zone to be destroyed will lose it’s Horde inhabitants permanently!

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The night elves turned into the amalgamation are erased from existence. Their souls could not be saved, and they went into oblivion, Tyrande says so (“Oblivion would be a kinder fate”).

The night elves in the burning were somewhat spared torture due to the priestesses, but it is pointless when they die to end up in the Maw. And do not presume to be resurrecting them, Blizzard will simply put them in Ardenweald and pretend that all is well for night elves.


I don’t know you!


Logically yes but we must remember this is Blizzard.

These people said the Draenei don’t hold grudges and are over the Orcs using the bones of their civilians to pave a road. If they fix the tree we will receive placated Night Elves.


Simply reviving all of them and letting Teldrassil grow from new would be one of the worst solutions of any plot…ever.


I think that would be the only way to somewhat salvage this plot. Even though we already know from beta that this is not possible anymore since many souls are already obliterated

As for Teldrassil, I think an updated one would be nice but I’d prefer a city in hyjal


Accept no concession.

Yeah cuz we lacked a Winter Queen Ex Machina :stuck_out_tongue:

Put them in the one zone with a rebirth mechanism :stuck_out_tongue: totally a coincidence, totally not foreshadowing

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I mean, the rebirth isn’t meant for them and instead their anima will be used up to rebirth other things.

Which is even worse if you think about it, being in the one zone where eventually you will be expected to accept perma-death to become fertilizer for other Wild Gods.

Sticking to thinking the dead nelves will be mass rez’d until the xpac ends

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If it’s worse than the expectation, it’s on par for night elf story.


Perhaps it’s not an important piece to you, but to many players Theramore was -the- hub for exploring Kalimdor. It was a fantastic RP spot, and had a lot of importance for players. It was an alliance territory, much like Southshore, that was wiped off the map.

You are, by far, one of the most toxic players I’ve seen on the forums over the years. You contribute little of substance in comparison to the amount of trash talking and demeaning you do. You also presume a hell of a lot, and are mostly wrong.



You, the MHP, gain the Holy Land, Tirisfal, if the Alliance keeps it. You, the MHP, lost absolutely nothing of value to you when Teldrassil was destroyed (I remind you that Teldrassil is not your Kalimdor RP hub, as you literally just admitted), but gained access to the Victim Card via members of the Alliance suffering.

Of course you want the current status quo to remain the same.

The scales needed to be balanced. The Alliance had too much land. You want the Alliance to have too much land again.

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