Remember my Teldrassil theory?

First 3 months of BFA.

Already said that shaman can wash it away and Thrall did it before. Collect the Earthen Ring!

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They really didn’t use a whole bunch of extra resources instituting these changes.

Teldrassil’s husk is just an altered skybox that you can’t actually reach. For Undercity, they just took the battlescarred map they used in Siege of Undercity scenario and put a green fog effect over the ruins. There’s no actual phase of Teldrassil/Undercity you can actually enter in order to see the actual damage.

The biggest use of resources was probably the Darkshore revamp, but between the initial War of Thorns pre-patch event, the war campaign quests, and use as a daily quest zone, they got quite a bit of mileage out of it.

So when a player starts BfA they implement the phasing, and once the player is done, all they have to do is remove the phasing.

It’s also worth noting that Teldrassil’s sprung up like a year after the old Night Elf home, Nordrassil, was destroyed by the Legion. It’d only been around for 5 years as of the events of WoW. And Nordrassil has similarly regrown rather nicely since that time.

Magically growing into the new Night Elf home during a timeskip via deus ex machina -even if it undercuts the tragedy of them losing their previous home- is literally Teldrassil’s primary reason for existing in the narrative.


That was already one of the options. Although with BS in mind I honestly have no idea what the deal is.

The Forsaken are presented as being allowed to do w/e they want though obviously becoming a political enemy will result in what you’d expect. I don’t know why they’d care if a newly risen undead decided to off themselves and go back under. I just imagined many didnt for obvious reasons.

Honestly Forsaken lore is just abused at this point.

First Valkyr can only raise humans and they tend to be a little shell shocked when first waking up.

Then, nevermind, they’re actually filled with homicidal rage when first rezzed and can easily be pointed at the nearest enemy until I guess the first mouthful of flesh serves as a morning coffee and calms them down.

Then, nevermind, the valkyr can raise elves too now and humans are either cranky or shell shocked but not homicidal- but the elves are extremely homicidal.

Frankly - I’ve no earthly idea how any of this is supposed to work. And I’m fine with things being vague; it’s magic not science I don’t need a formula explaining it. But I get frustrated when it becomes just outright contradictory.

The Forsaken’s culture, laws, power sets and even what characters are alive seems to be determined by the fickle whims of whoever was told to write about them at that moment with zero regard to anything else written.


Not really. But, either way, I think a lot of players are going to be disappointed.


Elves are homicidal when they are alive. Ask the first landers in Thrall and Jaina’s parties when both first hit the shores of Kalimdor.

Yeah but in SR Sira’s all “ALL THIS LIFE INSULTS ME! MUST KILL EVERYTHING” while just standing in Nazmir.

Meanwhile Clayton Backston is somewhere, still mourning the loss of his garden destroyed in the Battle of Lordaeron.


life growing in the charred remains of teldrassil could be beautiful. I was backpacking in the gila wilderness in 2015 and was hiking through a burned forest; the only life that had come back at this point was a kind of red moss that covered the forest floor. The contrast between the charred trees and red moss was absolutely gorgeous. Would love to see that in a cinematic of teldrassil regrowing for the expansion after shadowlands because of how time could potentially flow in shadowlands it could be a thing if they do a time skip.

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Red moss you say *sweats nervously in Nightmare *

And I think the disappointment will be in the direction of “JK BFA is being trivialized, here’s your tree and city back”



And, honestly, how do the Forsaken not know how to diffuse Blight yet? Like they keep canisters of the stuff just, everywhere. Some of which is very blatantly leaking.

I’d assumed Blight just didn’t effect them much if at all lorewise for awhile. Because how effective is a gas weapon against something that doesn’t breathe? But I guess it does so you’d imagine they’d have figured out a counter by now.

I’m starting to think all those former RAS apothecaries in the Argent Dawn are there less over moral disagreement and more because the lab safety protocol was just a pamphlet full of pictures of Slyvanas laughing at you.


*gestures to Major World Powers not knowing what to do with their radioactive waste IRL and instead just stores it somewhere and hope nothing spills or explodes *

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Yeah but they don’t have access to magic.

I mean true, but nobody has had the bright idea to create a small portal to deep in the Great Dark Beyond (or to Argus space area) where the vacuum would suck up the blight like a celestial vacuum cleaner, so here we are


It’s especially weird because the Jaina cinematic during BFL showed us that just ice is enough to clear it. Get a few squads of frost mages equipped with gas masks on duty to slowly clean the ruins up, there is apparently nothing stopping them.


The point I was trying to make is how are they saving resources by doing this? How is Teldrassil and UC being destroyed saving them resources when the level 1-60 (by old scale leveling) still exists and will continue to exist?

I was saying they spent more resources changing things than they would have if they just left them alone.

Now if they were going to make a second version of the Capital Cities like they have a level 70 Dalaran and a level 110 Dalaran and did not wish to make new versions of Darnassus and Undercity then it would make sense but we aren’t hearing anything along those lines.

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Honestly if this is true I hope Tirisfal and Teldrassil get a serious graphical overhaul.


Don’t think it was cleared. Given it’s a gas and she used an icy air blast, and the Blight we used was in liquid form within the cannisters as we were spraying, which means they were liquid in a compressed environment but at air pressure turn to gas.

Assuming that maybe basic Newtonian and Gas Physics works the same in WoW, the Blight was probably turned to Liquid or Frozen and fell to the ground.

Easier to create a phased zone based on an already existent leveling zone for “new content” than to create an entirely new zone and actually destroy the cities. The actual cities are untouched. The Teldrassil scenario was bad on the ground, and the skybox was changed with some flightpaths/boats removed, and Undercity on live just has Bad On The Ground and nothing of Undercity proper was destroyed or affected.

They used (and reused) altered Darkshore/Ruins of Lordaeron maps to represent the destruction of Teldrassil and Undercity, but actual cities were still there. Just phased. Meanwhile, they used those altered Darkshore and Lordaeron maps for quests, scenarios, and other stuff.

And now that BfA’s story is over, they can go back to using the original maps. Don’t have to devote any assets to building a new Teldrassil or Undercity. The assets were never actually removed from the game. They just have to be unphased. And “Teldrassil grew back/Undercity was unblighted and all the NPCs are back,” lets you get away with that narratively.

It’s like the N’zoth invasion maps. Now that N’zoth is gone, they can just phase Uldum and the Valley back to normal. It doesn’t mean the altered zones were a waste of resources. And unphasing is a far better use of resources than building a third, entirely new Uldum and Valley.


Theramore still hasn’t been reclaimed or rebuilt, and Alliance players were pretty dang mad about that back in the day. Some still are.

At this point, it would be more detrimental to the story to basically wash out the impact of Teldrassil/Undercity’s destruction than to just let us live with how miserable this expansion has been.

We can move on. Build new cities. Develop new stories. And for the love of all that is holy, get us the hell away from BFA as quickly as possible.


Irrelevant, not a main city, never was a main city, will never be a main city.

It is quite easy for a MHP to come to that conclusion.